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<br />t This {arm is wised in crrr~• ~ <br />~} {{^^ ~p.~+r /~+~+ tine a-iti; rdr:KKaR2a irzsu:t~ <br />L~~ v L1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!./3tk i'L3~L3is ~ *snder : he ot~- ~f.: E ur-fami's_, t <br />prnvisiaeffi of t}te tiatfana. <br />mottairs¢ Aet. <br />(idI?ti $ JtKf3 ~ 33~Tf~Y I~'!'ALU!J~'tS) <br />THtS MflRTfiA{;E, made and caseated this 2Od - day of Otttober ._A.D. <br />Itz lap , by aced brmvan ?e7. $. Cecy BRni Cathy J, C9ep, htt~td 9ttt3 vile <br />~ ~ ~~y ~ Hsl.9. .and State of TJebraska, party of the first <br />theAf<ortgagor,attd- - - Part.hertinafterealled <br />Sttper'ior 3forL8~s ~• <br />a cttrFttraticat organized and existing undtr £he taws of the Dtii.ted 3t8te9 of 6r9e2 ~e8 <br />party of the ucond part. hereinafter coifed the 'Hortgagee• <br />WfTP1ESSETIf: That Fife said Mortgagor, for artd in consideration of the sum of Thirty t3iZ Tbnt398na Seeen <br />Stld fl0/704thS Dollazs tS jfi,7Qp,~ !. paid by the Afore- <br />, Alta, the receipt of which- is hereby acknowledged, has- Granted and Sotd and by these presents does Grant. Bar- <br />gain, SsB, Catvey and Confrrm urKO tits Mortgagee- its successors and assigns. forever. the.foilowing-descritxd <br />neat silos, situated iotheCottruy of $p],j .and State <br />o>=fVebraska, to wit: <br />ia~et~: iia~e r<3) t r~ttr 4u) iu iveiseits Stebaivis3cn nY a part of sync Southeast <br />Q~iarter tsY the Sittlthe~st GAt9rter (3~5 of Seeticfn El'etrert (19) in Tt»ttnsihip <br />Bs1.e?vr9AY (7 t) North,. Range Nine (9) West oP 'the bth P.'M.i„ pat]. c{simty,', Ttebra9ka. <br />a19o knout ast 317 N Wetzel, rr9na I919nd, ?~ 68801 <br />of2he3ixthPrincipaiMeridran.cortaininginall Cp.yy}~. pz.ope~ acresaccordingtaGovern- <br />tifertrsrney: - - <br />Tr3 kiA1r$ AND Tfl HJLD the premises-shove des::ribed, -»•t*.h a!tiht appurtenances thereaner, :,ziunging and it:ctuJ,r;r <br />at1 heati.Rg, plumbing and iightingfixtt$es and equipment now or htreaflet atutcttt;d t.t or used in connection with said real eetaiie <br />entree the.Mostgagee, atnf to its successors arrd asst2ns,. forever. '[2te Afcrtgagur repreents t.}, -and c.overants w-eth. the Afurtga- <br />gee, that the Mortgagor has good .*igltt to sell and cunvev said'premses: that they -ue free from encumbrance: and that the <br />Mortgagt}r wittwairant amt defend the same-against fhe lawful claims of ail persons wfiomwev~r, and the said A7ortgagor here- <br />by relinquishes all tights of homestead, and all martial rights, either in law or in eyuity, and all other contingem interests of the <br />M~tgagor inaadioihe above-descrbsd premises, Iht intention being to convey hereby an absolute title, in fee simple, incfud- <br />itfg.all rights of homestead, and.other rights and interests as aforesaid. <br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the fallowing conditions, to wiC. <br />- T?te!Mars~gor agrees m pay to the Afortgaxee, or order, the principal sum of Thirty Six Thotts9nd °even fitmared <br />end t14/1fH}- M...«~._ ibllars(5 3{j,~pp~pp 1. <br />with inisrest from dots at the rate of Thirteen 9nd one h91f per : enttun ~ 'E J.~ =ic j per annum un <br />the unpaid bafance_unW pa-sd. The said principal and interest shalt be payable at the office of Superior 2brtg9ge, Inc. <br />- in (i'raad Isleztd, Netrraska . or at such other place as the holder of <br />the note may designate in writing, in monthly installments of (aCC~rdirtg to schedule K 9tt9t:hed to s9id <br />xi~~ flollars (5 1. commending un :he first day of <br />136C~P - - , 19 $Q, and on-the fuse day of each month thereafter until the principal and in- <br />terest at=e fulfy paid,. except that She final payment of prtttcipal and interest, i[ oat sooner paid, shall !>e due and <br />payable on the lust day of NOVi+, ~1 ~ - ; alt acwrding to the terms of a certain prumis- <br />- sr'ttote of evettdatc herewith executed by the said A3ortgagar. <br />The Mtxigagur in order [Wore fatty to protect the secftrtty of thi. 'Mortgage. agree,: <br />t: That he will pay the it~ebtedness, as hereinbeforc proe•ided. ftivifegc is reserved to pav the debt in :robot c, or in an <br />amount equal to ate itr more monthly payments an the principal shat arc next due an the note, nn the fiat day ~~f any month <br />prier to maturity: Provided, however, That written nurses ai an imeatiun to exerdse :.uch p:ivitegc i. given at teas[ shirty ! :Oi <br />days prfnr to prepayment. <br />F. That. fugpthsr with, and in addition to, the munthiy pa}-menu cf principal and intczest p.r3~-rble under tba terms „i th; <br />rests sgcured futeby, the Mortgagor will pay to the Atongagee, on the first day of each month ands the Wait] Ware i> fatly pail. tier <br />foilnwifigeums: <br />(a) A:z;uunt avffrcient to provide ttu hoiden hereof with funds to pay° il-+e next mortgage ensnrat+re pterruni if th;. <br />msisurnent and the note st~cuted hereby ate insured, ur a monthly charge firs lieu r:(u murtRuge i+ts:+ram:E t~rr <br />nuurn~ tf~thcy art held by tfx Secretary of mousing and Urban I7evciapmerti, as fttilnws: <br />tl3 if t ~ ..~".~ ~ a ~v : - - f zv~,s =-`~° a+si iris *3~s`z 3+ttent .-..~ ~. - - -.. - :msg. - - _. ,.. - <br />.navaw a„ 'ris wtteNiai sf'fuu"s®g Rc[; an 3mCYrini SYti~?.C1CnT -c)?!tt'iltYti a C n Inc hdn15 ~~ tt.t t.,,iy$t( i< .!~_ <br />H.pts~a fttp-2rA9At m,tr tx vvtn vrtt~s =<+rc+rr ~. sxnaureaG ~T ~1TP: e rf' t F;Bf{:1~ 6.1 <br />