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~------ <br /> <br />-'f1--z,titU ~,.J <br />IX3RTGAGE LOAN No.L23, i3 <br />Subject to <br />KNO6tAI~.ifIIVBI'IHESEi?RESEI'fiS:'ILu Bradley H. Klingttxn and Jill C. Klingman, each in his <br />and her own right and as spouse of each other, <br />c:., ~rt,,........,t c:..,, u.._~.Y~ __~ .._.,.,., Y«tp~,w!>ethcceearmae,iamarenlGimdtheasad <br />ironed to sad mortygor by 1Le Egrritabk Bwldina and loco Aao®tion of Grrnd [slam, Nelsrais, , t~ . 6 j shaes dYO~ d <br />said AS50CIATION, c...-rnt~ No. L23,813 , ao hereby sue, mmey and _ tttrm the sad ASSOCIA1St]Pf the taon.;r6 <br />desmbed teal estate, rattnted N Halt Comrty, tJebnska: <br />LOT SEVENTEEN {17), Itr BLOCK FIFTEEN {16), IN <br />SCARFF'S ADDITION TO WEST LAWN, IN THE CITY OF <br />GP.A.ND ISLAND, NEBRASKA. <br />Subject to prior mortgage to the mortga~ee herein, in the principal amount of <br />Twelve Thousand Six Hundred and No/100 t$12,600) dated September 20, 1977. <br />together with all the tenements, hereditaments and apptrrtenartces thereunto belonging, including a[tacbed f'.oor coverings, aB window sQema, <br />witnbw shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air mndiiiorting,and plumFrog and water equipment and arseasories thereto, ptrtteps,sroves, <br />refrigerators, and othtr futtwes and equipment now yr hereafter attached io or used in umrtation with aid real estate. <br />And whereat the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and wiB pay all taxes am asse~~ts levied tm <br />assessd upon aid premises ud upon this mortgage and the frond secured thereby pelota the same shag become delinquent; to iutnuh approved <br />ittsurenrx upon the buildmgt on said premises siiuaud in the sum of S 6 , 6DD. DD lmyabk to said ASSOCIATION am [o deliver to said <br />ASSOCIATION the policies for aid ittstrrance; and not to commit or permit any waste on or about said premises; <br />Iv case of defgdt in [he perfvrmarta of any of the terirta and txmditiorss a( this mortgage ur tbe bond ~w'm heeby, L~ rnortgagei =_„, <br />rrn derrw,d, be rntirkd to immediate possession of the mortgaged premises end the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers and sets over w the <br />mortgagee ail tbe rents, rcvenrres and income to be derived from the mortgaged prentists during stub time as Ibe rttortgttge indebtedness shag remain <br />unpaid; and the nivrtgagce shalt have the power to appoint any agent or agents if may desire for the ptnp»e uC repaving said preanixs am renting <br />the same and coL.°cting the rents, revenues and income, a:.d it rnaY ICY asst of sad i±icumt elf ezpen;ts of repaving aid premises am rteoesaq+ <br />ootnmiaio:ts and exprnses incwred in renting and ma_P:,,o~ the same and of cerlkctvtg rcatals tlx- °{rum; the batatrre remaining, if any, to be <br />ap~::.d *.nward €t',°, disciearge aF sa*_d mu :gage indebtcdrtes;; ritese rights u( the mortgagee trtay tx ezereisd ar any titix dieing the ex_*:ence of stsd! <br />defadt, itrbspeclive of any icmporuy waiver of the same. <br />T'bese pr~mis, ituwexr, ate upon the Cordition,'fhat if the said Mortgagor shall repay said loan on or betom the maturity of sain shares by <br />ptryrterit; pay montbly w sad ASSt7CI ATION of Lire wm specified in the Bond secured hereby as interest and prarapai on said loss, un ur before <br />tJse Tvreatle[h day of eadt am entry month, until said town is fully paid; pay all taxes and assessments levied' aid prcrnves sod on this Mortgage <br />and the Bond serarred thereby, before deivtgirency; fwnish approved insurance upon the buildings [hereon in the sum of 3 6, 6DD. DD payable <br />w said ASSOCIAT70N; repay [o raid ASSOCIATION upon dertond zli rrroney by ii paid for surlt taxes, asses unents and insurance with intereA at <br />the tmainium kp! rate [hereon from date of paymen! all of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; ptrtnit rro wane on said premises; keep and comply <br />with aB the agreements amt mnditv,ns of the Bond for 3 6 SDD. DD this day given by [he said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, and wmply <br />with all tfie requirements o(the Constitution and By-L'aws of sin ASSOCIATION; thrn these presrnts shall besrome null and wid, otherwise they <br />shall rennin in iuB force and may be furccivseu at ibe option v( the sue` nSSi,e;L'yTiuiv after iaiii:re (or three months to metre any of sad <br />payments or be ttuee mouths in arrears in making said monthly payments, or to keep and comply with the agreements and wnditions o(aid Bond; <br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a receiver appointed forthwith in such fureciosure proceedings. <br />If there a any change in ownership u(the real estate mortgaged herein, by sale or otberwise, then the rntve remaining indebtedness hereby <br />segued shag, at the option of The Equitable Bidding and Loan Assocratiun of Gram Islaml, Nelxaska, bsmme imrneditr:lY dx and payable witlwui <br />further notice, and tbe amount rerrnining due tinder said bond, and anY ocher bond tvr any additiorat advantxx node thereunder, shall, from the <br />date of exertaae of said option, bear interest at the rroxienunt legal rate, and this mortgage may then be foreclosed to satisfy the amuimt due on said <br />bond, and any othsr bond for additional advances, together with aB sums paid try aid The Equitable Budding am Loan Assr,taation of Grand island, <br />Nebraska for +.~..9.+.v, taxes and asaestmenu, and abstract extension <br />legal rate, 16g ~rBes, with interest ibercvn, From date of paytrent at the rraamum <br />As provided in ibc Bond sectrted hereby, while this mortgage rerrtains in etTecl the rnor[gagee rmy hereafter advav,x additioal sums to the <br />tmakers of said Bum, their assigns or successors in interest, which swra shag be within the security of this mortgage the ante u the funds originally <br />rcured thereby, the total armuot o(principat debt not to excttd at any time the original amount of this mortgagt. <br />~~; this First day of October A. n., tv 8^t. <br />_ C% <br />S~'ATE OF NE14R4S&t4, ~ . <br />~. on this First day °( nr t Obe r 19 80 , ~(~ ~, <br />crxrhwrv or ItAw ) <br />Bradley H . Y.1 i ragman and J i 1 l C. Kl i ragman , tt" tud`rsigrted, a Nmtary Public m eras tnr said County, perwrtatiy tame <br />each in his and her own right and as spouse of other rota, are persmaliy kmiwn to <br />me t° be the idtntinl pernmt 5 wt,oae name S are affixed to ihx above iyatrmtseni as trtuttgag°t <br />adtnowkt~a5 the acid instrument to bra their vWuntary act and dced. ' <br />WITNESS ray Rand and Mutual Seal the date a(o,caa_rd. ' <br />a'y Curnntissiun cxpvcs --. <br />__ UC ~.r r,. ~: <br />fttaaW al .,J ~ l <br />~'A;t d? <br />and sevcrallY <br />_. _ f. <br />'1 <br />~"^ <br />c -, <br />:notary i'rdttic <br />