<br />
<br />ttaoatgttga ,smile amP aii httu thi. -T~,;`<. ~t say of s~ ~~„ L W ~;
<br />d4 ~ • bg and between Craig J. Meyer aad- Carol A. Meyer
<br />(bteteinafter referred to u saortgaam} and the Admit»rtrator o[ the Small Btuinw Adtoiniatration, as ageacg of the
<br />Govetamrat.of the fJ»ited Start, o[ America (heteittafter referred to u mortgagee}, who maintain m o>$ce and
<br />pdaeeofltaairarat Empire-State Building, 19th & Farnam, Omaha, Nebraska 68102
<br />~'eertesasx'~, that- for' the eansidentioa :heteiaafter stated, receipt of which is hereby aelanowlatlged, the
<br />tpottgagardnes betebp image, read, grata, assign, slut conveg onto the mo+iBaEe4 his wcee~eoea and ategea, aB
<br />of the following deaeribnd property ritnatsd and- being in the Cotmty of Hall
<br />~t6 ~ Nebraska.
<br />Lot Nineteen,(19} in 81ock Two, (2) in the,Replat of
<br />„ Riverside.Acres, an addition tp the City of .Grand
<br />Island.
<br />'I'ageibes~ with wad-iaclttdiartt afi buildimRa, aU Sxturea. irtcludihK but nut limited to at! pluatliinft, heatittR, httht-
<br />iaq, vaatila{iag, refri~sa{ittg, inriraeratiua, air eonditioninK a{ryrarntu*, soil elevator. (thcmort}WKor Irerrby
<br />dtrlarinR tlta{ it is ittteudad 1ha1 the iteur~ herein ePttrtteraied ,halt lxe deeored to have !teen pcrntrnentlr in-
<br />.latlcd as part oi' the rta!{v), and aEl inaprov~rutents nqw ur Irereraftrr rxittinpt ihcrrun; the hrcrditameuir. and
<br />appurttrtanaea aad silt rtthrr rights titcwunto hedoagiu{i, or in anywi,k~e appertaining, and ttta,~ revaraurn and rr-
<br />vtw~.i~anK, +^ewaindtr ~attJ rrnlein.kr., alt ri~ghi. of redetnµtiwr. and the caul,+, ia~.aea, slut prutith rrl' ilte ahavr
<br />desrrsbe$ pt~riv {pmcided, hovrev°er, that the must gager shall br rntitlyd la ihr lw+u•.tiun of paid pa+perly
<br />and to rnldert arcd retain the rent., ir.ur:, anti prafity units defauh henundrr}, To hate and to hold tlu name
<br />uat'1 tha =ft~.=13~ ~ tltt =-s:t€e-ors :a ister~t rf ihr- utttrigagee forger in fee..irtpio r r .urh otfter e~:tatr,
<br />if ant, a>a i. s:airtl here».
<br />Tdtie taoregaE,or eoretiurn{a that he is lawfiillg aeitwd aad poeteued of and hu tha rigl{t to all! and oonrey said
<br />property; that the same is free froeri rTl tncumbraaaar exetpt as here;inshort recited; and that he hereby hinrL
<br />hitnaplf aad hts arbCCrMOrs is iatercaA to warranE cad ~lefaad the title aforesaid thereto and rvrrr i>ari thereof against
<br />tdaa rlaltwtei all pq;a~r radsouga~ne>;ar. . ~
<br />'Tdiik tlesituNtrnt is given to steers ihr payntcut of s prontiaaory oote datuy! '` ~ '(- ,)'~'
<br />cn tAat`~rixt4+fya1 rasm hf E ?3,000.00 , aigttaxi b}• Craig .T. Meyer :tnd Carol ~. P!mve.r •
<br />8a hrh~lr..t uh:aaAselves,
<br />