80--(l ~? ~ 677
<br />tPartiei~fri~}
<br />This-mortgage made and enteredinto this 25th day of January -
<br />19 80 , by and between Dudley G. Mack and Bette J. Mack
<br />(hereinafter tre[emd to as mortgagor) and Five POI.nt:3 Bank
<br />(hereinafter treferred-tom
<br />mortgagee), who maintaioe an of6rx and place oCbnaineae at 2015 North Broadwell, Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska 68801
<br />WttwFSSe~rx, that for the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which ie hereby acknowlt~ged, the
<br />mortgagor does hereby mortgage, sell, grant, amigo,:and convey unto the mortgagee, his wccessors and assigtaa, all
<br />of the following described- propertyttittuted and being in the County of Hall ,
<br />Store of Nebraska
<br />An undivided one-third (1/3) interest, in
<br />0££ice Unit D in the Grand Island Doctors
<br />Building Coitdaminum Property Regime, Lot
<br />1, Saint Francis Medical Subdivision,. City
<br />o£ Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, as
<br />defined in the Master Deed Creating Grand
<br />Island Doctors Building Condominium Property
<br />Regime, incorporated herein by this reference.
<br />'Cagetherwiih amt inclndtngall huildtag±;, all fixtures including but trot limiu•d to all plumbing, heating, lighting,
<br />ventilating, refsigerating, incincmting, air eoaditiuning apparatus, sad elevators Idur mongegur herrhv declarinK that
<br />it is intended that the itetas herein rnumrrated shall -te deemed to hove been permanently ia~talled as pact of the renlt_v),
<br />and all impmvrments now ur hers[ter cxi Ming thrnron: the hrrediurmants and xppuru•nanr•rs and ulI other rights thrrr-
<br />unto belonging, or in anywise appcnxining, :sod the revrr.,ion and rrcersiona, rrmaindrr and remainders, all rights of
<br />redemp[ion, sad the-rents, issues, anti profits of the abo yr desert bed pn.prm• 1 provided, hnw+•vrq that the mo ngxtror
<br />shall be entitled to the poazeasior, of said pmprny and to oollect sad retorts the rent+?, issues, and profits antic default
<br />hcrrunded. '1'o hove and to hold the same• unto th.• mortgnger and the sunrrss+vs in in u•rrst of the mungagrr Purr vrr
<br />in fee simple oe such other restate, if any, ns is sorted hrreia.
<br />The mortgagor covenants than he is Iawfnlly seized and poeeemed of and has the right to sell and convey said
<br />ptnperty; that the same ib free from all encumbrances except as herrinabove rericed; and that he hereby binds
<br />himself and hie successors in interest to warrant and defend the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against
<br />theclaims of all-perwas whomsoever.
<br />arantee
<br />This instrument ie given to eecttre the uayntent u[ a7at07e doted January 20, 1978
<br />is the pritneipal sum of S 69, 333.34 ,signed by Dudley G. Mack and Bette J. Mack
<br />is behalf of -
<br />