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<br />~. <br />'1Ttia mortgage made ami ea[eaa,$ into thin 3rd. ~ ef{)ctober <br />19 80 , by and hetwem James J. Wiltgen and Margot A. Wiltgen, husband and wife <br />{hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) and the Adttlinistrator of the small Baaiaess Adation, an agabey of the <br />Government of the United States of America (hereinafter referred to as mortgagee); who maintains an office-and <br />piroe~besinecaN Empire State Building, 19th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 681p2 <br />~tetraaestx, that for .the conaiderstion herrio~after staked, receipt of which ice- hereby aekva~s3ed(lad the <br />mortgagor doe- hereby mortgage, sell, great, aw;u, and convey onto the mortgagee, his snopeuoerand:aryipts,` <br />of she following deiteribed property sitwted need being in the Coaaty of Hall <br />State of- Nebraska. <br />I.ot Six (6) in Kirkpatrick Subdivision, City of Gland Zs'lartdy <br />County aE Hall', State of Neb'"raska,. <br />'Poeother with and-including, RH LuildlnKa, aU Galaree inc•3udieyt but not limited to cell plnarbint{, hratink, Iigh1- <br />inA, v4"nlilRlltlet, refrigerating, incinrratint{, sir randitiuninp,+xpparaiu., nets! elrvntorv {lets enorlt;aRor hereby <br />declaringthat it in intrudwd that the itrntn herein enunteratrx{ ,hail be drrrnrd to have been prrmanrntly in• <br />aollxvl a. part of ehr realty), and all improvemrnta nu» ar hrrraftrr esi~tine thereon: the hrrediuunrntr and <br />appurtenanrea an<!-ail other rights ihereuntq belonging, ar in anywise appertaininlt, arexi the revrr~ion atui rr- <br />verision.s, remainder atni remainder., ail ruins of redemption,, need Ihr rettt~, iskare., and prafit>, of the abase <br />desreihed property (protcided, however, Thai the mortaR;;ar shall tce entitled io the Inr.+,e.,ion of .aixl property <br />and tq colioct and=ordain the rents, isbtces, and pmfita until tkfault tteceunxler). '1'n have -and to bald the .amr <br />unW ilfe,~-awl-ihr VlrneaYUtY+ in interestaf the mortee i'a_rrurr-in fey sitnisl€.nr wuciz rsther.e~tate, <br />if any, nit is.uRtril heroin. <br />'tie taarrgt~or-xmveaaats that larrfaiiy taeiaed-.and- possessed of snd has the r~hi to aaU end convey said <br />prapertyw_t}~t tho-same-is fetes-fsam-all-~unrluapeea-except err hereinabavn recititl, aadthat ho hereby binds <br />itirasalf, twd-.hie sncastewrs is iateteat,to .Tarrant and defteod the tide ufareaaid thereto sad every part thereof against <br />fhe e}ttirprsif.tN`ptraaleaarrh~wsoersr. <br />Lt3e uaranty by J~SUnes Jartttl TM~ar~~~ A Wiltgen <br />"Phis insrrutarnt is given to secure the payment aft ~ssor note ..lace ietc: x~r n,t) <br />in tees principsi sttat_oi 5. ig, f,OO,OO , aigand ley .Jamt's .F. and `iarSot .1. tJii cKen <br />in hrix~tf „f Wii,'fGi:N C<7BP6RATlC;ti Tl, R hebtask:a <br />.aA Iy.~r<e;i_1 la..r~} r...xsv x.x:.4u. ~+,abx~4.e <br />