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r---, <br />-. ~-~_ ti <br />so--= r-E _ ~sss 11~4}~Ai~~ <br />q <br />Thi. m made and. mttt:eea into. this .7Ih~ ay of ~ "E'l) <br />19 $a ,by and between Douglas P. Taylor and Pamela S. Taylor, husband and wife, <br />(hereinafter referred to ae mortgagor) and the Administrator of the Small Btniness A_..ts-t_~+~, m agency of the <br />Government of the IInited States of America (hereinafter referred to as mortgagee), wha maintaitm an o@um sad <br />place ofbneinessrt Empire State Building, I9th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 68102. <br />R!ttrnettssre, that for the consideration hereinafter stated, ecceipt of whidt v betehq adtnswkd~ed, the <br />~ntortgagor dod hereby mortgagor, cell, Rran4 amigo, and Canvey unto the mortgagee, his sucoesaats and sIi <br />of the following described propetty situated and being in the Comty of Hal.1 <br />State of Nebraska. <br />A tract of land comprising a part of Lot ltaelve (12) Vantines Subdivision in the city <br />of Grand-Island, Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows; <br />Beginning at a point on the north line of said Lot Twelve (12) said point being One <br />Hundred'Ninety-Seven {197.0} feet East of the Northwest Corner of'sai$^LOt','ltaelve (12); <br />thence Southerly parallel to the West line. of said. Lot Twelve (12), a distance:af One <br />Hundred Thirty-Two (132,0} feet, to a point on the South line of said Lot 'ttaelve (12); <br />thence Westerly algng said South line of Lot Twelve (I2), a distance of Five Tenths of <br />One ,Foot (0.5,); thenee,Northerly a distance of One Hundred Thirty-Two (132) Feet to the <br />place of beginning,. and the East One Hundred Feet (I00) of the West Two Hundred Ninety- <br />Seven (297) Feet of Lot Twelve (12), in Vantines Subdivision, located on part of the <br />Northwest Quarter (NW's) of Section Twenty-Two (22}, Township Eleven (11) North, Range <br />9 West of the 6th P.TM„ in Hall County, Nebraska, <br />TotSethan withaml includinyt all buildings, oll fixtures including but nut limited to ull plumbing, hrutittg, figlu- <br />in;G, vrntilatinp„ refrigerating, incinerating, air conditiw+ing apparatus, and elevators {the n+urtguKur hrrrlty <br />rlrclarintt that it is intended [hut the i1a•nu hrrriu enumerated ,.hall br derntrd to hove hero prnuunently in- <br />stalled a, port of the really ),and all iutpruveutents now ur hrraafler existing thereon; the hrredituntrnts and <br />uppurtenamra and~all odtar right. dtereunto belonging, or in utt}-n'ise appertaining, mrd the reversion and rr- <br />wersipns, remainder and remainder., all rights of redemption, nod the rent., issues, and profits of dte above <br />described property (provided, however, that the nwngagor .hall hr +•ntitlyd io the pos.•rssiuu of ,aid property <br />and to co11er1 and retain the. rents, issues, and profits until defmtlt hereunder). Tn have and to hold the sa utr <br />untu~.lhe murtl;agee and the successors iu interest of the awrtgager Gtrever in fee simple or .urh other a late, <br />if atn, as le stated herein. <br />The mortgagor covamaots that he is lawfully sciud and possessed o[ and has the right to sell and convey said <br />property; that the same is free fram all enetunbranees except as hereinahove recited; and that he hereby binds <br />himself and his-suecvesora in intereai to warrant and riefead the title aforesaid thereto and every part theceot against <br />the cTttima of all persaos whomsoever. <br />This instrument is given to xrcure the payment of a promissory aotr stated /L' --' _ ~3) `~_•~ <br />in the principal sum of R 22,900.00 , signed by Douglas !'. and V' S, l'aylur <br />in hehati ,.t themselves. <br /> <br />