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<br />E L E C T R I C R A S E M E ;d T
<br />&udolf F. Plate and Richard L. Geaa`t, herein called Grantors, in considera-
<br />tion of ~//~' ~+ ('~j'~'1 , receipt of whir_h is
<br />hereby acknowledged, hereby grants and canveys unto the
<br />a municipal corporation in Hall Caunty, Nebraska, herein called Grantee, a permanent
<br />and perpetual easement and right-of-way tc survey, construct, inspect, maintain,
<br />repair, replace, extend, reznnve, and operate thereon overhead utility lines, poles,
<br />ar.eha-s, ~,avsfarZers, artd other appurtenances, carne:-ted therewith, in> upoa> a~[rve>
<br />along, acrasa, and tktraugh a t, act of la^.d l~acatedsn Hart of the Southwest Quarter
<br />of the northwest Quarter {Si: 1/"~, NW 1/4}, of Section Twenty-Four (24), Township
<br />E;lever. {11) North, Range Ten {ZO) West, of the fith P.M., morn. particular described
<br />as follows:
<br />A sixteeu {lfi) foot wide teat.: of land laying eight {8} feet an each
<br />side of a line described ae: beginning at tk.e Southwest corner of
<br />Lot Twelve (12} of Westgate S.,bdivision; thence northwesterly along
<br />the wvsteriy line of said Lot Twelve. (.12) a distance of two hundred
<br />ninety seven and fifty-three hndreths {297.53) feet; thence deflect-
<br />., a
<br />:.ng ,ig::t 49 58'25" and ersntinuinr along the nest l;.ne of said Lot
<br />Tavel=; (l2) distant^_€ of _a., hi;:'?dr'}ea ~~`>I'.'SSt Ctle an:! tw2nt.'°Cn
<br />dreths (fi71.21) feet; thence~Weat parallel with the North line of~the
<br />Southwest Quarter of cha Northwest ~luarter. (Sh+ 1/4, NW 7./4} to the l~:ast
<br />ri8ht-of--wsy litre cf f#nrt,z 8o:~d. S:~c; trs~zt land containing O,b6
<br />3.~r.,~ [a :.._ .~., .3su as ~...,.... oa thy. .,tat 'duted~a rc lu_n „L _.,rd c,._h ~s. i,:
<br />"A", attached t[ereta and~incarporated herein by~reference.~
<br />ttsc thnr t,~~ra the iallvwing rights.
<br />Unrestricted ingress and egress to the above described tract of land ,`or
<br />iriatallation, maintenance, operation and re[caval of such utilities and appurtenances.
<br />5uckt rights of ingress and egress shall include ail tights necessary for the
<br />full and complete use, occuk•~ti.on and enjoyment of the easement herein granted,
<br />inci.tidiHg the right Co excavate and ref iii ditches and wenches, to remove, clear,
<br />and keep clear trees, bushes, izadges, under_r, raw th, and other obstructions inter-
<br />ferin~ with test. i~un~e?girt;;, canstructfar., inspection, n[aintenance, repair, replacement,
<br />extension ramovtl or opt ration of such utilitiea. Na Smprovements, structures,
<br />buf,Id2n~,s, ar fzt~;.cs t.. a[xy king whatsoevice, .:char! be aiiowud Ln, upon, >ebovc~, ral~~[t;,,
<br />acrvt€s, underneatks, ur t hrauRh the zasement 'rerein granted.
<br />A.11, ele:etric utility lines, paler, anchors, transformers, surface [¢arkers,
<br />and 5>t37~Z ::+pp?ar t~ncknaea placr.,d in, upon, above, aloni;, acrra<, and througt; ;uch
<br />k~-as+~a,;nt ~slx&L? r€~[a9,n the pr~3perty of: the G'ranke and mas• be r,-moved .._ rc+pi.e[cvd
<br />et. any clone.
<br />