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~'._._". <br />8b- ~c~lss72 1VIOI~AGE <br />~~ <br />TLiamortgage made-gad entered ffito thu 25th ~y ~ JaIIUary <br />14 80 , by gad betxeen David V. Lofgreen and Lana L. Lofgreen <br />(hereinafter rdemed to as mort~gorl snd Five Points Bank <br />(hereinafter referred to a <br />mortgagee), who mainlmirtn as once and place of boeiaeea at ZO15 North Broadwell, Grand Island, <br />Nebraska <br />Wtrntssrra, that for the conaideratioa hereinafter stated. receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the <br />mortgagor dosehereby mortgage, Bell, grant, aaeign, gad convey unto the mortgagee, hia atreceeeors and amigtn, all <br />of the following described property aittuted and being is the Cotmty of hall , <br />State of Nebraska • <br />At1 undivided one-half interest; in Office Unit Gin <br />'the Grand Island Doctors, Building Condominium Property <br />Regittie,' Lot 1, Saint Francis Medical Subdivisions City <br />of`Gx^and Island, Ha1L County,. Ne'braskay as defined in <br />the'Master Deet3' Creating Grand Island Doctors' Hvildng <br />Condominium PropeY~ty'Regime; incorporated herein by this <br />r~feren'ce. <br />Togeeaherwith aud~ineluding-all buildings, all fixtures including but nut limited to all plumbing, healing, ligh[ing, <br />veetilatittg, refrigerating, ineioerating, air conditioning apparatus, and rievmurn (the mortgagor hereby declaring that <br />it is inleuded that the items hrecin enumerated shall he deemed [o have been permanently installed as part of the real n•), <br />gad alt impmvewe uta auw or-hereafter existing thereon; the bereditaments gad appurtrnauces and all other rights therr- <br />tuuu belonging, or iu anywise appertaining, and the revrreion and rcrersions, remainder and rrmminden., all rights of <br />redetaptl+ta, and the rents, issues, and profits of the alwve drscsikx:d property (provided, huwrve r, that the murtgatx, ,r <br />shall be eati[led to the pussession_of said pmpeny ar[d to eo(Iret and mtain the: rents, issuex, and profits until defaalt <br />hereunder?. Tu have arzd to hoitl=the same, unto the. mortgagee. and the successors in interest of the murtgwge.~ Parever <br />ip, lee simple or such outer estate, if any, as is stinted hereto. <br />The mortgagor ebvenama that he is lawfnlty seised and possessed o[ and has the right to sell and convey said <br />propertg;_thRt the same from. all encumbrancee except ae hereinabove recited; and that he hereby binds <br />hirtwelf attd hie-euc¢eeaore in intermit to xazrant and defend the title aforeenid thereto and every part thereof against <br />Iltlp ebiitaa of all. poreona.whompaever. <br />Thip instrumegt.ia.given to secure the payutent of a promissory note dated January 20, 19?8 <br />in tlt$pripeipal:e.mofE$ae$82•~ ,signed 6; David V. Lofgreen and Lana L. Lofgreen <br />in behalf of <br />Snai FORM 925 ([-J3} PiiE YIO US EC1.Ii1CaN5 AHt ~'~pSU~~TE. <br />