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' ', ~ - <br />z. <br />80--- (3 ~'t 562 6 <br />allowed by law or federal regulatfan. Principal amounts prepaid prior to maturity must <br />be in amounts equal to one or more-subsequent principal payments. <br />3. That in aCditicn tc, and together with, the monthly installments provided for <br />{ under the terms of the aforesaid Promissory Note and any other notes or agreements for <br />i additional advances as provided herein Ptortgagor will pay as an advance payment tc <br />Mortgagee on the first day of each month until said Note and the total indebtedness <br />secured hereby is fully paid, an amount estimated by Mortgagee to be sufficient to er;able <br />the Mortgagee to pay all taxes, assessments (general or special J, rents, and other <br />similar charges against the above described premises, as the same become due. ;uch <br />advance payments shall be paid each month together with the monthly installments provEded <br />for under the terms of said Promissory tJote and any other notes rr aereements f:;r <br />additional advances as provided herein in a single payment and shall not be, r.or deemed <br />to be, trust funds but•may be commingled with other such funds or the general funds of tt;e <br />Mortgagee, and no interest shall be payable in respecfi thereof. Ifartcagor shall prempfiy <br />forward to Mortgagee all bills for taxes, assessments and rents and tart:;,ogee will use <br />said. advance payments for thi; payment of said bills. Mortgagee may, from time to lime, <br />at its option, waive, and after such waiver, reinstate any and all provisions of this <br />paragraph requiring such advance payments', i;y no±ice to M1iortdagor n writing. While such <br />waiver is in effect, Nlortgacor shall pay all taxes, assessments and rents as otherwise <br />provided hereinafter. <br />4. If the total of the advance payrrter,ts made b'y t^.e Mortgagor shall exceed the <br />amount pf payments actually made by 'the Nx>rtgay,~ee for taxes, assessments or rents, as the <br />ease may be, such excess, at the option ~:~f the 8~1ortgayee, shaP1 be credited by the <br />itor't'gagee an subser:iuent payments to be .made by the '~hort:~ar:cr, :,r refunded to the Mortgagor. <br />it,however, the m~orithly ac;vance paym;,>r,ts made by the '-7ortgagor snail not be sufti^_.ient <br />' to lay such taxes asse<.;srr~nts and rents, as 1'he case may be, when the same shall become <br />dui. ;and payable, tha'.n the Pr~ortgager shall pay .Y°o the I~icrtgagee any amount necessary tr. mal<e <br />i up; t'lie deficiency, on or Getorc.=. the date when iJayrient of such ta;:es, ~.sssssments or rents <br />shall be due. If at any time-the Mortgagor shall tender to the d":orf:;ogee, ir. accordance <br />with the provisions of the Note secured hereby, full payment of tFrs ontire indebtedness <br />represented thereby, the t•tortgaeee shall, in computing he amount f such indebtedness, <br />credit to the account of the °~lortgagor any credit balance accumulated under the above <br />paragraph. If there shall be a dofault under any of the provisions of this "•~?rtgage <br />resulting in a public sale of the premises covered hereby or ii the P:~ertgagee acquires the <br />property otherwise after default, the i~~rtgagee shall apply in such manner as '~!ortnagee <br />shall determine the balance of advance payment*, then rc;mu:rinine in tt~c funds accurnula9`ed <br />under the above paragraph, as a credit against th, indebtedno_,s -:-cured her'c~by. <br />5. Ttkat i n the event a y c,f the month! y ,~irdvtunr,::„., ~aymenh• pro.: i wed herein o; n~s,n th d v <br />e ,~ .. <br />~.i;eta!! :-rts provided ~: under ::. :~:re ~.. rr:;mi .ry ?:. anu r~ny :error r,,,fes ~~.