<br />s~- j,cl~s r5 Mt~~~GAGE
<br />~~~
<br />Thin muh: and entered into this 25th day of January
<br />24 BO , by and hetweea G. Douglas Camplin and Judith A. Camplin
<br />(hereinafter r~erred b as mortgagor) and Five Points Bank
<br />(ber®naft~ r~erred to a
<br />mortgageej, wha maintain as o15ce and place of imainea at 2015 North Broadwel 1, Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska b8B01
<br />Wtnvaseerx, that #or the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby aeknowledsad, the
<br />mortgagor dons herby mortgage, sell, gent, arign, and convey uMO the mortgagee, his eatxc+eora and sssigas, all
<br />of the foporring described property situated and•being in the Catmty o[ Ha 11
<br />State of Nebraska
<br />An undivided one-third (1/3) interest in
<br />Office Unit. D in the Grand Island Doctors
<br />Building Condominium Property Regime, Lot
<br />1, Saint Francis Mi:dical Subdivision, City
<br />of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, as.
<br />defined in the Master Deed Creating Grand
<br />Island Doctors Building Condominium Property
<br />Regime, incorporated herein by this reference.
<br />Together with acrd iucluding all buildings, al( fixtures including but not limited to nil plumbing, heating, lighting,
<br />veatilatiag, refrigerating, incinerating, air comditioaing apparatus, and elevators (the torgagor hereby declaring that
<br />it is intended that the items hreein ent:merated shall be, deemed to have been permanently installed as part of the realty),
<br />and all improvememter sow or hereafter existing theesoa; the hereditaments and appurtenances and all ocher rights there-
<br />uato belmging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remaindr.r and remainders, all rights o[
<br />rrdelaptfoa, sell the rettte, issuer:, and praffls of the above described property (prtvided, however, that the mnrtgagc.r
<br />shall 6c entitled to the poaaessiom of said propcry and trt collect and retain the rents, issues, and profits nnet) default
<br />hereumdarj. To have aad~to [told the same unto the mortgagee and the successors in interest of the mortgagee forever
<br />in tee ample or suah_other estate, if any, as is stated herein.
<br />The mortgagor covenants that ha is Lwfnlly wired and possessed o[ and hen the right to sell and convey said
<br />property; that cite same is free from all encumbrances except an hereinabove recited; and that he hereby binds
<br />himself and his sueeesnorn In interest to warrant and defend the title aforesaid dtereto and every pan thereat against
<br />the claims of all. pusoeu whomsoever.
<br />uaxantee
<br />Thin in.trument is given to secure rho nnyment of a yNWSyCWriC {rated January 20 , 1978 .
<br />inehapritttapalwmo[$69,~3:3.33 ,signedh> G, Jougla3 Camplin and ,
<br />iabeltalfof Judith A. Camplin
<br />SNA KOflM i3n {].F fl Fai:ViCi 115 F()I"r,ONS AH[ Crab Oi.E rt~.
<br />