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<br /> and Ler�dar'� and Trust�a�s x��torn�y�s Paat� actually ircurred to th4 extwnt =
<br /> p�raitted by ep�liaablv law. In the event Sorrower or Truator �xerai�ea any
<br /> right providsd by la�w to auro n� 8v�nt of DaPaul�, Lander shall be e�titled
<br />- to rcccv�r �soa �r;�stor nll coota a:zd wxp�nsas actuslly incurrad as a re�ult -
<br /> _ o! Tru�toz�c d4Pault, includ�ng, without limitation, all Tructaa�a and
<br /> attornoy•s P��a, to f.�►� exzen�: �e�.����ed �� ap�li.:ab�e law. Su�;� c���� ctia�l -
<br /> y.,. be added to tho principal sum due hereunder and draw interest at the d�tault -
<br /> =z s'ato oi 16.000 par'Ca71t pe�c Annli�.
<br /> � The Truatse �hall heve the right to release with or without cansideration or
<br /> cr��it on �he indsbtedneae hereby seoured, any part af th� �roperty �erein
<br /> • �• daearibo3 by ae�aquata leqal instrunont vitfiuut regar�l to th�e �a:3�atence o! any
<br /> . ' iunior onawnbrance and without th� cane�emt oP �u�h junior e�c�ran��r, and
<br /> � �, auch roloaa� ahall have no further effe�t upon the rank� 13en cxx e+s�ato
<br /> �, convoyad horoby or againat the Tru�tee than is theroin nxprorsQ�.
<br /> '' Beaoliaiary n�ay �t any time and lram time to time appoin� a succazaor Trus�e� -
<br /> �� by filinq for recorci in each county vhere tho trust proparty or part thwrao! -
<br /> � fe lacated A notice of Substitution of Truatee.
<br /> �. . In tha ov�nt tha�t �he real proper�y herein desc�riYaea, or any portion th�reot
<br /> > > or any interest therein �:ie sold, mortqagad or conveyed, or becomQa Qubject to
<br />_f�.:� an agre��t to �sell, mor�gage or convey, prior to the tiae the indebtedn�s$s
<br /> a�,
<br /> ��� aQaured h�ereby shall hava bQen paid in full, t3ten the entire incisbtednsns
<br /> � se�cured by thia Trust Oaed shall at ttie option �� the BQneficiary bec:ome due
<br /> � �n3 payahla.
<br />-�� That if �he ro
<br /> P P��Y. or any part thers��. be condemnad undar any power o!
<br />�� Qninent doaain, or acquired !or public uae, the �amagea, procaed�, and tho
<br /> - aonsidera�tion for such acquisition, to the extent o! the full aaount o!
<br />-�� inciebtedneas upan �his Trust Deed and the Deed o�' Trust Nota securad heraby
<br />`� rasaining unpaid arQ hore�y asaiqned by T�uator to thQ holdor o! �aid Os�d o!
<br /> "'�� Trust NotQ and Trust Deed and shall bQ p�id forthwith to aaid hold�r tc I�s
<br /> °`=' applied by it liretly to the payment of any expeusses said hoid�r x�ay incur in
<br />= the condesrtation prx�eding, a�nd secondly on the inriobtedna�a sscuracl har4by
<br /> - in auch �aanr�r aa it Qlecta. or tha aacunt �o rac�iv�d or anv nart tharao!
<br />--- �ay be ra�easad by the 8aid Bene=iciary. - - � . . _. --
<br /> a-.��i
<br />_� Ban�l3ciary aay within threQ months atter the aa1Q o! tho propQrty undar this
<br />- _ 'Truat DQad, sue Truator in an ac�fon �or recovery o! any balancQ dus,
<br /> _ includinq intaraat �rom ths datQ o! eals, the coata ar�d eYpanss� o!
<br /> - - exercisf�� th� power of sale, and of ths aale, upon 4his obligatibn which was
<br /> not rettred and paid by the proceeda of t3ie sale o! the saaa.
<br /> � At�� part$al r�leaso or �ubordinatia� agrQeaent r.hal� only bQ �xecuted by th�
<br /> - Trustee �aitha written diraction o! Bsnelfoiary, �vid�nced by hia joinflar in
<br /> such ins�svsant.
<br /> Upon vrittan noticQ troa the Beneficiary that �s dQbt a4curad haraby Daa
<br />-- baan paid in full, evidanced by joinder of th�e Benaticiary nn the lu31
<br /> --- release docu�tent, Trustee shall reconvey, without �tarranty, the estats in th�
<br />_:� property then hQld by tha Truatee.
<br /> WhQnev�r tha word he, his or him is used herain, such word �hall aiso aean
<br /> and inaluda the vords she, they, it, hers, theirs or them, and ttes sfn�alar
<br />- - sha21 likeviss mean and fnclude the plural, and the worda hefre shalt also
<br /> - �ean persa�nal reprasentatives and successors in interest by whatever rfght,
<br />-_._;� as thQ cosztesct i�dicates.
<br /> =a,�Va iao �f.�'sov fi4�I0a o'J�� �.�a'O Z'1'l+^ot.01.^ �v ol.�'alo� �.�'si8 L'G�.�3^�"TZ�. 0�726L'�i.�S�'� �'s� v�L�'a
<br />--- o�. tha acknowladq�nt baraaltar.
<br /> ,;�
<br />_��:�
<br />_ = Lyl . Harders
<br />�a � ./ � �Cl/
<br />;�=f, Frances a. Harders
<br /> :�;:
<br />_`i�
<br /> ' �
<br />