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<br />,>~ .nd a ;~ tb;. 6 ~ ~.y of ~ y~~~- f~
<br />19 ~(i`byand.bettreen Doris M. Freeman
<br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) and the Administrator of the Small 8ttriaeas Admiai:eration, as ageney oEthe
<br />Government of the United States of America (hereinafter referred to as atortgagee}, whe maintains an oflbbe-and
<br />plaoeofbtrinesrat Empire State Auildittg, 14th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 6$202
<br />rlt7trtraslet'H, that for the contidaratioa hereinafter stated, receipt of ahirL is-Iem+ahy attl~eledtya+tl;:the
<br />mortgagor doe+t hereby moK6a60. sett; ptrant, assign; and convey tmto the mortgasee; hie aaeceaaaer attd at,aII
<br />of the folbwing deacrihed`property eitltated and being in the Co®q of ill
<br />Stara of Nebraska
<br />Lot. Thirty-Four (34} in Stock Four (4), Pleasant, View ,Addition„
<br />to the City of Grand, Island„ Na11. County, N'ebraslc~.
<br />'f'artnther withand iatluding all buildinKn, all fixtures inciudine, but nut lineiled to all pluruhintt, heating, lipyhb
<br />inq, vrntilatin~, refrignraline, incinerating, air condiUOnint; apparatus, and elevator, (ehc arortra}tor herrh~
<br />drrlurietg that it is intended that the item, herein rnun=rratrd shall be rlern=rd to have la:ru lecrrnaneotly in-
<br />stallyd as part of the rnahv), and all imprv.a ernrntn now or h: rraftrr a>istiue tleravon, the hrcrditanu•nts and
<br />appur[r==angina arRd all oilier ri~hl~ thrrennW bnlont;inr, ur in =mywisr appertainin;;, and the rra'erninn and re-
<br />vnrwions, rrntainder and remainder, all rifihts of rrdrnyHion, and ihr rent., i-.nor.., and profits of the shove
<br />dearribed property (provided, however, 1hW the murtytugur shall be entitle+l Io the Iw,s~esinn of -aid property
<br />aril to giirllect and retain the rent!;, tenors, and profit. until default hrrrundrr). 'f'n have and to tudd the nea=r
<br />titkt<; tlt~ i=rori~--,uR~e-Rod the atucr7sora "sn iatrrr+l of the =nortgagrr forever in fze simple or uch ether catatr,
<br />if an}-, as is stated hcreiti.
<br />The moitgagor covenants that he is lawfrilly seined and possessed of sad fins the right to sell and convey said
<br />properly; that the same is free from all enrumbraucee except as hereinsbave rceited: and that he hereby binds
<br />himself and hie successors is interest to warrant gird +tefend the title aforesaid d=rreto and every pan thereof sgainst
<br />the chriw of aN. peraorw wbomsaever.
<br />. This instrument in given to serum the payment of a,prnmiss,-ry, aote_rlatcd ~ ~ ,
<br />in the principal sum of $ 14, 260, OD , siKrted by Uoris M. Freeman
<br />in Ivahvtl nt herself .
<br />tilbelfia.ro :~T ' 1`;=ra= r«.y+,w t:M}i».. ..~. os.,a.=
<br />