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<br />pia: , m.ae ana late that {~ day of '~ -- ~ ~~~
<br />24 ,by sad bettveeo 3ames A. Barth and Laurie B. -Barth
<br />lheteioaftez referred to as t:iortgagarj and the Adtnioiatrator of the Small Baoiaeaa Administratlato, as asency of the
<br />Governotent of the United States of America (Ixreinatter referred eo as trtortgageej, who-maintaiua ad oboe and
<br />p-aaaofbolSoeaaat Empir€ State Building, 19th & Farnam, Omaha, Nebraska Es8102.
<br />mitts, that for the emrideratio~ hereinafter. stated, receipt of- t-hieh u hereby u~owkdsed, the
<br />~~~'da'a' 6e+ se11. Rraat, aaaiga, and eoavey unto the mnrtga®ee,- hia,aucix~s ititd-as~is, aB
<br />of the fo}totrioS:daerihed' property eitoated sad being is the Cawty of Hall
<br />State af: Ifefiraska.
<br />' Lot'20', Block'l Meves First Addition°to'City,'of'
<br />Grand Island,"Hall Eounty, Nebraska: I
<br />Togriher-with and inclttditig all buildinge, all fixtures including but not limited Ia ell plurrthing, heatir+q, ligh!-
<br />tng~ vp^ntiialing, re~frigeraling, ineinrratity{, rir cnnd'etioninX uplutrxtu., xnd elevatnrn (the awrtgagor hrreby
<br />derlatring that it i» intended that the itrnis herrin entnneratrd .haU Ix~ drented W have born prrmanentiy in-
<br />stalle;,l a,-lwrt of the really ),and al# impniventent, na.v or hrreafler stinting thereon; the herrditameniy and
<br />appurteittrnres-and al! tither right thereartto brlonginq, or in anywihe appertaining, and the reversion and re•
<br />cei~yiohe, remainder and remainders, aq rights of redempiiwn, and the rent,, issues, and profits of the about
<br />desrrihad prolwrty {provided, hawevrr, That the marigagar rhaH Ire rntilled'lo the pasyennion oC Eaid property
<br />and to celieet sad slain the rents, isattes, and proSt# until default hereun.IRrj. To have and !n hold-~t!!e yarns
<br />unto,€~1ld-.tl+r sur#lessorst iniaterayi of the tnatigagea forever in fee film !e
<br />if awv~, as L strtot# i#t, P or such ether eyiaie,
<br />'d~is'magor~eoveganta:that he is 1><wfglly select! and poaxased-$f and hsa the right. w tall-and umvey uid
<br />PropertY+ that ehp siRa~' U #ree from .all c~etrmbraucpi erteepi a# -hereiaabove recited: and that he he~gby binds
<br />hiimelf rml ltis sucrxrsara is iatorrat,to warrant and ila(ead-the tick #foteaaid thereto aad evsry part thereoY~gaiast
<br />she ebliaw sf-all persosr +rltotaaoaxen [[ ,~
<br />'l'hia instrwnrat i# given to cure iha payment of a promipi~ry Hate dated. ;{.ty''?'x ~ _•. i ti% c~U V
<br />iu,Lhp-ltriasrapalsyp>to(-5:li,~Q,~l_:: ,eld,}ry James A. Barth and Laurie B. Barth
<br />=n htlc»:€..; Chtssra.l.ves.
<br />tLLf. taro. Y#t (i-i` t F>•.aaw kdiM•a. •,r 06,niat•.
<br />