- <br />rtgree~nenta for additions: advances n.;ve her: 1:,d;:r u.,mil:~§ trr ~e~ tenth day ., tfc: mnn*f ir- <br />which such payrrrent was de,a, d late ,. ;;rar_ ;t u[i + c:rr! :,) ~;rr..:rrt cf the ~m;ui_,~t U ,,.„„ <br />m..tsthiy payr:ent may be ___e_..,d .._ ..,_ ._.aE'i,:ii ., .., e,r .: .. :., ~~ ,. e:,~:_ ~~ ,.. <br />'-. is Nandi ir,:~ .ae! ~ngwnt -~,r~ani„ .~~A=s•~o.aticn .al A ., .,~ i i-, ;-~~ .. ~,~::zi - - <br />monthly payment made after the tenth day of the •nonth w~~less ....d nn~nthly f~aymen' na~l <br />oe accompanied by the full amount cf the late charge a „ es~>ed by the ~ssociafictn ~> <br />provided herein. <br />6. To pay ar.y and all taxes, assessments (gen~~:ral or r,pccial), rents and otho-;r similar <br />charges levied and assessed against the premises this F~rortgdge, cr indebtedness hereby <br />secured, t~efore ti'~ey become delinyuant, for which ;.rovisions has not uec-; r. csde herei,:uetcre, <br />an~f in default thereof the: fortgagee may pay tare carne, snd all rnonuys so advanced with <br />- interest at IS_;'o- from the date of such payrtu=nY shal I ue repaid by G~riq,u-tor upca, <br />demand, and shall be secured by this alortgage. <br />~. That t~rtgagor xi i i fze0p the improvements 5n 5eid premi-,es :::_,ured :iq.ti+isi is?``>~s <br />(from. lire, lightning ar,d cthor hazards included in tYx! ~~.tandard ~xlended :';savage r~ndorse- <br />merit pins flood Insurance r;here required t.y mortgsi3ao) in ai: ~;rnount ,ot less then iho <br />unpaid balance of the indeu7adnass secured hereby, wino loss, if a!;~, vt3ya;,!e t~,: e,aid <br />Rssociaticn, In a company or companies acceptable ~to the: Aasoc.iation; dnd ~rould such pulley <br />or policies' contain arty provision that could limit the insuronce company's liability to <br />f,ay the arnourt of any ions or damage up to tlio full amcur,t for which poi icy is written, <br />^. o :v I i <br />tttrv- an~urrt v'f ,r:5 -..r- .~ G pre 3d shat i v .gin .~nx;u~~~ ~u :.,. ar? tU at ~.I : times, <br />fully protect the Asso+fiafiion. if 6`lortgagc';r' faii~ tp procure or maintain ,uch ,.~:w:m~.~~~ <br />in the rrranner aped fled herein, the >yssociatlcn may, at its opt io;r, pr:~ture and pay i:±r <br />such i nsuranca, arrd a 1 1 snonays so advanced with i n t?reG; i~ ~,r I ti f rt;m *-n a .,;:3 tr o f <br />such payment shati be repaid by Mtortgagor upon derraine, anU shall re: secured dy thi5 <br />- - ~'. That the Mortctage,r ~+r i 1 ! keep fne bu i I d i,n qs upon, ~:a i d c renri yes i n c;:iod rep:i i r, ~~:d <br />nr_itr:er commit nor permit Wo~ie per ;aid i end, r r of f rtiet n3niE ;+rar,i - , ~ ~d <br />for any un;awfu{ purpo,~e. Mortgagor rueihsr ayrru f~ai i rh gut rh<. wn rr -r ~,n~cnt -,f <br />i4ame pederal Savrngs and upon ^o au~ inirr~s or r.3ddi i^ns o ~ ._r,nq Gut ~,.i, :rr ~i I ae <br />erected and alt panning ar:d Irin~samapad areas .hall ., ~,afi,i~_:,rriy rnainta~irr:~~. <br />V3, Tfiai` in the event the premises ur any ;r n,ar _r ':,e + ei.r.=i, ,_ r eir a-,rr;a eo~>or~ <br />- r>f any publ-ic trnprrwement nr c'onderrnation ;ro~a~.a~n n- _ ---.c?r- .r~t -~,f er. ~ !~'nt i~-solo, <br />_ irr arry F'haa !r:~n,, :9 r+~ _ ~ „ai .. c, -.- .,~ r ., ~ , <br />