<br />That:Gte iortgagor will pay the indebtedness as hemutbefore Provided.
<br />Thak the Mortgagor iff the owner of said property in fee simple and has good right and iaw•fut authority t.o se!1 and
<br />convey the saute atuJ that the-attme is ItEe and ciear.of any lien or enavmbrancv.; and that Mortgagor will warrant and defend the
<br />tide to said premises agairtat the claims of all. persona whomsoever. -
<br />To pay immadiatel}r when due and-payable all general taxes, special taxes, special rise-xsmenL. water charges. sew>r serv-
<br />ice charges, and-other taxes-ard charges against said ptnperty, and all fazes levied un the debt secured hereby, and to furnish the
<br />Mortgagee, upon request, with the original or duplicate receipts thereFor. The Mortgagor agrees that iherr shall he added to
<br />each monthly payment required hereunder nr under the evidence at debt secured hereby an a punt rstimatvd by the Mortgagee
<br />to be sttSrcienE to~eaable-the 1Vtortgagee to pay, as [hey become due, all. taxes. assessments. and similar charges upon the prem-
<br />ises subject thereto: any deficiency because of the insufficiency of such additional payments sfiaV ire forthwith deposited by the
<br />Mortgagor with the Iviortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this paragraph shat! be rimmed a default in
<br />payment of lairs, rise-vsments, nr similar charges required hereunder.
<br />The MortgaKor agrees that there shall also tee added to each monthly payment of principal and i!rteres[ required here-
<br />under an amount estimated by the Mortgagee to br swRcient Ur enable the Mortgagee to Pay. as ft becomes due, the insurance
<br />premium nn any insuranm policy delivered to the Mortgagee. Any deficiency because of the insufficiency of such additional pay-
<br />ments shalt Fee forthwith deposited by the MnriKaKnr with the Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagor. Any default under this
<br />paragraph shall lee deemed a default in the payment of insurance premiums. If the policy or policies deposited are such as home-
<br />owners ar all risk pnlic es, and the deposit suArcicrt to pay tL-o rnhre premmm, the MnrtgaKm• _ apply the det> •*ft to
<br />Pay premiums on risks required to tee insured>'rq~rthis mnrtKage.
<br />Payments made by the binrtgagor under th.• ahoy' paragraphs may. at Ihr option of the Mortgagor. hr held by it and
<br />commingled with other such funds nr its own (ands far the iraymvnt of sorb Rem.. and urvil sn epplirrl, such payments are her. 5~~
<br />pledged as security for the unpairi halann• n( the murtgaee indrtded nos=.
<br />Tri procure, delive t .and maintain fur the hrnr•tit ~,( the Mortgagor during the liir of thu mort KaKe ongmal po!irirs sort
<br />ranea~als the-rent, delivt•r_lrxt least ten days lxdore the rz p,ratinn ..f a a,rh Polioirs. msu u K against tiro and ether , arable
<br />hazttrds, <asvalttes and •ontearge .te= as the Mo Lg,K. m t q r. i a nu t coast to h indebtednes, savoured b} this
<br />oat 1 nt. ° [and n f' r ter. pt tY.! oh f Yg -
<br />Mortgage, and m rnmpnnit t ..t t d I th hi t r,- . ~tl I ~ i
<br />gars. In Yh, 'vent anv prb t e r G t t~ 4t i t 't { ! -, t Af tg a t r n th>
<br />impro e7 e~nts. pay Che Pn, run d r+r t l t o _Fail t z n rut L', h ly he n 1 C a t i- rt.h nt -t t t9 r a
<br />forth in said rarie anal yarn Ltr,i shill k e 1 } tt is mr rtti K... I. h r s ihr tr rrt f t.F M. ti,agor t f a r h . e h . wais
<br />as are hen~.ein. regal red ,+r fa m to pn ~ n ti a t n< t h -.. n 3 she II t ik 1 tt- f th ''+1 tgag - rt a de. Canlt
<br />under fhe terms of this murtK«Kt. The detour. ry of such pnl i.s ,lratll, Li tl e ,eat •,f dr farelt. u,nstitufa art rssit;rtrn ut cf the tin
<br />earned premium.
<br />Any sum iced h. the Mortgage<• Sy era, n oP t ~- lnnagc msur-.i -t, 1 a i .t' r ~'.i Iv tt '1 gak,e
<br />and aisPlird to a d Ih• pa~nrent ut the daM herehv ,<cur• L t the opt+nn ~ f th ',1 ng 7,a ch r .- th - ~ ~l I7- n
<br />part may Ix' Paid over ro the Mortgagor to hr used to pine such tnilrhnKs or t, hudd new MrilrhnKS m ,h< r plnu r h., any
<br />other pur4wse or oh{rct satrsfacturv to the Mort Kagee wrthnut aHrrtmK the lien ,m the mnrtKage Lrr the hell am,nrru >, arced beer
<br />by before such payment ever tncrk place.
