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<br />therein, including recitals concerning any mailing, personal delivery and publiaation pf the notice of defauh, any mailing <br />and the publication and posting of notice of sale, and the conduct of sale; and such recital shall constitute prima facie <br />evidence of such compliance and conclusive evidence thereof in favor of bona tide purchasers and encumbrancers for value <br />and without notice. The ti•iistee's deed shall operate to convey to the purchaser, without right of redemption, the trustee's <br />title and all right, title, interest and claim of the ttvstor and his successors in interest and of all persons claiming by or <br />through tar under them,.in and tQ the: property sold, including all rich right, title, interest and claim in and to such <br />property acquired. by the tntstor or his successors in interest subsequent tin the execution of the trustee. The trustee shall" <br />apply the proceeds of the trustee's sale, first, to the cost and expenses of exercising the power of sale, and of the sale, <br />including the payment of the trustees fees actually incurred rot to exceed the amount which may be provided for in the <br />trust deed, second, to payment of [he obligations secured by the trust deed, and the balance, if any, to the person or <br />persons IegaRy entitled thereto. <br />And the Trustee covenants faithfully to perform the trust herein created. <br />BENEFICIARY may from time to time substitute a successor or successors to any Trustee named herein or aciirg <br />hereunder to execute this Trust Deed. Upon such appointment and withotit conveyance to the successor Tius[ee, the latter <br />shalh be vested with all title, powers, and duties conferred upon any Tn[stee herein named or acting hereunder. Each such <br />appointment and substitution shall be made by written jnstrument and executed by Beneficiary, containing reference to <br />this Trust Deed and its place of record, which, when recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of the county or <br />counties in which said property is situzted, shall be conclusive proof of proper appointment of the successor Trustee. The <br />foregoing power of substitution and the procedure therefore shall not be exclusive of the power and. procedure provided <br />for by law tar the substitution of a Trustee or Trustees in tl'ta place of the Trustee or Tt'usfees named'herein, <br />The. waiver by Tntstee or Beneficiary of any defauh of 'Cntstor under this Trust Deed shall not be or be deemed to be <br />a~wa~ver of any other or similar defaults subsequently occuraing. <br />This Trust Deed shall inure [o and bind the heirs, legatees, devisees, administramrs, executors, successors and assigns <br />„ of the parties hereto. <br />The Trust Deed shall be construed according to the laws of the State of Nebraska. <br />The Trustor requests that a copy of any notice of default and of any notice of sale hereunder 6e mailed to him by <br />ccriilied mail at the address hereinbefore sat forth. and evident^e of such rnailing sEtall constitute evidence of receipt of <br />such na4ct;. <br />1'rustor represents and warrants that the t[bove described real estate is Hart used for an agricultural activity. <br />Wherever the context so requires, singular words shall be construed in the plural and vice versa, and the masculine <br />gender shalt be construed [o include :he feminine and vice versa. <br />s <br />p iN WITNESS WHEREOF, the'Trustor has hereunto set his hand the day and year first above written. <br />c'7 ~ m <br />~ era <br />m ~ ~"x ~ a. TRUS1#3}~~jerocte K. S+e <br />4, w o <br />} G u <br />w P ~ ` ~ .~ ~ " 'a <br />' ;. <br />-: <br />~- n "GRUB"f U R _"``--- .. --- --- <br />STATE OF_. efAibr a Patricia K. Selle <br />CUUN'T'Y UF_ Laacast:er .._ __°_-,~'-- - ~ SS. <br />Beinre me, a Notary Public, qualified by said county, personally c;rrne____- -.J~s~ Ks Sel e ._-.__ and <br />~Ra±r_.,ria K SAtto _____,._ knawn to ntc to be the identical personas) who signed the foregoing instnunrn[ <br />artd acknowledged the execution thereof to he his, her or their voluntary art and deed. Wiutess my hand and Notarial Seal <br />on Qetober 6th _, 1980 -. - <br />_ , <br />,• ~ , <br />arty commission expires -.9(~4l$~_ ---~_._. T~'~ _._ L.- -__;`` ~3 . --- - -- -- .. <br />tiU'I~'CRY Pt`BLIC ~ ~~~ <br />(seal)/i~~~ v' %t'Cj1. <br />CC7KJ+USSiC~tJ <br />~ ~ €?ixsS i <br />3`P7 4 t4.:t i~~e.~~ <br />~;i .~.. <br />~ti:~~Rn uArn ~ wEut, ~~ <br />itR" tARt[iEY ST., SUITE 2Y0 <br />OA9Hn~a.. NE9RASiSwtt SBI~ <br />