<br />
<br />SI(IR'1'C:Af,E
<br />siQxrcACe I.lJA?i N0- L 2.3 , 81=
<br />KbiOMAE.LMEN13Y7FiESEIaRFSEN7'S:Thu Thanas ~. Dr€Jdik dnd Elizabeth A. Drlld7k, edC.'I in r€iS
<br />and her own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Fifty-five Thousand and Na1700 _______~Oi~9f_='1df40ta`mor`,m°om;dax'°e~rixmmd
<br />------------- -------------- -----nOLLA&S
<br />Josned to said rwort~r by Ttte Fquia~sk Bwldirtg and Lwn Astsiaatioa of Grand Island, Nebraxici, Stortgags, upon 5 Sfl stores of erode of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certifipte No- L 23,811 , da Jrreb}r grant, wv+ei; aM x„ongage unto the scrod ASSOCUTI(Xi the txi0o,rmg
<br />described real estate, situated in Hall County, Ncbrasta:
<br />CoiJSnencing at the West Quarter Corner of island Section 71, T i0 N, Range 70 W.; thence N
<br />0° 23' 00" E along the West Line of the Northwest Quarter of Said Section 71 a distarJCe of
<br />One Thousand One Hundred Twenty and Seventy-four Hundredths {1720.74} feet to the Point of
<br />Be^,inni „7; thence continuing N 0° 23' 00" E a7oag the West Line of the Nort~;.~rest Quarter of
<br />Said Section 17 a distance of Six Hundred Forty-six and Eighty-two Hundredths {646.82) Feet;
<br />thence S 890 37` 00" E a $istance of Eight Hundred Seventy-five and Seventy-five Hundredths
<br />(875.75) feet; thence S 0 23' 00" W a distance of Six Hundred Forty-six and Eighty-two
<br />Hundredths {645.82} Feet thence N 890 37' 00" W a distance of Eight Hundred Seventy-five and
<br />Seventy-five Hundredths (875.75) Feet to the Point of Beginning said tract containing 14.00
<br />acres more or less or which 0.44 acre more or less are reserved for County Road purposes.
<br />Excepting therefrom a certain tract of ground mare particularly described in the Warranty Deed
<br />recorded as Document r78-007607 in the Office of the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />ta~iher with all the terttments, hereditarrcems and appurtenances thereunto belonging., including attached floor mveriugs,. all window scrcens,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air conditpining,and plumbing and wateregttipment acrd acas~ries therc[o,punips, stoves,
<br />retrigeratots, and other foram and egtupment now or hereafter atuched to ar used in crortnection with said real es[ate-
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby ogee that the mangagor shall and will pay all taxes and »,r......nts levied or
<br />assesstd upon mid premises and upon [his rnangage and the bond sectue ?~p~r b f~efare the same shall become detingtunt; to furnish approved
<br />insurance upon the btuldutgs an said premtses situated in the sum of S 5 ~, [it1~ -~U payable to :aid ;4SSOCIAT1a7N and to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said irtsurartce: and rrot [o commr[ or permit any waste on or about sand p[emisn;
<br />`n lase a£ default in rife performance of aay of xtrc terms and nxiditmns of this m„r[gagc ear the isond secured heroby„ the mortgagee shall,
<br />on demand, be entitled to immediate aasmsstm rr! the mortvaged przmeACS stnd t?€e rt;er€};r~ot I:ereby assigns, °atisfers ~snd nets aver io the
<br />imrtgagte all thra rents, resxntses attd income to b€t derived from the mtugaged pxenuses during sur3t tuna as [hc rtrortgage indebtedness shall remain
<br />unpaid; and the nttxrtgagec shall have the power to appoint any agent or agents it may dtsxre for the propose of tepairirtg said. preitriscs and renting
<br />Ilse sarxre and collertirtg the rents, revenue's and incortte, and it [nay Tray r,ui. !sI sand utwrrx all expenses of :cpauvsg said praiirises and aecesmry
<br />ipmsn"stienss acrd expertxs incurred in renting and tnanagtng the same aruE .rf aodJecstng rni€taJs t~here2mm, fire hsJansE vcntairJ'mg, S any, to be
<br />appli~.i toward [Ice discharge of said mortgage indebzedttess; [tcese t~htx i€3' ttce r!rarigxgee may be exn.,ised at any ['fine during the existence of sirrh
<br />dnfa[tet, itrespect.ix+r of any temporary waiver of the same.
