~~ f I (~ 5~ ~Dt~3 b40It'FGAGE
<br />This bortgage is entered into between ~ F • H~APP afld Ai7DRE5r C. Hf3DAPP, H[]SbaI1d
<br />atxt wife . _
<br />(herein "Mortgagor") and
<br />THE CfiJII2IADID.-NA2'IONAL BANK ~' GRANQ I573itID, Grarxi Island, Nebraska~hernin"Mortgagee").
<br />- - ~ ~ ~- - - Mortgagor is~indebted.to Mortgagee in the principal sum of $- 39.336.24 , evidenced.by ItiIortgaggr'snote -
<br />- _ .dated 30, 198Qherein"Note") providing for payments of principal and interesE, with-the balanee of-the
<br />- - ~ indebtedness, 5f not sooner paid, due and payable on Deeenber 29, 198© - - - ~ -
<br />- - - ~~' ~ -Tosectircthe payment o[~the Note, with interest as provided therein, the payment of all outer sums; wiEh im6ereat, ~ -
<br />advanced by,Mortgagee.to'protest the security of this Mortgage; and the performance of the'covenants slid agreements of-- - -
<br />- the Mortgagor contained herein, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage-and-convey YoMortgagee-the follawimg"dason'bed-.
<br />.. -, - property located in_ Hall County, Nebraska:- - _ -- - - _ -_
<br />I,ot T'.iertty RGv (22) in Block Four (4) i.n Replat of Riverside Acres, ail
<br />. Addition to the City of grand Island, Hall County. *I~c>braska
<br />- - Together with all buildings, improvements, fixtures, streets, alleys, passageways, easements, rights, privileges and
<br />- appurtenances located thereon or in anywise pertaining thereto, and the mots. issues and profits, reversions and remainders
<br />thereof; including, but not limited to, heating and. cooling equipment and such personal property that is attached to the
<br />improvements so as to constitute a fixture; all of which, including replacements and additions thereto, is hereby declared
<br />- to be a-pail of the real estate.secured by the lien of this Mortgage. and all of the foregoing being referred to herein as the,
<br />' "Property"
<br />Mortgagor further rnnvenants and agmes, with Mortgagee, as fnltaws:
<br />' 1. Payzrtent. To pay the indebtedness and the interest tirereun »s pr,vided in this Mortgage and the Note.
<br />~., '' 2. 'fills. Mortgagor is the oworr of the Property, ha. the nghl. and authorit• to mortgage the Property, and
<br />., ~ -warrants that ti`se lien erected hereby is a Cirsi and prior lien on rite Prrperty,,°xcept as may otherwise be set forth herein.
<br />- ^ The Property is sot " ct to a Murl age he i , Rho i7verland Natioftal HdrtiC Of Grand Island
<br />as ooctmiertt i~o. ~0-~b2543 -- -__ ------ _.__..~--
<br />is the Mortgagee, recorded at'~ook- __ -Pings . -- - of the Mortgage Records ul' _ _ ___ Hdll ___ County,
<br />Nebraska, which Mortgage is a lien prior [n the tiro created hemby.
<br />^ OUror pdor liens or encumbrances:...... _____
<br />3. Taxes, Assessments. To pay when due all Loxes, special assessments and all other charges against the Property
<br />and, upon written demand by Mortgagee, to add to the payments required under the Nut. serumd hereby, such amount as
<br />may 6a sufficient to enable the Mortgagee to pay suet, taxes, assessments or other rharg,w as they become due.
<br />4. Insurance. To keep the improvements now ux hereafter located on the real estate descnbed heroin insured
<br />- againstdamage byftre and such other hazards as Mortgagee may require, in amounts and with companies acceptable to the
<br />Mgrtgagee, and with loss payable to the Mortgagee. h, case of loss under such policies the Mortgagee is authorired to
<br />adjust, collect and compromise, ir, its discmtion, all claims thennmder at its solo option, authuriz,•d to either apply the
<br />proceeds to the restoration of the Property ur upon the indebtedness secured herehy, but payments hemunder shall con•
<br />lime unlit the sums serumd hereby are paid in tali.
<br />- 5. CJ Escrow For Taxes and htauranee. Notwithstanding anything contained in paragraphs o and 4 hereof to the
<br />oonttary. Mortgagor shad peg W the Mortgagee at the titres of paying the monthly instahmenLS of principal sad intt!mst,
<br />ono-twelfth of the yae,ty Saxes, assessments, hazard insurance pmmiums, and ground rents (iC any) which may attain a
<br />priority o~rr this Mortgage, all as reasonably estimated Pram time to time by the Mortgagee. 7Yte amounts so paid shall b~
<br />_ held by the Mortgagee wittout interest and applied to the payment of the items in inspect to which such amounts were
<br />- --- deposited. `ffie sums paid to Mortgagee hereunder are pledged as additional security Cor the indebtedness secured by this
<br />Mortgaua. Mortgagor shall pay to Mortgagee the amount oC any deficiency twtween the actual taxes, assessments, insurance
<br />per'mlunrs and ground rents and the deposits hereunder within lU days after demand is made upon Mortgagor requesting
<br />peytaen! thereof. -
<br />G Repair, Maintenance amd Use. 'i°o promptly repair, resUsm or mbuild-any huildings or improvements now or
<br />hereafter on Lhv Property; to keep the Properly fa goad condition and repair, without waste, and free tram rrtechanic's ar
<br />other hens not uxgreasly subordirtated to the Tian hereof; nut to make, softer ur permit au}~ nuisance to exist, nor to dimin•
<br />iris or impair the value oC the Property ny anV act or omission to act; and to comply with al! mquirements of law with
<br />respett trs the riaperty.
<br />