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<br />SQa--~?~~572 MORTGA-G~ <br />THi3 INDI^cNTU1liE, made thla ~Oth day of_ September -19 $~. by and- betrvee~~ <br />Bradley G. Titman and Donna L. Titman husband and wife each in his and her own'ri~ht <br />of Hall County, Nebraska, asamrtgagor_s.., and Crand Island Treat Company of Graff Island, a omporatfon. <br />organized ~d ezisting under the levee of Nebraska with its prindpal office aral place of basioese at Grand Intend, Nebtaeka, ae mbrtgag®e; <br />W ITNE3SETH: That said mortgagor-;:- ,for and in conafderation of the nrrm of <br />Eight Thousand Thirteen dollars and OOf100 ***********~air r~•~ 00" <br />lion l$~___._a_._). <br />the receipt of which fie hereby arkwdvledged, do by these presents mortgage and wsrrsetvdtbea`dgndrtgakretn-rts.srs and assigns. <br />forever, all the following described real estate, situates N the County of Hal l - <br />and State of Nebraska, to-wit - _ <br />Lot Seven (7) 3n Block One (1) in Packer & Barr's Addition <br />to the City of Grand Zsland, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Together with all heating, air co~itionirrg, lighting, a~ plumbing equipment and fixtures. indudi Greens, aw <br />ng s pings, storm windows and <br />doors, and window shades or blinds, used oa or in connection with said property. whether the same em now located oa said property or hereafter <br />plamtl thereon. <br />TO HA VE AND 1'G HOLD THE SAME, together with all and si g,lar the tanemenw, hereditnmente and appurtenances thereunto 6e- <br />longing, or in anywise appertaining, forever, am# warrant the title to the ssnay. Said mory>agar•'.'._.._... hereby covenant.--.-with said <br />moetg;agea that .4 ha.y_...... i~3~2__. , at the delivery harenf, the lawful owner 5..... of the premisws aMn•e cvmeytal and described, <br />~,:...;_'' are aaixetl of a gel earl indefr•..aible estate of inheritance therein, furs sad racer f a'„ entvmbrences, and chat.- ~_hey wi71 <br />.~wuL4isE'nt and defend Ghe title LMrem forever against the claims and dsmands of all pr!rsnns whomsocrcer. <br />~~ ~3'ROVIDED ALWAYS, a+tid ibis ir:strumept ~ executed and dnliverad Co asters Ehe payment of the sum oi' <br />E~ht Thousand-Thirteen dollars and 00/100 ************** b 0~3 00 <br />wi$"Inlereet ttmeon, togeebec with such checgta and advances an may be due and peynble co said mortgegrx under the terms and conditions <br />' Hof the prtiaeasory :rote of even date herewith and secured hereby, executed by said mortgagor `' to said mortgagee, peynble as ecprrsxd <br />fa said note, and to secure the performance of elf the terms and conditions contained therein. The terms of card note are hereby inrorporxted <br />herein by this referoaee. <br />It is the intention a~ agreameat of the partfea iafreto that this mottgnge shell also secure any future advances made to said mortgagor _ S_ <br />by said mortgsgae, sad say and all iadeb[ednene fn addition to the amount above staled which raid mortgagors. or any n( them, uwy awe to <br />acid mortgagee, however evidemnd, whether by note, book accouoF nr otherwise. This mortgage shall remain in full torte and efitxe batwexn <br />the pertien lwreto and chair hears, pnrrunal representatives, successors and assigns, until all amounts secured hereunder, including future• <br />advances, are paid in fuL' with interact. <br />The mortgagor _5 _ hereby assign __ __. to said nmrtgagae all rents end income arismg at any and all limas tram nerd pnryxrty sad <br />horeby authorize said tportgagen or its agent, nt its option, upon default, to tako charge of said property and rolled all rants and im•umr <br />therefrom and apply the acme to the payment of interest, principal, insurance premiums, taxes, aaseeamenta. repairs or unprov1srtenta <br />necessary to keep said praperiy in tensotaWe condition, or to other charges or payments provided for herein ur in the Horn hereby stt ured. This <br />rent a°°ro ~^ent ahdl coatintw in force untll the unpaid bnlaaca of said rwte is tally paid. The taking of poxueasion hereunder shall in no manner <br />prevent ae retard said mortgagor in Lira collactfoa of said xuma by loreclosuro or otherwise. <br />Tire feflure of the mortgagee W saner[ say of ire rights hereunder at any time shall not be construed as a waiver of its right to usscrt the <br />alma a4 say Inter Lunn, end to imiat upon oral enfon:e strict compliance with all the terms and provisions of said noW and of this martgage. <br />If said mortgagor S nhsll cause to ba uaid to eakl mortgagee the rmtire amount dun it hereunder, and under cha terms and pnn•isions <br />of said note hereby saeurad, including revere advara;aa, and any e:teasions nr renawale thnmof in acwrdaute with the terms and pmvrsione <br />thereof, nqd ff said ~SaBor._. S._ shall twmply with aU the proVLnlmta of eafd note and of this mortgage, then Chase presents shall be void; <br />otherwise W remain fa fall force and affect, and raid mortgagee shelf bo entitled W the poawesion of all of said property • and Hwy, ut its option, <br />dstLre the whole of said note end aR indebtedmas represented thereby to be iaunediataly dun and payable, and moy fortclose Chu mortgage <br />or take say other legal nation to protect its rf¢6t. Appcaisament waived. <br />Thin mortgega shall be binding upon a~ shall enure w the twnntrt of the heirs, execuWrs, administrators. successors and assigns of the <br />reepoctive patties horeto. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, aafd Mortgagor. ~_... haY_e . _. hereunto sat.. theiT_ hmrd 5-_._ the day and roar (first :d>ove <br />wrttteu. "; -. <br />_..... Bra ~ei`~~ti ~ <br />~/ , <br />,; ti <br />Donna L. Titmail~' <br />