<br />MoxTGpGE $v_,: ~? f 7 ~ ~ ? ~
<br />MORTGAGG IRAN NO. L 23 s
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY TNESEPRESENTS: That Wilford L. Buxton and Maureen L. Buxton, each in his
<br />and her own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Forty-five Thousand and NoI100--------------------- Mongager,writ[[xrnntarmor`';n~attaa`rat;oaofm`at~°f
<br />_ -------------------------- i%)ILARS
<br />loaned to said rtnrtgayjrr by The Equitable Building and Loan Association oC Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 45O shares of stodt of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23x816 , do hereby grant, convey and rrwrtgage umo the said ASSOCiAT10N the following
<br />described real estate, situated in Nall County, Nebraska-
<br />together wilt[ all the tenements, hemdi[amrnts and appurtenances thereunto belonging, including attached floor coverings, all window careens,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air mnditioning,and plumbing and water equipment and accessories thereto, pumps, stoves,
<br />teCrigerators, and other fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said «wr[gagor. has agreed and does hereby agree [ha[ the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and nti«•^•nts levied o[
<br />asxsscd upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secwed thereby before the same shall bewrne delinquent; to famish approved
<br />insurance upon the buildings on said premises situated in the sum of 5 45, OOO.OO payable to said ASSCCIATION and to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said inswanm; and nut ro commit oz permit any waste on nr about said prcmixs;
<br />In case of default in the perfortnanrx of any of the kerms and tonditioru of this mortgage nr the hood secured htreby, the rvortgagce shall,
<br />can demand, be entitled to immediate possession of thr mortgaged prennxs and [tie mortgagor Isreby assigns, transfers and x[s over in the
<br />mortgagee gill the rents, rew;nues and inrome to F>e derived from the mortgaged premises during such ;.ime as the rrwrtgage btdeb[edness shall remain
<br />unpaid: and the mortgagee shall have the Fwwer ro apprnnt any agem nr agents it may desire for tha purpox of repairing scud premixs and tenting
<br />the carne and oollt[:ting the rents, rovenues and ineamc, and it may pay out of said frcotnt all exptnsts of repairing said prcmixs ar[d necessary
<br />commissions and cxpens:s incwred ;n rrniing and mans@jng tht same and of crriirctioi; rentals [herofrcm: the hale»x retnairting, S any, to be
<br />applied toward the discl[arge cat said mortgage indebtedness; thtx rigFttx of the rnorigxgee may lac cxtrtised at any tune during the existen[x of such
<br />default', itrespeaive of any temporary waiver of the same:.
<br />Thrx i'rexnts, however, care upon rht 2ondi[ion, Tint iC the said Mortgagee shaip repay !aid loa-~ can cat before the maswity of said abates by
<br />payment; pay monthly to said ASSt)ClAilt)N of the sum sptti)ied in the flood secured hereby as interest and principal on said Ivan. on or before
<br />the Twrntieth day of wch and every month, tmtii said loan is fully paid; pay alt taxes and asxssrnents levied against said premises and can :his Murtgg,e
<br />attd the Bond secured thereby, before delinquency: famish approred insurance upon the buildings thereon in the sum oC SQ5 , QOO, OO payable
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand alt money by it paid Cur such taxes, assessments and insurance with interest at
<br />the maximum legal rite thereon fmm dale ui payment all of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; permit no waste nn said premises; keep and comply
<br />with all the agreements and conditions of the Flood for ~ 45,000.00 this day given by the said Mortgagor [o said ASS(x:iATION, and comply
<br />with alt the rcyuuetrrents of qte Constitution and By-Laws oC said ASSOCIATION: then [hex prexnts shall become null and void, otherwix they
<br />shall retrein in full Corce and may be Coret3oxd at [he opuon of the said ASS(x'IATIUN after faivwe for three months to make any of said
<br />payments car 6e throe momhs in arrears in rr[akiug said nwnthly papnents, or to keep and comply with the agreements and conditions oC said Bund;
<br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a receivxr apprinteat f orthwith in such Careclosurc procecdu[gs.
<br />If [here is any cburge in ownership of the rral estate nw[tgaged lvertin, by sale or otlxrwix, than the entire remairtirvg indebtcdneaa hereby
<br />sa_~tuud shall, at t}te option oC Tht tiy[utablt B.tiFdi~ and LUan Association of [:rand island, Nebraska, bewmc irmnediately dw; and pyable without
<br />further notice, and the anwunt remaining due under said twnd, and any other hand &>r any additional advances rctade thercwtder, shall, from the
<br />dste cal exercise oC said option, btjt,uueresl at the nwximunt legal raft, and this nwrtgagc may then 6e forecloxd to satisfy the anwmt due on said
<br />hond,and any other ho"d for additimtal advances, w~tiher with ail sutra paid by card "1'he fiyuitabk Building and Luan Association of Grand Island,
<br />Nehracka fur insurance., lazes and a,5~es~srnents, atW abstractbtg extension charg<`s, with interest thereon, from date of payrrtent at the nuximum
<br />it:gai rate. -
<br />As provided 'cat the .Bond xcurod heroby, while=ihis mortgage remains in etYect the mortgagee may heeeafter advancx additional swus to the
<br />nwkecc~~,~f said Bond, their aswyprs or sw;aswrs in intueat, which sums shall be within the xcwity of this nwrtgage the same as the funds originalFy
<br />xc[tre&Rhu ~ total amotmt'of ptinupal dsbt~nrzt to exceed at any time the urigu[ai arrwunt ot'this nwrtgage.
<br />~~ted ~~ - % ~ta~T A. f7., 19 ~
<br />s's _
<br />~-
<br />l r --
<br />Ma-teen L.~Buxton '_
<br />S'fATF. OE NEBRASKA, ~ ~. On this 8th day of C~tober Iv ~ , befum ms,
<br />the tmdtrsignui, a Notary Public m and for s9id Comuy, pers'ortaBy cam[
<br />Wilford L. Buxton and Maureen L. Buxton, each in his and her own ri ht, and as s o11se of
<br />each other "~1O are ~r~"al{y k"°wn [o
<br />:rte to hr: the identical peru>rb wlwx name S die affued to the above ;rutrumtnt as mortgagor S acid they snvtnlly
<br />x•Itnskwle~e~ the 3:id instrunvtnt to tit their vulmuary act and Geed. -
<br />wITNf:SS my hand and Notarial Seal the date aforesaid. ~ ---1 , ~'
<br />#=y C=;mnussran expires N)Yi~,~Z' i,~i .~i~1 - ;-
<br />_~
<br />raraxst as .. {°° t _ r ,. ,•.... .' ` , . --Notary liublic
<br />,rn'C_ .r ~. .,
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