<br />Tn pnrmptty reps .t- h - 1 arm hmldir - 1 - t w ,r hereatic~r on the 1 f t i++•r
<br />come dnm»Kni or drstrn}•< 1- k- r 1 { are m Kcx,d r r tt r { 1 1 f ( n ~ c <ha I' u I n •s
<br />claim of l+en not rxpmssly ut rrdmated to the lie h f~ t - R 7 rt il ful f .a -- t '('
<br />sai<f propcny n r t prrmrt waste m i t; •rnis t + i s y th ~ t h ~ hr th trop h ~. f m~. r ..d halt !rr
<br />Jt~ valuable. nor to drmini•.h >r varrair its able by } avt. n +mr_.. rn .o a~-f- t< r.,rnrrly srHh -E..rqur, 'tent: .,t tr-w ++nh rr•sPwrt
<br />to the murtgay,ed Premises and Cho use tfi.•nrCrf,
<br />T"hat hold the i a r nn) Part th k r lie: ti c. r r- r k inter n t i ate'rn
<br />praise.ding. or urtdor the right :•tnin nt t.rraa t tr v >thtr p r th- hJ r F tr, J ail l tAI 1 tit r rot -at -'~.
<br />aw»rds, and a¢.y other pav n nt t Iirt tnrn•tor t i t{I t n-,tit. t, tt i ~ Pf! r rein ac. ul isra 'C t t rave""tr in its
<br />own none tiny aettnn ur Pr+x•er•1anK. !r to make r tanrpr me r ~r ttl rt.rt ~, n e,i.i 't -it P rak 1 : Cart X11
<br />compertsatton. ».vanJs, damaKr's. ngfit r>I aetian a-d P r~.a'<Ir t harsh sit{, rer t ti -i-rt,,a- < yh raa her kt4 •. rt:+t r,rxg
<br />theretmm. all its expenses. release any moneys so r..crived by rt sr apply the sae r <,n any ind ht dness .r~ua i
<br />gagor agrees hs execute such further assignments of any cnmpensanun, awards damages, and nghts oC action mu] Pro. •-nl. as the
<br />Mortgagee may require.
<br />That in case of faihrre to perform any of the covenants herein. the Mortgagee may do on the Mortgagor's in•hxi( r.ervthing
<br />so covattanted; that the Mortgagee may also do any act it may deem necessary t.. protect lien therroP, that the Mnrtgngnr .all
<br />repay upon demand any moneys paid or diebu rvrd by the Mortgagee for any of the above purptrers, and wch monr7s together with
<br />urwi and m v tw in~
<br />interest thereon a[ the rate provided in said note shall become so much additional indebtedness hereby ~ -
<br />cluded in any decree foreclosing this mortgage and be paid nut of the rents or prorrerls u( sale of said prrmrses d not athcrusr
<br />paid; that it shall not be obligatory utwn the Mortgagor to inquire into the validity of any lien. c•ncumhranres. nr rlmm m an~
<br />vantxrtq moneys as-above authorized, but nothing herein cnntainetl shall kxa construed as regwnng tht• Mortgagee in advanoe any
<br />mottaya for any such purpose nor to downy act hereunder, and that MortK»Rea shall oat occur any lrt•r-venal tiahility ixa•ause ni sny-
<br />thinq it may da or omit Eo du hereunder.
<br />In the event oI the default by Mortgagor in the payment. of any installment, as rr,•q ui nv( by the Nntr area red hon•bv, or
<br />in the per(utmance of the obligation in this mortgage or in the note .vsured thereby, the Mortgagtw shill he +mutlyd to declare the
<br />debt, secured hereby due and payable without notice, and thn Mortgagou shat! hr entitled at its option. without nnuee. .•rthrr by licit
<br />or by a receiver to be eppuinteei by [he court thereof. and without regard to the adequacy of any security fore the mdefitrdnras so-
<br />rural hereby, to enter upon and take pos9esaiob cif the mortgaged premiss, seal to collect and receive /hr rents. issues and profits
<br />thereof, and apply the saute. .less costs oC operation and c•ollrrtinn. upon the indebtedness secured by ibis mortgage; said reins,
<br />issues end profits-Jra~ing hereby assigned to the Mortgagee ax further security inr thepaymanl of all indebtedness secured hereby.
<br />T'hr Mortgagee shat! have the pcnver lu apiwint any agent or ugenis it mxy desire for the pis rpextr of n•Pauing wed ptrm~
<br />ices; renting the aaate; crolleMing tho rents, revenues and income, and it may pay out of said income all expenses inrtrrreri in reni-
<br />inq and managing the same and of cultecling the rentals therefrom. The balance remaining, it any, shall br applied toward the
<br />discharge of the mortgage indebtedness. This assignment is In terminate and Frrenmr null and void alien release ..f this mortgage.
<br />
<br />
<br />