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so-=os5s8s <br />NIOR~G~~E <br />This mortgage-made and etttered into this 25th day of January <br />1980 , by and between John A. Albers and Marilyn Lee Albers <br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) and Five Points Bank <br />(hereinafter referred to ae <br />mortgagee), who ol5ce and place of bttsiness at 2015 North Broadwell , Grand Island, <br />Nebraska 68801 <br />Wtslvgtseet3, that for the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the <br />mortgagor does hereby mortgage, x11. grant, assign, and convey onto the mortgagee, his euccemors and arigw. all <br />of the iolhtwing described property sitttated and being in the Cotmty of Hall <br />State of Nebraska <br />An undivi3ed one-third (1/3) interest <br />in Office Unit B in the Grand Island <br />Doctors-Building Condominium Property <br />Regime, Lot 1, Saint Francis Medical <br />Subdivision, City of ,rand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska, as defined in the <br />Master Deed. Creating Grand Island <br />Doctors Building Condominium Property <br />Regime, incorporated herein by this <br />reference. <br />Tngethor with and iaclading all buildings, all lixtnrea iaciuding but not limited to oll plumbing, hratisg, lighting, <br />ventilatieg, refrigerating, incinerating, air conditioning apparatus, and eievatora (the utortgagor hereby declaring that <br />it is iateaded that the items breein enumerated shall be deemed to have been permanendv iastalied a.. part of the renityl, <br />and all improveme rata now or hereafter exiasing thererw; dtr, hereditnmc rats and nppurtenancr.a uad oil other rights therr- <br />uoto belonging, or in eaywiae appertaining, end the revereiun end reversioua, remainder and remaindere, ull rights o[ <br />rrdemptioa. and the rents, teases, end profits of the above described properly (provided, hawe.•ca that the mortgaRrn <br />shall be entitled to the possession of acid property and to collect and retain the. rents, issues, rand profits until default <br />hereunder). To have rand to hold the same unto the mortgagee anJ the successors in interest of the mortgagee forever <br />in fee simple or such other estate, if any, us is stated herein. <br />The mortgagor covenants that he is lawfully seised and possessed o[ and hm tha right to Bell and convey said <br />property; that the same is free from all enctunhrencee except as heroinabove recited; and that he hereby binds <br />himself and his successors in intsrrat to warrant and defend the tide aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against <br />the c4ims of ail persotu whomsoever. <br />ua~rante~ <br />This instrument ie given to secure the payment of a ~tatto dated JanuaryLU, 1978 <br />in rite prinoinal sum of $112 , 133.33 ,signed by John A, Albers and <br />in behalf of Marilyn Lee Albers <br />sera FORM 92812-'131 PR@VIO US eUl'r10N5 P. qr: Oa50t.~TL- <br />