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---,..~ <br />r------ <br />t, <br />MORTGAGE <br />f MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 2,3,817 <br />ta~towAU.MENavTttESEpsIFSEN~ts:Tt>at Thomas R. Mason and Geraldine K. Mason, each in his <br />and her own right, and as spouse of each other <br />Mort~z, whcttier one or more, is wnsideration of the cam ~' <br />Thirty-five Thousand and No/100 -------------------------------------------------- Dpyl,A~ <br />loaned to said rmrtgagor by The Egtaiabk Btriiding and l,rran Association of Gramt Island, Nebraska, Mortgagor, upon . 35O shares of stodi of <br />said ASSOCIATTON, Certscatc No. L 23s 817 , do hereby grant, worry and mortgage unto ttre said ASSOCIATION ~ foBovviog <br />tksaihed real estate, situated in (tail County, Nebraska: <br />A PART OF THE EAST HALF (E'z) OF LOT FOURTEEN (14) OF VANTINE'S SUBDIVISION, <br />LOCATED ON A PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW'-a) OF SECTION TWENTY-TWO (a°Z), <br />IN TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (11) NORTH, RANGE NINE (9) .JEST OF THE SIXTH P.M., MORE <br />PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 6EGINNING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION <br />OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 14 OF VANTINE'S SUBDIVISION WHERE SAID NORTH <br />LiPr'E iNTEiiSECTS WITH THE "rRO~ECTED EAST SIDE vF PINE STREET; RUNNIP:G THENCE <br />EAST ALONG AND UPON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 14, A DISTANCE OF 135 FEET; <br />THENCE AT RIGHT ANGLES SOUTH AND PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 14, A <br />DISTANCE OF 66 FEET; THENCE WEST PARALLEL TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 14, <br />R DISTANCE OF 135 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SOUTH PINE STREET; THENCE NORTH <br />ALONG AND UPON THE FAST-LINE OF PINE STREET, A DISTANCE OF 66 FEET 70 THE <br />POINT OF BEGINtJING, BEING IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />together with all the unements, heredi[amertts and appurtenances thereunta belonging, including attached Hoar wrerings, a6 window screens. <br />window shades, btmds, storm windows, awnings, heating, as wndi[ianing, and plumbing and water equipment and accessories thereto, pump, stores, <br />refrigerators, and ether tixtu:es and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in wnnection with said real estate. <br />And whereas the said trrortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the rnartgagor shall and will pay all taxes and assessnien[s levied oz <br />assessed upon said premises and upan this mortgage and the bond secured therebv bcfnre the same shall became delinquent: to furnish approved <br />insurance upon the buildings on said p:ernises situated to the sum o(S 35 , OOQ. OO payable to said ASSIX;IA'C10N and to detirer to said <br />ASSO('IAT10N the polities for said insurance; and not to wmmit ur permit any waste on ar about said premiers; <br />In case of dtfa!dt irz ttx; pezformanu of any of the €arms and ttmditiurts of this rrwrtgage ur thx band s~:currd tn°.rtby. the uarrigagor shalt, <br />on demand, he entitled [o immediate possession of the mortgaged prtmtses and Iha mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers and se[z orer to the <br />mortgagee all the rents, revenues apd income to be denved from the mortgaged premises daring such time az the mortgage indebtedness shall remain <br />unpaid; and the mortgagee shall }rave the power to appain' any age:n ur agents it may desire Cor the purpose of ropairkng said prcrnises and renting <br />the same and wllecting the rents, revenues :md incamt, and it tray pay out of said iacx>me aiE espansts of aepairirtg said premises and necessary <br />wtnntissians and expenses incurred in renting and rnanaetng the same and of t~uilectins, rentals therefrom; the balance remaining, it any. to be <br />appikd