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<br />r;r~ <br />z, i cI x ~ ,_ j ~ ~ .4 _ <br />3. The mortgagor covenants and agrees that if he shall fail to pay said-indLbie'dneee or' env parE thereof when <br />due, or shall fait to perform any covenant or agreement of this-instrument or~ie promissory note secured hereby, the <br />ettaire indebtedness hereby secured shall immediately become due, payg~fe,iartd%iwilectible siithost notice, at the <br />option of the mortgagee or assigns, regazdless of maturity, and-the mortgagee{or hisa~igcie may befgre or after entry <br />sell said property without appraisement 1 the mortgagor having waived~Atd agai nod to the mortgagee all rights u( <br />appraieement} ; L .t ~ tj ; ~ ~ nt; r <br />t t) at judicial agile pursuant to the proviaione of 2g U.S.C. 20(JI t a) ; ur <br />(ti) at the option of the mortgagee, either by auction of by sealed liidav for the highest and <br />best bid complying with the terms of sale and manner o[ payment specified in the published notice of sale, Star <br />giving four weeks' notice of the time, terms, and place o[ such sale, by advertisement not lean than once <br />during each of said four weeks in a newspaper published or distributed is the county in which said property <br />is situated, all other notice being hereby waived by the mortgagor (sad said mortgagee, or any person on <br />behalf of said mortgagee, may bid with the unpaid indebtedness evidenced by said note). Said sale shall be <br />held at or on the property to be sold or at the Federal, county, or city courthouse {or the county in which the <br />property ie located. The mortgagee is hereby authorized to execute for and on behalf of the mortgagor sad to <br />deliver to the purchaser at such sale a sufficient conveyance of said property, which conveyance shall contain <br />recitals as to the happening of the default upon which the execution of the power of sale herein granted <br />depends: and the said mortgagor hereby constitutes and appoints the mortgagee or say agent or attorney of the <br />mortgagee, the agent and attorney in Fact of said mortgagor to make aacli', reoitals ',and'. to execute acid <br />conveyance and hereby covenants and agrees that the recitals ao made ehalI be effectual to bar all equity or <br />ei¢ht of redemption, homestead, dower, and all other exemptions-of Che mortgagoq which arr. hereh}' <br />expresslywaived and conveyed to the mortgagee:or <br />Un6 take say other appropriate action pursuant to state or N"ederal statute either in state ur k'ederal <br />snort or otherwise for Lhe disposition of the property. <br />In the event of a sale as hezeinbefore provided, the mortgagor or any persons in poseeeeioa under the mort- <br />gagor shall then become and be tenants holding over and shall forthwith deliver possession to the purchaser at <br />such Bale or be summarily disposaeaeed, in accordance with the provisions of !aw applicable m tenant.+ holding over. <br />The power and agency hereby granted are rnupled with an interest and are tree+ucaLle by death or other.visr. and <br />err granted as cumulative to the remedies for collection of said indebtedness provided I,+ law. <br />4. The proceeds of any agile of said propert}' in accordance with the precedina para:irapha shall be applied first <br />in pay the costa sad expenses of said ache, ths'expensas incurred by the enortgage+e for the Harpoas of protecting ormain- <br />taiudt;g said property, =ad reasonab:e attoriteva' fees:. scrnrtlly, to pay flee tree&-6tr:lness serurerl hereby; and thin+di.. <br />to pay any snrplua or excess to the person or persons legally entitled t-tareta, <br />S. In We event said property is sold at a judicial foreclueure sale or pursuant to the power of sale hereinebove <br />granted, and the proceeds are not sul6cient to pay the total indebtedness secured by this inetntment and evidenced by <br />said promisrory note, the mortgagee will be entitled to a deficiency judgment for the amount of the deficiency without <br />vBsard to appraisemeat. <br />6. In the event the mortgagor fails to pay any E'ederal, state, ur local tax assessment. inemue tux ur uthrr ts~ <br />lieu, charge, fee, or other expense charged against the property the mortgagor. is herebf authorized at his option to <br />pay the same. Any sums so paid by dte mortgagee shall be added to and become a part of the principal amoum of the <br />indebtedness evidenced by said note, subject to the same terms and conditions. If the mortgagor shall pay and <br />discharge the indebtedtser evidenoed by said promissory note, and shall pay such sums and shell discharge a1I <br />texas and liens and the swats, fop, sad expeasee of making, ,mforeing, and executing this mortgage, then this mortgage <br />shall be eattceled and etttrmdared. <br />7. Tba covenant herein contained shall bind and the benefits uud advantages shall inure to the rrspw•ti+r •uc- <br />etusoca and asigns of gibe parties berets. Whenever need, the singular number shill include the plural, the plural the <br />aittgalar, sad the use of any gender shall iaclnde alt genders. <br />&. Na wairuy' of any covertant herein ar u[ the obdigatiop secured hereby shall at and tiu,c thrrrsit+-r Iw hell <br />to by a waiver ~ the terms hereof or of the note assured hereby. <br />4. A judicial deerea, order, ar judgment holding any proaiaiott ur purtiou uE this ixiatrumeutt iu+alid ur ruta•u- <br />forceable shalt net is any way impair or preclude the enforcement of the remaining provisions ur portions of t)os <br />iastrttment. <br />I0. ray writgms seRioe to be isstaed to ties taorigagur pursuant to the ptrovieicns eE Shia ituurumeat shell be ad- <br />drsstPad~iA-rrtaetgayterte4 3~t?7" S#; 13ivf 4itxi, Grand ICI an3, N£ BE3t3-?I (t`xavid L. anzI %tir~uy <br />i.vr n~=r.:} and soy wnuea notaee to be issued to the mortxasae shall <br />1fe iQaTtie6 to t~ ~ at ~-_t`a iR: r:: Ids '-datit;t,oi sS;~Y `F'x~t` .... . ~JY- .... , <br />i.:~ i~~: .a: i`'a.5_T"s ~:" r a. ~a ~5ta ' <br />Opt vwM 3Fa 'I-"a, <br />