<br />I:ttcile Schueii, Personal Representative of the Estate of Laura Mahal
<br />Baird, Deceased, pursuant to the authority granted her by this Court
<br />t€e sail teal estate, in consideration of Forty-Nine Thousand Dollars
<br />($43,000.40) received from grantee, does grant,. bargain, sell,convey
<br />and confirm unto Baasch & Son, Zne. a Nebraska Corporation, grantee,
<br />the following described real property;
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter {NE~)
<br />of Section Twenty-Four {2G), Township Twelve (12) North, Range
<br />Twelve (12), West of the bth P.M., Ha1I County, Nebraska and
<br />more particularly described as follows:
<br />$eginning at a paint on the north line of said NEB said
<br />-paint Ding seventy-one and eight tenths (7LS0) feet west of
<br />the northeast corner of said NEB and also being a point on the
<br />west right of way line of the state highway; thence westerly
<br />along the north line of said NEB a distance of seven hundred
<br />forty and six hundredths {7`•'x0.06) feet to a paint on the pra-
<br />longaiion of the west lino of Herber Street as shown ore the
<br />rr-corded Alai. oi` Cairo, Nebraska; thence southerly along tine
<br />prolongation of the west lint of Herber Street a distance of
<br />Two Hundred Ninety 7ix and Forty-Six Hundredths {Z9b.46) feet
<br />to a point on the northerly right 0f. way line of Burlington
<br />Northern, Inc.; thence southeasterly along said Burlington
<br />Northern righC of wav line a di stancenf Twa Hundred Fifty
<br />Seven and Twenty Faui Hundredths (Z57.Z4) feet; thence de-
<br />flecting Left 90004' and running northeasterly along said
<br />Hnrlinjton Northern right of way line a d~stance of One Hundred
<br />{1CI4.O0) feet; thence deflecting right 9O OO' and running
<br />southeasterly along said Burlington Northern right of way line
<br />a distance of Four Hundred Eighty dine and Fifty Eight Hundredths
<br />{4$9,58) feet to a paint on Che westerly right of way line of
<br />tYze State Highway, said paint being Si_tty Seuen and Eight Tenths
<br />(57.8) feet measured aloz:g said Burlington Northern right of way
<br />line from its intersection with the east line or said NE~•, thence
<br />r~rttkerly along said .state HiF,hway ri~ht of way :.lne a distance
<br />o;' Four Hundred Two and Four Tenths (w02.40) feet to tare point
<br />of Lreginnin~; and containing 5.689 acres mere or Less of which
<br />O.SbL acres more 3r less is csccupi~d 6y public road right of way.
<br />subject to any easements and restrictions of recgrd, roQerhe,- with
<br />ail the 4state, riF,ht title, interest, claim or demand whatsoever
<br />of Said deceaaed of, in and to the; same, ar any part thereof.
<br />To have and ~0 hold Che airave described real property and all
<br />teneznts, hereditaments and appurtczrances thereto belonging unto
<br />Site grantee arrd to grarrtee's successors and assigns forever, and the
<br />grarrtar hereby covezrants that the real property herein described is
<br />free and clear of any Lice ar encumbrance causezi by any claim for
<br />taxes levied against the Estate of Laura Mabel '~aird, deceased.
<br />Dated 5•ePtember 16~ I98O
<br />i j? j)~
<br />Luei~Ie Sc`rrer ,'cersona~ep e cntative
<br />of the Estate of Laura Mabel Baird,
<br />Deceased.
<br />.S`;3.
<br />L'{A3NTti" ;zF I"IP1.L
<br />On thi, Ibtiz day of September, 1.984, isefore mx>_, the undersigned, :~
<br />Ilstar_v i'uplic, duly counn.issioned and qualifie<9 far and resiciin~; in
<br />swill county and state, appeared Lucile Schuett, Pcrsanal
<br />Raresesrtatiae of the Estate of Laura A'uxirel Baird, deceased, t.:o me
<br />rtxwrr to be the identical ixerson wire executed the foregoing; Pcrsanal.
<br />dieprarz;entative's Deed and aeknowlcdged the same to be her voluntary
<br />as;i acrid rix:ed.
<br />ilitzrsrzs ,nty hand and notarial seal fire cia".' and. year 13st above
<br />atritten, 'tyz..t;~t:arial Commission xpir~s: ~ -f ~~~}
<br />a ~ ~ ~rvtary i~z i~i e
<br />