toward the discharge of lard mortgage indebtednc^n; these rights ul the mortgagee rr,ay he exercised aF arty tusk dunng the existence of such <br />default, irrcxpectire of any temporary wairer of the same. <br />Thex Presents, however, me upon thr Condition, That il' the said Mortgagor shall reply said loan on ur before the maturity of Ytd shares by <br />paytnen[; pay monthly Ia said ASS(K'IATION a1 the sum specified in the liund secured he:ebv as mtemst znd principal vn said Ivav, un m !afore <br />the Twemkth day of each and erery month, tmtil said loan is f Wty paid: pay all taxes and assessments levied a°~ at raid premises and un this Mortgage <br />and the Bond secured thereby, before delinquepcy; (urmsh approved insurance upon the buildingz thereon m [ht sum of $ 35 , OOO.OO payable <br />[o said ASSOCIATION: repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand all money by rt paid far such tales, aszessmmtts and insurance with mterest at <br />the rrtaximum Iega( rate thereon from date of payment all vl which Mortgagor hereby agreos to pay; permit no waste on said premises; keep and wmply <br />with all the agreements and wnditions of the Bond for 5 35, OOO. OOthis day giren by the sand Mortgagor to lard ASSOIIATION, and comply <br />with all the requirements ul the Constitution and By-taws of said ASSO(:IATI(lN; then these presents stall become nub and raid, otherwise they <br />xha6 romain in fu6 Imct and tray be foreclosed at the option of the sail ASS(X'i A'CION after failmt for three months to make any of card <br />payments or lie three months in arrears in making said monthly payments. ur to keep and comply with the agreements attd wnditiuns of sasJ Bvnd; <br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a receiver appointed forthwrih in such furedusure proceedings. <br />If there is any change m ownership of the reel estate mortgaged herein, by sale ur utherwtse, then the entire remaining mdebttdness here6v <br />a'ecured shah, ai the optimt of'Cte Equitablt Building and Loan Assuciaton uC (;rand island, Nebraska, betume itrtmediattly dot and payable without <br />further notiw, and the amount rcinaining due under sand bond, and any other band Cor any addihmtal advances made thereunder, shall, from the <br />daft of extrciae u( said aption, bear interest :d the mvtimum legal rate, and this mortgage may then be ioreclosed to satiny the amount due un said <br />bund,apd any other band for additional udrances, IogeWer with all sums paid by s;ud The I:yuitsbk Building and Loan Associatton of Grand Island, <br />Nehraitka fur imtuanw, taxes and assessments, and abstracting extension charges, with mmrtst thereon, from dau of payment st the srtaximum <br />legal rate, <br />A4 provided in the ~3ond ensured hereby, wfiile this mortgage remains m effect the mortgagee may lxreaftu advance additional sums to the <br />tnakeRpt said Bond, their assigns ur succsswrs in interest, which stuns shall be within the secmtty ut this mortgage the same as the funds originally <br />sectued thereby, the total anwuntuf pnncipa! debt not to sawed at any hint the ungtnat utwunt of this nwrigage. <br />Sttdedthin 9th day of October ,y Il„IyAO <br />r <br />Geraldine Y.. Mason <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA. ~ On this 9th flay oC OCtober I<)90 ,before sin, <br />COUNTY OF HALL <br />the mtdersigned, a Notary Public in and for said Caunty, personally came <br />Thomas R. Mason and Geraldine K. Mason, each in his and her own rii~fht, and as s ot~se~of <br />each other are per~O" y own to <br />ine to be the identical pe ~ ~., (} p e S are affixed to the above instrtimept ;ss mortgagar S and they severally <br />adcrrowkdgtd the ;aid " ~t6'rt~fr~Lft~~eR •, ~~a voluntary act and deed. <br />Wt t't4_t ~hand and Npt~ri~ al the date aforesaid. <br />My ~amr~.issCf~Ut~ON;t. - -'1 t .ILK i <br />taraza m ~.~Natary Pttbtic <br />~••tl' C :. s ~bl~ . <br />~~~TFa'F NEe~~`,~ <br />