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~i <br />3iENi3CAGE <br />~rGAGELt3AxN0. L 23<~4 <br />AtLAfEt:livfli£S£YRFSII+Trs=~ James A. Schiarb and Jeanette R. Schiarb, each in his <br />and her own righ±, and as spouse of each other <br />Twenty-five Thousand and No/100 -------- Mortygor, w6ethu aee~tnae'tn meadatmoe cttslae sa®ot <br />----------- -------------------------- sx>«LtwRs <br />to acid mortgagor by The Fqu6abte Bea3ding sad taaa Astodation of Grand talaad, Nebnrta, b4ortgagee,,tpoa 250 sftaaa d stock of <br />:>d ASSOCIATION, Certrfiste No. L 23,809 , do threby gnat, c,,,RY and otwrgage nnto ttte sa4d ASSOCIATION ttre roEo~iag <br />deambed real ertate, artasted is Itsll County, Nebraska: <br />A TRACT OF LAND IN THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER <br />OF SECTION TSJO (2) TOWNSHIP TEN (i0) NORTH, RANGE TEN (IO) WEST <br />OF THE fiTH P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: <br />COMMENCING AT THE NORTH ', CORNER OF SAID SECTIOtd TWO (2), THENCE <br />WEST ON THE SECTION LINE 208.7 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 208.7 FEET, THENCE <br />EAST 208.7 FEET TO THE HALF SECTION LIME THENCE NORTH ON THE HALF <br />SECTION LINE 208.7 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID TRACT <br />CONTAINES ONE ACRES MORE OR LESS. <br />together with all the iaroments, hereditarronis and appurtenances dtereunto lxbr,giag, including a[[ardxd floor coverrags, all window sceeees, <br />window shades, blinds, Harm windows, awnirga, heating, av conditioning, and plumbing and water equipment and accessories thereto, pumps,stoves, <br />refrigerators, and othtr fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attsetxd to or used in connection with said real estate. <br />Aad whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and asses$ents levied or <br />assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby before the same shall xcnme delinquent; to furnish approved <br />insraana upon the buildings on said prcmrses situated in the sum oC 5 25 , 000.00 payable to said ASSOCIATION sad ro deliver to said <br />ASSOCIATION the pel~ees fot said insurance: sad not to commit or permit any waste on or about said premises; <br />In cox of default in tfee performance of any of the terms and waditions of this mortgage ar the toad secured lxreby, the mortgagee shalt, <br />on demand, he en*.itled to immulra[e possession oC t6e mortgaged premises and tfte a,ort~gor hereby axtigns, transera and acts over to the <br />tnartgagee all the rents, revenres and income to be derived from the rawrtgaged premises durarg such tittle as the murtp,~ge iade6;edrteas shalt re,rsa=n <br />trapaid; and the mortgagee shalt have t}x power to appoint any agent or agents it may desirt Cor the ptvpose of repairing said premaes and rentir[g <br />fix same and utsllectirg the rents. revenues and inoorro, and it rtray pay out of nerd iacorro all ezpeases of repairing said pmrnixs aml necesaey <br />corrmtisanrns and expenses incurred in rcotrng and rronaP,ittg khe saax and of coilectireg rentals therefrom; the balance remautrng, iC any, to be <br />apptind toward the discharge of said t~rtgpgc indebtedrees;: ter : ~trts of the mortgagee may ire eurcaed at any turo dtuing the existence of such <br />default, inespeattve oC any temporary wanner rrf the sarnG. <br />These t$esf:n:s, hcrvrxver, aze upon tare Condition, Thar tf the said Marigagot chatF repay said Ioan ors or 6el'ore the ntatuity of s; id shires by <br />~Ym=nt; PaY manihiy to said ASSCI(:IATION of the sum spu;ii3ed in the &znd severed hereby as sterest and p.