<br />~~~~~ ~~
<br />so-~c~5s3~
<br />1~+I~ AtG
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<br />at-d es6tmeti fato rhi. ~~ 'mod., of L~e;~'-a- ~--'
<br />I9~ , {asd>bmteen Terrance R.-Jakuhowski and. Judith A. Jakubowski; husbaad and wi£e,
<br />(hermaaftee referred to m stortgagor) and the Adiniaistrator of the Small Bvainess Admiatstration, as agesey of the
<br />Govarasteax"of toe United. Stator of America (hereimfier refernd to as mortgagee), tvho maintains m o(fux cad
<br />' Pi~ofatEmpire State Builditig, 19th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 68102
<br />~+ntwtpas~ thax foe the ooaaderation hereinafter staoed-reedpt of tadaeh a berob~ armed, she
<br />m«egagerdises" 6rm+rby mortgage; ~: RraBR asugs, and emrey mto the.moetgagee, bis"aamraen od aasigss, aB
<br />of the foBaaia6 deaceitied property aitnated'and' being in the Cotmq ofgall
<br />State of Nebraska. .
<br />Together with ord. iseludisg alt buihfittgs, aU 6xlnrx+s including bw not limited to ail plurnbisg, .heatisg, -ight-
<br />€ag, vastiiatinyl, refrigeratisg, ineiserating, air-cenditigning apparatus, and elevator, (.the tnortµagor hereby
<br />dedarisg• that it is intended that the items herein esumerated ,{tall be deemed to have bees prrmanestly in•
<br />stalled es part of the realty), and all.imprgvemcnta nqw qr hereafter existing therega: the. hereditament, and
<br />appurienaec~rta.asd xll atlter rights thereaste belosging, or in atxywise aitperlaiaittR, and the reversion and re-
<br />' ~ei~:ions, reisainder and, remaimlen;, alt rights of rtdemptian, and thr rents, issues, auui profits of the above
<br />-' desrrlyied- property ~ (prgvided, however, that the morlgaKor snail hr rntitled is the possession of said property
<br />and to cullee! and retain the rents, issues, and pivi&re unlit default hereunder)'. To have and to hail the same
<br />ante iris r3i{r.n~-and the sucea~grs fn interest of the ntgrtyagee farever is fro simple ar suela atherestate,
<br />if-atty.aa:ia etated'tteteis. - - - -
<br />The ~nttgagoi`eoveaatitG, that lie a i~wfalfy eeiend and possrsscd_ of asd has the fight to eel! and eosvey rwid
<br />property: thst the"-same u free from -alt encttmbrasces except ea hercisahnve recited, and that he hereby bisds
<br />himsol! rtnd' lt~ifl;wpca~ytra iA intetYart to waresst cad defosd the title aforesaid thereto cod, every part thereof against
<br />ehaclrTayl,of tt~porwru,whpttkoarer.
<br />Thisitrativsrent ie given to secure thn paytetent of a proneiestuy sole dated ~ %<-' ~.~ %'~~`C~
<br />r-.;
<br />m the p`riinct¢a~ sum' if 8 x4, fip0,(i~ ,'eigeied"hy T'erratice R. JakuhQw~lci and Judith A lakubawski;
<br />~toy~~aFtnd wife,
<br />Jakubow~ki Masonry.
<br />=~ r.rw~al: to-..xa1 rm,.w, rdid,v ... nYw4,e.
<br />