<br />i __
<br />// murtgge made a>ad entered inter ti>ia 'Y2~~ ehty of ~, ~,t-P,.~i "~~:a
<br />19 ~tr,,byandbetweea Robert D. and :Beth- M. Dwyer, husband and wife.
<br />(hereiaafter referred to as mortgagor) and the Administrator oI the Small Busiaeas Adttsinistratiots, an agtmcy of the
<br />Government of the United States of America (hereinafter refereed to ere mortgagee}, who maintains as of&tx and
<br />pbmeofbtuiaetrat EmpirB State Building, 39th & Farnam, Omaha, Nebraska 68102/
<br />WernaesaTa, that for the consideration hereinafter elated, receipt of which v hereby acknowledged, the
<br />moitpgor doa hereby mortgage, sell, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, his aticexaaore .nd arigaa,'dl
<br />of the following deatzibed property aitruted and being in the Cottnty of Hall
<br />Sate erf Nebraska.
<br />,Lot F,ou>' (4),.Blotk 6ne (1),, in ,Capital Heights Second Sub-
<br />division, being a part of the .Southwest Quarter (SW's) of Section
<br />.Two (!2),.Township,Eleven.(11)'Noxth, Range. Ten (EO) West of
<br />the 6th P.Pf., Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />i
<br />Together avith and including all buildings, all fixtures including 6w not limited to all phunbing, heating, light-
<br />ing, ventilgting, refrigerating, ineinrrating, air rondil%oning, ap-wratu~, and elevators (the muri>;agor hereiry
<br />declaring that it i. intruded that the itrntr herein enunearnterl .hall la+ deemed to have been permanrnily in•
<br />~tslird u. Bart of the realty), anel all ineprocrnn•ttL. nnw or hrresfirr esi ling phrrrun; the hcrrtlitamrnts and
<br />appurtenatieex and all other rights therrnnte belonging, pr in ariywiae apprriaininyt, and the t•eversinn and rr•
<br />ver.ioms, re•maindrr and rentaindrrs, alt ri);hts' of reelrnyt[itm, and Elie rent., issue-., and prvefits of the above
<br />derrribad- property- (provided, however, that the mortgagor .hall hr ewetiiled io the po...e•....ion ul' quid property
<br />ar.:.e to,extllt-wet and retain the rcnta, ise,ue., aad pea&tu tmtil defatdt hereuadrr), To have anJ to hold 4ha wmr
<br />unto :he tnortgay{re salt the sertwx ors in interee~t of the. enorigagee forever iu fee ~impie or Hach other estate,
<br />I€ anp, ere is stated heroiu.
<br />late mertgagarmvegauts that he is Lwfedly seiasd and pearwed of aad hers the right to eels erred cmvey aid
<br />P~pertY:• that tire: wme a fere from alt eueombraares except u beranabuva rscited; and that he-here~bY biada
<br />hiauelf turd his eucreax,ra is interest [o vvarran! aad +letead the title alorraaid thrrcta and every part thereof against
<br />tba claints.of all~ptersgps. whotpsoever.
<br />fihia invtrumeitt ie given to secure the iiayment of a promissory note ilated ' _`' ~ ` ~ r " `' 4 `I ~`` ,
<br />ia.the piittt:ipal:sutn.ot S•..1D,gpq,Ot),.+ig::ed by Robert i). and Beth ?i, t?wycr
<br />inMhait~t themselves.
<br />5aA rue ~><t tl+rie.eHe•i~.,t_a(ltlwy ._. tda,.s...
<br />