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E <br />$Q-= b? ~ 5636 <br /> <br />~~,~~.;. <br />A <br />~~~~~~ <br />tn~ri <br />matt6a~emade attd egteted-into this / ~t-~ay a[ ~~~~i,k..•/ / <br />29 iq'by and bettvemTerrance R. Jakubowski and Judith A. Jakubowski, husband and wife, <br />(hereindter eeferred to as morgagor) and the Administrator o{ the Small Bodnar Admiaiseration, an agency of .he <br />~ovetnment of the United States of America (.hereinafter eeferred to as mortgagee), who maiatairta m o6ce aml <br />pLeedbtssiaescat Empire State Building, 19th and Farnam SCreets, Omaha, Nebraska 68102 <br />lprrwtt~tma, that foe the coasidentioo hereinafter stated, reeeipt of which is heseby aritnowled®ed, the <br />asortgagoe doer hereby moetgage, sell, grmt, Wig?: and convey tmto this mortgagee, hu swxasors and aaignts, all <br />of the following described property dteated and being in the Coantq of hall <br />State of Nebraska <br />Lot Sixteen (16) in Block Five (5) in Clausen Country 8iew <br />Addition an Audition y,' <br />Nebraska. to the City of''Grand Tsla'na, Hall Count <br />., <br />Together wilhand including all buildings, all fixtures including but. not limited Io all plumbing, heating, light- <br />ing{, vsntilatinq> tredrigerating, incinerating, ainemtditioning apparatus, and elevators (the mortgagor hereby <br />declaring that et ie intended that the llama herein enumerated shall Ire deemed to have been prrmanendy in- <br />wietletf au part of the reaUy), and all itttprovements now ur Its:re:after existing thereon; the hrrediluments and <br />a1l;urlenancen and-alt other rights thereunto belonging, ur in anywise appertaining, nntl the reversion and re• <br />versiohx, remainder and remainders, all rights of redemptiau, and the rents, issue., and profits of the above <br />de+serihed' pralierlg (provided, however, That the mortgagor !:hull Ix entitled io the Iws>rssion al` said properly <br />and to colleet and retain the reaU, issues; and profits until defittiU hereander). To have and to hold the Same <br />unto (fire mot~tga};ee an,i the sncres9ura in-interes) of the mortgagee forever in fee simpl¢ or such other estate, <br />if any, sa is stated herein. <br />Tbo mortgagor covenmts that he u lawfully seised and possessed of and has the right to xll and convey said <br />property; that she-same ie free from all encumbrances except as hereinabove exited; and that he hereby binds <br />hitttaelt_and ha~accawn in interest to warrant sod defend the title aforesaid thereto end every part thereof sgriust <br />the clwupa,of at1 persona whamenever. <br />,; ~,, ~,~ <br />• Thia ins#nmsnt is given to secure the. payment o(a promissory note dated ,,t ~Z-'f':~, ,' `•~ `",~ t <br />in the princlpel'eum of E 24, 500,00 ,signed by Terrance R. Jakubowski and Judith A. .Takubowski~ <br />~urror [td wife, <br />thetpselves . <br />+I1A Farb 931 (A~rll Pro.tex rdltlox an OD,otot,. <br />