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DEED OF DISTRI$UTZON <br />8V~"€}~!~~2~ PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE <br />(INTr.STATE ESTATE) <br />THIS DEED is made by LUCILE SCHUEI":, as Personal Representative <br />of the Estate a£ WILLIS BAZRD, Deceased, GRANTOR, to LUCILE SCHUEST, <br />CARL BAIRD, TERRY BAIRD, ?NOA"fI BAIRD a/k/a tdE3NTY BAIRD, DANIEL N. BAIRD, <br />a/k~a DANiv_' BAIRD, JOAN RIEDY, JIIDZT'rt PETER, NADINE EDGMOND, DONALD BAIRD, <br />SHARON SZDD~RS, ROBERT HENDRICKSON, JR. and SHEILA HE1V'I3RICKS{R#, Grantees. <br />WHEREAS, Grantor was duly appointed Personal Representative of <br />the Estate of Willis Baird', Deceased by the County Court o€ Hall County, <br />Nebraska:, and is now qualified and acting in said capacity; and, <br />WHEREAS,the Grantees are determined to be the persons entitled. to <br />distribution of the hereina*ter-described real property, and Grantor is <br />,authorized to distribute the same to Grantees; <br />NOW, TIiEREFORE, Grantor conveys, assigns, transfers, and releases <br />to Grantees the £ollowin„described real property: <br />The interest of the Decedent in a Tract of land comprising a part <br />of the Northeast Quarter (NE 4) of Section Twenty-Four (24), Town- <br />ship (I2) North, Range Twelve (12), West of the 6th P.M., Hall <br />Cc;unty, Nebraska and more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the north line of said NE's, said point <br />being seventy-one and eight tenths (71.80) feet west of the <br />northeast earner o£ said NE's and also being a point an the west <br />ri;ht of way line of the state highway; thence westerly along <br />the north line o£ said NEB a distance of seven hundred Forty <br />and six hundredths (740.06) feet to a paint on the prolongation <br />of the west line of Berber Street as shown an the recorded <br />plat of Cairo, :Nebraska; thence southerly alonb the prolonga- <br />tion of the west a£ Berber Street a distance or Two <br />Hundred Ninety Six and Fort,-Six Hundredths (?46.46) feat to <br />a point an the northerly right o£ way line of Burlingtan <br />Northern, Inc.; thence sautheastorly alon€; said :Burlington <br />Northern righ*_ ~~ wav line a ditanc3 of Twc Hundred Fifty <br />Seven and Twenty-Four Hundredths (,vs7.24) feet; thence de- <br />Electing left 90°00' and runnizr~ northeasterly along said <br />3urlingtan :Northern ri;~ht ,f :may line a d~stance of One Hundred <br />ilOc~,c~0) _r'eer; th~'*1Ce ,ic.*l4ctine ,ht g0 ik~' and .unpins <br />sautheasteriy along said Burlin~ton~~iorthern rightToE way Line <br />a distariee cf Four Hundred EigE.ty :dine and gift; Eight Hundredths <br />(vf39.5B) €eet tc a no#.nt an the wF;rrtcriy righC ~.£ way Tine of <br />the State Highway, said paint help; 5ixt;r Seven and EighC Tenths <br />(67.$) feet measured along said Burlington Norehern right of way <br />line from its intersection with the east line of said NE'E; thence <br />northerly along said stag Highway right of way line a distance <br />of Four Hundred Twa and Faur Tenths (402.40) feet to the point <br />of beginning and containing 5.689 acres more or less of which <br />O.SbI acres more or Tess is occupied by public read right of way. <br />togethex with aII enemcnts; hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belong- <br />ing, sub,~ect ~ easements az'rd restrictions of record. <br />A <br /> <br />Dated 'f~,~j,~~, rl 1980. <br />;~ ~Y f `~ _ <br />~" Luci~~u tt, ersana~ !t2presenCaCive <br />- aE the Estate of Sv'iliis Baird, Deceased. <br />STA'T'E OF NEBRASKA ) <br />55. <br />COUNTY pF HALL ) <br />On this day of ~;, ~,',~~,.~~ i!~$O, befUre me, the <br />undersigxced, a Bdotarv ubiic, duly comsrussaop~ec-and qualified Far and <br />residing in slid county and state, personal.Iy acrpeared Lucile. Schuett, <br />Persr~nai Representative of the Estate r3f ~Fillis Baird, Deceaed, to m.~ <br />kzia+~ann to tre the identical lx:rson who executed the foregoing lk~ed of <br />T?istributiort and acknowledged thg saz<ze ro be her v~~Iuntarv art and cio~d, <br />WitneSS my 1'~n~ rl Alata_ri;~2 `Neal the IAA ~r,c? ~.~r t 3 ,r at±s,.~• <br />ley tNvtari.~ ). 4~+mnlssirtn ~1'c~~tr ~ >E ,s `J - <br />Exl+ires:.~~~,~ ~."I.. - __.yn_ ~~~~t,a~,..~-'.f':z'.'~'`."rir z,~"+,ai.~..,am..+~,-_~~_,,.. <br />