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W.~ ..._ .-__° . _ °. <br />_ _ ; . -_ _ f.__e <br />Sx.A-HEAL ESTATE MORTCuIGl~4wRa Tax Cbuaa3 }ter. ~' 7+`~f ~ ~.` c.N {rt , : 3 ikuNtwaa aM Crlta d stair, tMalhra:. tfe 5B~5i <br />Kfrff4W AL.L MEAI BY THESE PRESE'.`Z5: 'That M~ ;~. HEZdh?ZfiGSEN A,'iD SHAr'?°ON A_ HE;+i~INGE <br />HUSBAND AND F7IFE <br />~ HALL County, and State of NEBRASKA , r3 ~omideratiort of the stun et j <br />FORTY-FOUR THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AA3D NOf 1Ti~-----------------------3s4I,LgI?8= <br />in futnd paid, do hereby SELL and C6N~'EY unto THE FIRST NATIflNP.L BF*IK OF GRAND ISLAND , <br />GRAND ISLANDr NEBRASKA <br />o[ HP_LI. County, State of ?IEBRASKA the following deacr~¢d premises aiLirated <br />in HP.LL County. and state of NEBRF~RA . town: j <br />i <br />3 <br />( <br />LOT THREE {3) CALVARY SUBDIVISI02d, CITY OF GRAND ISLAtiD, HALL COUNTY, , <br />NEBRASKA <br />f <br />TJieintcrttian. dkein8 to convey hereby an akrsr>lute lifts in fee simple. including ail the rights vt homestead and dower. <br />TOHAV:E: AND TO HOLLl the prenrisos above doscribed, with ski the appurtanancra ihereuatn 6eionging, unto the said; <br />mortgagacls;l and co his, her rsr kheir heirs and as„argns forever, pravid.xl always, and these presents are upon the express} <br />arnditrcon that if the raid martgagor{s), his, her or their heirs, exetrutara, ar assigns shall pay or cause to bej <br />paid to ktao said mortgagee(s), his, her or kheir heirs, executors, admninistrators or assigns, the principal sum of $ 44 , 800.00) <br />DaYalaio'aa fdiflaws, to wit: , <br />PRINCIPAL FLUS P_CCRUED INTEREST AT 14~ DUE & PAYABLE MARCH 18, 1981. <br />adth intaresi aanrding tv tkee trout and elfecf .,C the mortgagors written promissory note toeurierg even dale with these presents; <br />and shelf PaY aft lases and ass.-~unenG levied upon said reef estate, am3 eR other tdses. Icw:ea and assessments kewicd upon. this* <br />rnartgage ar the .^.~ ::^.ich !^.- ..:., gaga is given to servra, before the same ~-oma'a deiinrtae.-.t, and :seep iho bui;d=ngs an <br />sahl f?rrmiies insured for ne -um of { 44„ 800.00 . lean, if any, lzayable kr rl-.e said, uscsrtgagee, then these prmenrs; <br />io he void, otiaerwiae tv t><- }amain in folk force. - <br />IT IS FLrftTHEH Ar Tt'EED !!; That ~* the ::aid mortgagor ahai'1 fail k:c pay ;as. taxes yr pra`ur sueh :n;arr~ntr tf;e= <br />said mortgagee may nay such taxes and p Rzre such insurance; and the sum sv advanced, wilts intexeat at S1Xt.e 2I3 aer: <br />e€nL shaiI he repaid by sad mortgagor. anti this mortgage skalt stsrtd as ar.~surity far the acme. {2) That a failure to pay any i <br />of said money, either principal or interest, avhen the same becomes due, or a failure to tromply with any of ifee foregoing; <br />agreements, shall cause the whole sum oS money herein senzred iv btreme due and co[tectible at once at the option of the j <br />mortgagee. <br />signed thin jg day of SEPTEPiBER is 80 <br />In presence of <br />STATE OF ...... el~~Ras .. ~ County of ...... rffe,t,L ................ <br />.~~ ;.,...... SEP`,PEMBER,--..~g...........298Q.. <br />Phe foregexng i ~tq dged before me ....... . <br />- . f. '•. O <br />by MAIti{ L1:, H S~NG~$BdfSit~ ON A. HEMMINGSEN, HUSBAND & WIFE. <br />-s CO~fl6i,5S~8hf p ,~ <br />t ~~~ <br />rF p~. NEfl~~'S~ Signal a of , }son Taking Acknowledgment <br />~ Cotiauissign -ire ".2-~f ............NOTARY PUBLIC ................... <br />`~ Title <br />SfATL QF.-_...._ ...............__..........__..._.._ ._.,_......... j Entered an nutnerir~k index and filed for record <br />Cana;y tea. <br />....._ _...__ ............._._....,._............._._._..._ .._.. } is the Register of De.:da t)8u~ of saw Couah• the <br />.. oL_._.- .. __.. _..... ..... _...,, 18.._.-......, ai ......... _..._..._.o'ciock anti...____.... ...... __.miautes .. _._._........ Ili., <br />and recordarf ui 1Cfook.._..__...,...,_ ,.......__.,....of......,....._.._.....__.__..__at page....-....___._._.___._-_. <br />...,...._. ... -.____.__.._... __.... .. _..-Reg. of Lhtiria <br />