-incipat an said Iaa~., as sr ;i:`nre <br />ttx:'fwmttt~th day of eacl: amI every aronth, until aab3 ~„ is?ally pant; pay ail tauas sad assassrraents levid against card premises and oo this Mortgage. <br />and fix Boad secured thereby, lretare delinquency; furnish approved instrrance upon the buildings thereon rn the sum oC 5 25 , OOO , OO payable <br />to sans ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand all nwney by it ;raid for such taxn, assessments and rnauranrx with interest at <br />ehe maximum legal rate thererm from sate of payrront aFF of whuch Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; permit no waste oa said premses;keep sad comply <br />with all tree agreements and conditions of the Bond for S 25 000.00 this day given by the said M•nrtgagor to said ASSf;C[ATtON, sad comply <br />with all tIx requiretronu of the Constitution and BY-taws o~said ASSOCIATION: then these presrnts shat) become nut! sad cord, otherwise they <br />sirau re:-,ulr. w C-uu fcrM, a;,d ,-a, y .'~,,. C~ :.~ at rite wgo;t o£ rh„ ;Wu ecemle _nnu after fa~are f : *.h.=_ munLtis to r••t,• ~^~ ,.r ~;a <br />payments m be three months sA arrears in rrta{titg card rnont6ly payments, or to keep sad wmply with the agreements and conditions of said !fond; <br />artd Mortgagor agrees to 7tare a receiver appointed foethwith N such foreclosure proceedings. <br />if there is any charge in ovvrorship o[ the real estate mnrlgagtd herein, by sate or otherwise, then the entire remaining indebtedness hereby <br />aecurad shag, at the option of The Eggitairk Bttildistg and Loan Association of Graced Island, Nsb:aaka, become irnntedrately due artd payable without <br />fttrtirer notice, and thx asnmmt rsmaining dire under said borxl, and any other bond for any additional advances mane tlxreundee, s§all, frmn the <br />date oC exercise of acid option, bqr interest at the ,twxinetsm ~ rake, and this rrtactgagp may then ~ fwecdoaed to satisfy the amount dx on <br />6ond,aad say other hood 4aadditiurutl advances, together wikh aB stuns paid by soled The Equitable Buililiag sad taan Association of Grand Island, <br />Plabraaka for imtuance, taus and aaaeasgrents,attd abarraC.hg extestaioa drarges, with interest thsreon, from date of payment at rhr rruuistttrm <br />legal rate. <br />As proviskd in the fttrod s<cttted htreby, whilethis rrnrrtgage remains in effect the matgagce may txteaCtar advance additional sums to the <br />inakets td said Bond, thew asaigas nr stsccestors in intexst, whn;h soots stmt! be within the security of this mortgage the same as the Fonda originally <br />aaarr ttxreby, the tota_3 attrrwnt of principal debt cost to exceed az any time the origins! amount of fhis rrarigage. <br />/~,~ed this 7st~~q,.~ October A. D., I9 80 <br />rtt~ A. h a~ )) !!" <br />~tte R. Schl~r b <br />STATE 4#F NHBRASKA, ] r day of Octobe r <br />COUNTY OF HALL ft- n fln this T S ~ . 19 80 ,before fro, <br />the undrrsigae<J, a Notary Ptrbtic m sad fot std County, perrrraa3iy ants <br />Jafaes R. Schlarb and Jeanette,,->ijarb, each in his and her own ri~ht, and as s~ause of <br />each other :~_ _ _ w are paraonallYkmwn to <br />rrc w be live ~tical s''. •'.. •. <br />Dasoa S wft'slYipe •$' " ~ , af{'ured tq the aMm rnstrurrtent as mortgagor S and they <br />uknowkd~ai the raid utatrtrmarst to bat ,%; "~t~l r ~ wxrally <br />"~miWY=Fe1°.yrW deal. <br />{ViTNFhu rqy (nnd No{arial 5sai E1ae _@gta stvrea~nt, <br />r; <br />•My L'urr~,;,rn e pi~71 T . ~~w; <br />, •s <br />,~,~s t~ - - . - - = }~~, -. ice:. <br />