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~- <br />t <br />s4-= ~}ci ~s7i 1l~QRTGA+~E <br />fPa~ticipstitfd) <br />This motgage made sad entetrtni into this 25th day ~ Janttarp <br />19 80 , by and between William J. Thiemann <br />(hereinafter refexred to sa mortgagor) and Five Points Sank <br />{hereinafter referred to-as <br />tttort¢ eel, who maiataina-an afbtx and place oC buainees at 2015 North Broadvell, Grand Zslaad, <br />Ke~raska <br />W1rNFS5ETH, that for the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which ie hereby acknowledged, the <br />mortgagor does-hereby mortgage, ael!, grant, amigo, and convey unto the mortgagee, hie eacexaeors and assigtts; all <br />of the following described property sittuted and being in the Cotmty of Ha11 , <br />State of Nebraska <br />Art undivided one-half interest in Office Unit Gin <br />the Grand Island Doctors Building Cotidominium Property <br />Regime, Lot. 1, Saint Francis Medical Subdivision,.. City <br />of Grand, Island, Hall County,, Nebraska, as defined in <br />the Master Deed Creating Grand Island,DOCtors Building <br />Condominium Property Regimer incorporated herein by this <br />reference. <br />•Cogeihrr with and inclading all bntldingx, alt fixtures ineludiug but nu[ limited to all plumbing, heating, Iighling, <br />ventilating, re(eigeroting, ineinrrating, air mmditioning apparatus, and elevuturx (.the mortgagur hereby dceluriag shut <br />it is intended that the items bracts enumerated xhall br dermed to have been permnnenlly inxtallyd as part of thr real tv), <br />and a1i improvements nuw ur hereafter cxietiag thcnwn; the hrredilaments and appurlrnan~s and a{I other rights there- <br />unto brloaging, or in anywise appertaining, and the revcreion mtd re versions, remainder and mmainderx, all ri KhL of <br />redemption; and the vanes, issues, and profits of thr ubu yr desrrilwd proprrh i provided, Iwwevra that the nro rtgagor <br />xhall be eatiiled to the possexxion of xaid property and to roiieet and retain thr rrnts, ixsurs, and pntfil until riefault <br />hereunder). To have and to hold the xamr unw the mortgagrr and the sacerxsurs .n ioucrest ni• the ntortgag.~.~ (urever <br />in fee wimple nr such other estate, iC any, as is xtnted heroin. <br />The: mortgagor rnvenanta that he is lawfully calved and poeaeaeed o[ ettd has the right to sell and convey said <br />properly; that the-came ie tree from all encumbrances except as hrreinabove recited; and that he hereby hinds <br />himself attd hie euceeeeore in interest to warrant and defend the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against <br />the claims-of all persona whomsoever. <br />This instrument is given to secure the nayment of a promissory note dated January 2Q, 1978 <br />is the principal cum o[ E 76, 000.00 ,signed ~1» William J. Thiemann <br />in behalf of <br />SaA FOrIM 9?ft (?•>3{ F~Ht VIO US F(lti~i; tJ ~, 4µE '_~t1~~]~_. t. it <br />