so--c3c~~s~s A~QRfiG~I~E
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<br />Tbs mortgage made and entered into this 25th day of January
<br />19 80 , bq and between Russe 11 L, Davis -and Cynthia H_ Davis
<br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) and Five Points Sank
<br />(hereinafter referned to as
<br />mortgagee), who maintains an office and place of bttainees at 2015 North Broadwell, Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska 68801
<br />Wrrtvttssrrrr, that for the consideration hereinafter elated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the
<br />mortgagor does hereby mortgage, Bell, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, his successors and aeeigos, all
<br />of the foltowitig deeeribed property situated and being in the County of ,
<br />State of
<br />An undivided one-third (1/3} interest in
<br />Office Unit D in the Grand Island Doctors
<br />Building Condominium 2roperty Regime, Lot
<br />1, Saint Francis Medical Subdivision, City
<br />of Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska, as
<br />defined in the 'Mater Deed Creating Grand.
<br />Island Doctors Building Condominium Property
<br />Regime, incorporated herein by this reference.
<br />'l'oget1rcr with xad-including all building_r, all fixtures including but tent limited to ull plumbing, heuting, lighting,
<br />ventilating, refrigeratiag, incinerating, air coaditioaing apparatus, and elevaWrs (!he mortgagor hereby declaring that
<br />it is intended that the items hrenin enumerated shall br deemed to have been pemtanenlly installyd as part of the mat h~),
<br />and all itaprovawents now or bereefler existing then~nr; Ihr hereditnments and nppurtennnees and nII other rights thrn•-
<br />unto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the revrniun sad reversions, remainder xnd re nninden, all rigbta of
<br />redemption, and the rent?;, issues, turd pn,(its of the uLuve dr~eribcd pmperh (pnwided, hut.-rvor, that the mortgagor
<br />shall be entitled to the pusscssioa of said pmpeny and to coiled and retain the ants, issucn, and profits anti) default
<br />hereunder). To hove and to [told the same unto the urtgagee and the +ucsw•s.or« .n lnten•st of the mortRaF.~.• 1'nn•vcr
<br />in fee simple or such other etitate, ii any, as is stated fierein.
<br />The mortgagor covenants that he ie lawfully seized and possessed o[ and has the right to sell and Canvey said
<br />property; that t}te came ie tree from all encumbrances except ae hereinabove recited; and that he hereby binds
<br />hitnself acid his auecessare ip interest to warrant apd defend the title aforesaid thereto and rvery part thereof against
<br />rho elaitas of aP persona whomsoever.
<br />guarantee
<br />')'his inserument.ia given tweecure the papntent of a ~p711Dpg dated JanU3ry 20, 1978
<br />i3ttheprincipalsumoiS69,333.33 ,sigttedbt Russell L, Davis and
<br />in behalf of Cynthia H. Davis
<br />i..
<br />S6A FORM 52A /2•?31 Gfi F: VI(J U~ t: ()IT l~_iN': Nfi t. ~:r FiS~)~,E iF
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