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t~'zr~_~ti55~t~ <br />DEED ®F TRUST <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST is rtade this.......... 3~a........ , of ..~~ber <br />................... <br />19.$4., among the Trustor,........ radt'I#fid. F.: pro~6k. 9AS1 . T.8ri8. A.. l~x:RZek, . hli5tbpztd .and. t+ife .. . <br />....................Jatr~s S. Reed........(herein "Borrower").................................. <br />................... .... ..........................(herein "Trustee"), and tfic Beneficiary, <br />.. , . , ... , .3upericr I~rtgage~..Inc- ................................. a corporation organ{ud and <br />existin under the laws of ............... .Nebraska .. , .... , ....... , ., whose address is............... . <br />2721 . N, Webb ,Road,. Suite. 206,. Grsnd. Islam, .Nebraska .58801_ ... (herein "Lender"). <br />Bottaowett, in consJdera[ion of the indebtedness herein recited and the trust herein created, irevocably grants <br />and conveys to Trustee, in [rust, with power of sale, the following described property located in the County of <br />..... ....... ... Hall................, State of Nebraska: <br />Part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (S) of Section Twenty <br />(ZO), in Township Fleven (11) North' Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P,M., ire <br />particularly described as fo~?owsz Be~ir_rxing at a point en ~e ~w*„heasterl;, lines <br />of Del Monte Avenue said point being 628,0 feet southwesterly fram the Northwesterly <br />corner of I,ot One (1) Block Flve (5) Hel Air Addition to the Oity of Grand Island, <br />Nebraska; thence running southeasterly parallel to the southwesterly line of said <br />lot one (1} a. distance of One Htu'tdred Twenty ,Six (126) Feet thence running <br />southwesterly parallel to the southeasterly line of Del Monte Avenue a distance of <br />Sixty Six (66)feet; thence rtanning northwesterly parallel to the Southwesterly <br />line of said lot oae (1} s. distance of one hundred twenty six (126) feet; .thence <br />running northeasterly along and upon the southeasterly line of Dsl Monte Avenue <br />a distance of Sixty Six (66) £eet to the place of beginning, in Hall County, <br />Nebraska. <br />25Lt7 Del Monte Grand Island <br />which has the address of ........................ ........... .............. <br />Isueutl :Geri <br />Nebraska 68801 (herein"PropenyAddress"); <br />ISrate antl z~v Cotlei <br /> with all the nnproventents now ur hereafter creclcJ ,:n the prupeny. .end all cuorntrnt., nghts. <br />:tppurtenanees, rents (subject however to the rights and auth,ondes given harem to l_rnder to collect :ut.: apply wch <br />rents), royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights :end profits, water, water rights, and w=~ucr stoc4., and all ti>;tur> now or <br />hereafter attached to the property, uli of which, including replaccmenta and additions thereto, shall he decried n, be <br />and remain a part of the property covered by this Decd of Trust: and all u( the lorcgoing, together wnh .aiJ pn>pem <br />(or the leasehold estate if this Dced of Trust is un a leasehold) are herein m(arn•d to as the "1'n>perty": <br />To S~euttE to Louder (a) [he repayment o}'the u!Jebtedneas evidenced by Borrower', t:otr dated Oetgl?er. <br />3a.!~~...therein "Note"), in the principal sum of.. Fifty, three ,ihausanci. ,five. hunrlred,aad <br />..,NofiQU-~~~......~ ............. --....Dollars, whir intense iherean, peas-tdmg tnr ntonthiy nistallmena <br />of prine__ipp.arl and interest, with the balance of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due :utd payable on . <br />.. , _Nnvember.l ~, ZO10 ,the payment of all other sums. with mterrst thereon, ud o-unccJ <br />............... <br />in aceordanec herewith to protect the secunty u[ this Dced of Trent: and the per[ttnnana' ~.'1 tlx cueenunts mxl <br />agicements of Borrower herein contained; and (b) the repayment of any future advance., wuh u~tcre.t thaum. nwde <br />!o Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 2I hereol (heruhi "Future Advantti' ). <br />Borrower covenants that Borrower is lawfully seised of the cat:ue hereby surveyed :unl has the nght w grant .urd <br />convey the property, that the Property is unmuumhercd.:md that Borrower will warnim uad de(rnJ gatnrilly the <br />tills to the f'ropertp against all claims and demands, subject to any icchrrticn_+. ;,isement. nr reatneuon, 6.n-d ~n e <br />~heduic of eXecpticuts to corrage in say title insurance policy utsuring i_e nder`+ nncn-st :n the 1'nrpe rte <br />IfC6R1~1.Tik".- i ia! (amnv 1.75 FXiiA/FXIwC UNIFUBM INSiNUNEMi <br />