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~.~_ <br />,i <br />TlsaJetottgagn made sod entmea into thin I5 6 ~ay at ~G~t7iaP ~ df <br />i9 ~ , by and betsreea Leo F. Bonneau and Margaretta S. Bonneau, httsband and' wife, <br />(hereinafter referred to ae mortgagor) and the Administrator of she Small Bttmem Adttainistratido, as agertey of the <br />Government of the United States of America (hereinafter referred to as mortgagce), who maintains m olSce and <br />piaoeofbmimaat Empire State Building, 19th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 68102. <br />ptlra~efar that- for the awnrderatfon hereina[ter elated, receipt of which. is hereby admtsnkdgad, :ttbo <br />mortgagor does hereby mortgagq Bell, i[ran4 amigo, and convey nato fire mortgagee, hie amcseeaaoaa and aaoogtts„aJl <br />o[ the following deaeribed property aitnattxl and being in the Cormty of gall <br />State of Nebraska <br />Lot Six (6}, in Block Seeen (7}, tat Claussen Country View _, <br />Addition, an Addition to the City of .Grand. Island,; Nebraska, <br />Tottelher with and including all buihlinKs, all fixtures including but not limited to all plumbing, heaiinK, light- <br />ing, ventilating, refrigerating, ineineraNng, air conditioning ap{>srattts, aced elevators (eho mortgagor herrbv <br />drelaring that it is intended that the item, herein enumerated xhall hr derutrd to have been prrmaurntly in- <br />stat-rd as part of the realty), and all improvements now ur 6errptftrr existing thrrrmt; the herrditament» and <br />appurienam+rs and-all other right: thereun[n belonging, or in anywise appertaining, mul the rrversian and rr- <br />versions, remainder and remainder:, all rixhts of rrdemptimt. and the rents, issues, and profits of the ubovr <br />dearritted property (provided, however, that the rnortgugor shall lr~ rntided io ihr posers-+iun of maid property <br />and to collect and retain ihr rents, issues, and profit; until default hereunder). To have and io hold the same <br />unto the utor[gapee and the sucerssors in interest of the naorRgagee forever in far simple or Ouch other e,;tate, <br />if any, n+ is staled herein. <br />The morSgegoc eovenaat^ that he is 3awfully seised and poeeeesed of and ban the right to Bell and convey ^aid <br />property; that the same is free from all encumbranee^ except as hereinabove recited: and that hr hereby bind. <br />hirwelf and. hie euccasora igintereet to warren.[ and defend the title aforesaid thereto and curry part thereof against <br />the clrim^ oC al! petsotu whasa^oever. <br />This instrument is given to secure dte pavntent of a ~mieaory note dated t - - <br />ia the prinripul sum of E 12,400.00 , signed by f.eo F. Bonneau and *€argaretta S <br />,a het,»1t „f theme elves. <br />saA i+,e "ika i 3-". i i S''•`a+w ^$iy+,w .r, atiwt+.. <br /> <br />~~ <br />husband and Wife, <br />