<br />TJirs Presents, I~*iwevt~€, a€e upon the Cc;: d:'t;,sa, TJ•a: of the saiG Afangags;+r ahaii c.cpay said i~a€t c n ar btft>rst t~hs matsrity of x.:id ~har_ b;
<br />paytnenF; pay rnnntitiy to '.mid ASSt;1CJA'J'€ON at the sum specified an the fkxnd secured hereby as interest and psintapal on said loan, on or beiore
<br />the Ts-zntietfr dry of each and every roanth, until said Darn u J uliy paid; pay alt taxes and assessments leved a~a:n<t said premises and an this Mortgage
<br />and the Boml src[tred thereby, before delinquency; furnish approved insuranrx upon the haildirrgs :hereon m the sum of S 55 , OQO . OO payable
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSOCIATION uprm demand all money by i; paid for such taxes, asxssmenis and insurance with interest at
<br />the maximum legal ra€e thereon tiom dale of payment all of whic}t Mortgagor hereby ogees to pay; perrtu[ na waste on said pren€ises;kcep and e:oropJy
<br />wish a6 the ageerncnu and sx>nditions of the Bond for S 55 > 000.00 this day given by the said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIA'CiON, and wmply
<br />with all tl.e requireroenrs of the Constitution and By-laws of said ASStX;IATION; then these presents shall become .roll crud void, otherwise they
<br />shall remain in full to[rx aced may be foreclosed at the option ui the said ASSOCIATION after failure [or throe months to make any ai sari,
<br />paymnxs or he these nptntbs in arrears ii [rta[tirtg said monthly payncents, or to kcep and wmpiy with the agreements and rnnditions a(said Bond;
<br />and bk,rigagor ogees to Jsavc a [cceiwer appointed farihwith in such foreclosure proceedings.
<br />tf them is any cltangc in ownership of the real estate mortgaged herein, by sale or otherwise, then the entve remaining utdebtedrtess hereby
<br />secated shall, at the option of Tha Equitable Building and Loan Assox;iatk€n of Grand Island, Nebraska, became imrttediately dtx and payabL-. witiwut
<br />further notice, and the amount remaining due under slid bond, and any other bond far any additions! advances made t}teret:rtder, shall, frnm the
<br />date of exercise of said option, bear interest at ilte maximum legal rate, acrd this mortgage rtsyy then be foreclosed to satisfy tJ,u amount due on sold
<br />band, and aay other bami for additional advamxa, together with all scuts paid by said T'he Equieabk Bni{ding and Loan Auociation o(Grmd Island,
<br />NehrasW fm insurancz, farces and asscsvuients, and absinctirtg extension cJtargcs, with interest thereon, from date of payment at the maxirnunt
<br />rue.
<br />f As gravided to the Bond secured herehy, while this mortgage rssttaitts m effecK the rnartbregee may hereafter advance additional sums to the
<br />rtsalee',n of raid Hood, [heir assignor st[cccsxus in itstereu, whuh tyros shad be within the security of this rrtortgage the sar»e as the funds originally
<br />rteladd thereby, tht Jt><faI arnrsiliti of principd debt rrot to excced at guy time ilce original unount of this mortgage.
<br />y uatea inia l e t ... dry rf October A. o-. J 9 80
<br />,, ~-~ ~~
<br />~` ,,
<br />Jt~s J. r 'a" .~~ ,
<br />Eliz, etlt A. Drudik
<br />STATE f}F NEBRASKA, ~ ~ (ht iJsis 1st . day of Qctaber J9 8O .before me,
<br />e~uNTr° v~ Ilnt.c ~
<br />the urtdersigrted, a Notary Public to and for said County, petsana[ly ante
<br />Thomas J. Drudik and Elizabeth A. Drudik, each in his and 'nee own w~~ht, and per~rraByt~Cneiwnaf
<br />each other Y are
<br />me ti, be lice edsnsx.aJ peasar ~, :=-74- S are affued W the aiwve instrument as rtwrtgagur 5 and t ney scve[rdly
<br />aduarwJcd~a:.i xJ,e said rasttt'tq Jsa~- ~,h~~~`~.`.. vatanrary ac: ant deed.
<br />WiTNr:+z ^= ,J'~s:J ~aa NaxfJ J~q} iJx date aiarcasid.
<br />#Y +~~oti r.aparss. ./~ - ,;.
<br />