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<br />T6ia't°~°g° tnada aaa mteced ;nta thla ca ~ , 'r da, of L~.....~7t ~ `~ rrd ,.~-
<br />19 ;byaadbetrreen GERALD E. MANNING AND SHARON J. MANNING, husband aad wife
<br />(hetrSaaftu rc[ecred to as mortgagor) snd the Administrator of the Small Business Admioiseratien, an agency of the
<br />Gavernraeat of dre United States of America (hereinafter referred to ao mortgagee), who maiataim an office and
<br />pla°°afL°°m°rat Empird State Building, 19th & Farttam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 68102
<br />~t13lfaa8t'~. tbu for the Conmderation' herefaafter orated, rceeipt of Which v heaehy the
<br />mortgagtae does hereby mortgage, Dell, Brant, aarigm, aad convoy tmto the mortgagee, hie oaiocdaort snd araigay sll
<br />of the following dese=ibed pmpteriy aitaated' ~ being in the Comty of Hall
<br />State of Nebraska
<br />Tagethcrwirh-and-including all buildfngs, all fixtures including but nut limited te, ail Iztumbing, heating, light-
<br />ing, ventilating, refrigeratintt, incinerating, air rundiiiauint; upparalu,, and eltvatars (the morigaKor hereby
<br />derlnring shat it ir, inerndezl that the ilezns herein enumeraityl ,hail far deetnrd to crave been permanently in-
<br />ntallevi an part of the renhy), mzd nl! impntvenrrnta nom or he~reaftrr e~istins; thereon; ttre hereditamentx and
<br />appurienamxs. and all whet riy;hts [hereunto belonging, or cut pnca'isa apteertaittinp„ mul the revrc ion uad re-
<br />ver.iuns, remainder and rrnradndrrs, air ri~Itln of redemption, and the rents, issue,, anti profits of she about
<br />tlesaribed- property (provided, hua'ovrr, that the muA gager shall In• rntitlyd is the pu,,r.,ion of ,uid property
<br />and to toffee! an:! retain the rents, is,ue,, and profits until dz•1'ault hereunder). To have and to hold the sanzr
<br />onto, iha mart„agee azzel the aut~€e._siers in ihtezesF of zhr :n.urlt;agee furrv~r ire fee ample or :zzclz other estate,
<br />if.:tays as is stated herein.
<br />The mortgagor cozienants that he io IawfulTy seined and poaseeeed of and has the right to sell and convey said
<br />property; that tho wine is Yiee from all encumbrances except as hereinabove recited; and that ht hereby biatL
<br />himseU and hu succeswra in interest to warrant and defend the title aforeeatd thereto and every part thereof against
<br />tbH CTa7ml. of tll: paraow W11oma00V eT.
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<br />This inetramrat io given to assure the payment of a pmnziesorv note dated ~~,~GL~.~-~rj~~'7~ ?'..i~ ~-
<br />ia ahe-principal sum of E' 33,~00~.00 , oigrted'by Gerald E. Pianning and 5hafon J. Piamting
<br />in la..hatf of themaelvas
<br />,a4 rorm.9Yi~~t?"2,t) r.i.egw Fd1,1rN~H Gi.,,lsa.
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