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iwtrr~cACE <br />roarcACt: LOAN NO. L 3, X31 <br />t;~Atit~BY~rR~~Farrs=T~ Jahn E. Pfeifer and Lois A. Pfeiffer, each in his and her <br />O'ifn right and as spouse of each other, <br />~gaBu+, rhether ase a mrrre_ is masidastioe d the satin d <br />Seventy 7hg~<_and and No/100------------------------------------------ ----.._...~ <br />t®W fo laid M The Equitable Bmidiog attd Oxm Asaotaatioa of Grand Iataad, Nehraaka, Yort6~e, upon 700 s~ d atoll[ of <br />acid AS50C1ATt~t, Certifiate No. L 23,812 , do hereby a;*~t. ~~1 sell rtrostpge from the sad ASSOCIATION the fadowios <br />desagred real estate, s#uNed in FiaB Cattrny, Nebxmica: <br />LOT ELEUEN {71) IN R & B SECOND SUBDIVISION, NALL COUNTY, <br />.NEBRASKA. <br />together with aD ttx tenemenu, hereditzroents and apprertenances thereunto Mlrxtgmg, including attached noor arrermss, all window sweats, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, t[eating, air ca[tditiooutg, and pltrmbiing and water egttipment and ausswrie: thereto, pampa,atnves, <br />refrigerators, and otFxr fixtures and equipment rrow or lrertxfter atfached to or used az mnm.Rinn with said real estate. <br />rind wtrreas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agrce that the mortgagor shall and will pay all Lases and aaemmnu levied or <br />assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond xcured therebv bcfoce the saw shall became delh[quent; to furnish approved <br />insurance upon the buildings on said premises sitmtedin the sum of S 70 , 000.00 payable to ~ ASSOCIATION a~ to delissr to said <br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said insmaam; and not to commit or permit any waste on or about said pretnizs; <br />Sn case of default in the periotmance of aey of the terms artd mnd:r:.,,,. of this mortgage or flu 6orad xcwed hereby, the r[wrtgagee shag. <br />as demand, be catitled to immediate possession of the rrtortgaged prenrixa and tlx mortgagor hereby assts, transfers a~ xu over to the <br />;?un[„~~ apt the rants, rer,.rtsc and inrorrte to ~ Ger"sued rrom the trwstppgcd prernses durim suoi time as the mortgage indt6[edr,ess shah ramie <br />mpaid; and the mortgagce shalt hax the power ee appoint any agrnt or agents it rosy desire for the ptrrpose mf repairing. said prenraes wad renting <br />the same and uolkoiiteg the rents, reverttas amt inwrtae, and K rmvy pay nut of said intxarae all expertses of repairimg said premaes and necemry <br />oammissioms and expense incurred ir! renting wad rmmadn± nc~ same and of nod4exi~ renurs thetsrmm; ~~ batan¢ rcmamutg, ~ asY, to I,e <br />appikd towrard the rlisrlearge of sail trwrlga~ indebtedness; these rights s,f the mortgagee may 6e exert nn3 at any firm duretg rho existeme of inch <br />default, irtespeetivx of say tauporay waiver of the satlc. <br />Thex ptexnts, however, are upon the Contrition, That if ttie sa&i Mortgagor stwil mpaY said loan nn or before rhs rmturity of said shares by <br />payaterEt: way-„oaahtr io said A.iSte'CtAT}ON of the afro s`ecifutt rn the dtutd srtured hetebY as interest. and prin~at inn ,avt town, tart vs before <br />the Taxntkth dsY mf earL and every momlh, until said bran is fully paid; pay all taxes sad assessracnts kvkd agaiaat said premiss arm m this Mertgs„w, <br />and Utc fiend seawed thereby, bstae delinquency; fiunish approved insurance upon the buildings thereon in the sum or S 70 , 000.00 payable <br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand aB rmney by it paA for suds taxes, a~.,..n.u and im.....,,,.r vritlt interest at <br />the maximum 6ega1 rate thereon from date of payment all of whirls Mortgages hereby agrees to pay; permit m waste on said <br />p:emises;luxp and comply <br />with ail the agrcemenu aa6 wrsdit,oms of the Bond fm S 70 0 ft Q0 this day gisen by fix acid Mortgagor to said ASSfx1AT(ON, and comply <br />with aft tiro regt»retncats of tic C~o.itu~.:un a.---'„ By-ro°w: of -~~ a-~cOe'SATtnN; [hew these presereu strait xmme null and will, otherwise they <br />sttafl remain in full force an3 may be faeclaxd at the option of the said ASSOCIATION alter failure far three rwntlu to make arg of said <br />payments or be throe npnths N arrears in linking sad monthly payments, a to keep and comply with the agrcemenu and conditions of said Bwtd' <br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a receiver appoiattd forthwith in such foreclosure proceedings, ' <br />if tttero is any ahattge in ovvrsership of the real estate mortgaged heroin, try sale a otrerwise, then the entire remabiag inde6tedaeas <br />accused shat!, az the option of The Equiubk &eildeag and /.ewer Aeoeiation of Gund lslnid,Nebraska, become irmmedia[ei due and hersby <br />fsarther ravtzce, and the amount due tinder Sid droll, artd Y pryabb withrwt <br />data of exerts of ~ option, brasr~irsina~est at v~ m,asi,,., any other bond far any adttitioaai advaapa made [herermder, sha0, tiom the <br />bond, and ao otlaa bond for additional advaaw, ,~ ~ rate, wad thu tmrtp~ may then t e tonedosd in attsfiy the asrtaunt dm on said <br />Y togetber with all sum paid by said The Equitable &u7deog and Loan Aaeodition or Grind Istamd, <br />Nebraska tin imwrance, taxes aatd as[esmtenu, wall abstractetg extension tfisrgea> with iataesi thereon. Fran date of paytttrnt at the maximum <br />bpi rate. ' <br />As prorided in the Borui ietured hereby, while this rautgagt rettyinz in effect tls na,rtgagee may haearier advartce additional stem to the <br />_ maltc¢s of said Bond, their assigrzor suceessars in interest, which arms sitaB be within the security of this mortgage the same u the furtda originaBY <br />seemed tttarby, the rota{ amount of pritaapap debt mi to excced az any time the origrnai amount of ibis mortgage. <br />~Jhay fy~st ~ any 'r October A. D., t~ $0 <br />y75 es ~ <br />:3 <br />STAlE 4F NEBRASKA' %. On this first day of OCtOher (980 , before me, <br />CfR:NTY of idALt <br />John E. Pfeifer and Lois A. Pfeifer, t~""aeO~d''N°t"yrt~ma°df°r~tau,n°[y'pettw~y`a~ <br />. each in his and her own _rixlht~,d as spouse of each other, who are paxrnaUy kma,wn tin <br />ere to be the idRatitst psrzna S 9d70Ae ltagat.5 ~' $i~c:, affixed to the attuwe irtatrtuneat as ntortg~w S and they sweratty <br />at9ttwwkdgaA the ,aid iostrutrteni tn~c-.. ~ the i-r ~ ~ ~ ~~~ act and ctaed. <br />tY#TNkfis way tmq~ap,altle4:amtsaat the <br />MY Com.ssisxiurt e'te. ~P1 ,)_ ~ ~: F <br />tawsm sa - - = Notary rubi:e <br />