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~a~a~> <br />TtFtia mortgage made and entered into this art( day oC ~p~. <br />19 80 , by and between At3VID C. CARL.SON and ]~EtITA CARLSfR1, Husband and Wife, and <br />HAROLD D. DEF~SS and PATRICIA DF,ESfS, Husband and Wife <br />(hereinafur referred u as mortgagor) and TAE OVF~?LAND NATIONAL SANK OF GRAND ISZ~81+ID, Grand Island, <br />Nebraska <br />(hereinafter referred to a. <br />Pleb a~g ka, who maintain an office and place of 6ueineas at 304 West Third Street , Grand Island, <br />WtTries9ttTx, that for the eonsideration hereiaafur noted, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the <br />mortgagor does hereby mntlgage, sell, grant, ensign, and convey unto the mortgagee, hie eucceaeors and aseigtre, all <br />of the followittg described property situaud and being is the County of Hall • <br />Sou of Nebraska <br />The West Forty-four (44) Feet of Lot Toto (2) in Block Ninety Eight (~) in Railxbad <br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska <br />end <br />The East Twenty-tvio (22) Feet of Lpt Ztvo (2) in Bloch Ninety-Eight (98), in Railroad <br />heddition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />Together with aml including all buildings, nll fixwres including but nut limitrd to all plumbing, heating, lighting, <br />ventilating, refrigerating, incinere[ing, air conditioning apparatus, and a•Iewator (the mumgngor hereby declaring that <br />it is intended that the. itemv herein enumerated shat) be deemed to have been permanently instutled ns port c.f the rral h9, <br />and al{ improvements now orhereafter existing therenn; the hereditumenta and appurteaanees and all other rights there- <br />unto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, end the. reversion and re verstuns, remainder and remainder, alt rights of <br />redemption, and the rents, issues, and ptnfi [s of the above deacrihed proprny (provided, however, that thr mortgatvr <br />shall be entitled to the possession of said property and ur cottcol coot retain the rents, issues, and profits until drfnuit <br />bereandsr}. Tu have and to.9wld the samr uow the maorgagec and the .•~ucce.:wrs in intereKt of the mnrtgag~•a• Cort>w+r <br />in fee supple or such other eslatr.,rf any, es is stated herein. <br />The mortgagor covenants that he is lawfully seized and pouteesed of and has the rigltt to sail and convey said <br />property: that tha name is tree from all encumbrances except as hrreinabove recited; and that he hereby binds <br />himself sad hu successors id interest to warrant and defend the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against <br />tha efairtra of all persona whomsoever. <br />This instrttmenl is given to secure the payncent of a promissory' note ~istcd October' 3, 1980 <br />in the prinoipa! sum o! !t 75,500.00 .signed b> the Px+esideitt and Secretary <br />is 6e6ttlf of A & H ;~iS, LNC. and by Arvid C. Carlt3oti and Hamld D. Lleetls <br />SnA F('/NM y1a Iz~>i) aNE VIq Ui E()t PIONS AHF OE3S()LFTf- <br />