<br />"'., !'#^ is l.` ;ter a} S +.3 : 1
<br />f~RTGACE
<br />~oxrGAGELOANNO. L23,810 ~iC
<br />YNOFALLYIIiBYTefESEPRFSEN75:Thu Donna M. Albers, a single person
<br />Fifty-nine Thousand four Hundred and No/100 ~°`t~Df'"~!"`rm`«mot`'®°°~°°u;°°°rt~"m«°f
<br />-------------------------------------- ---- --
<br />Ironed w said ttrtsrtgag« by The Equitable Buadm6 and loan Aattoastion of Crand Ishod, Nebraska, MartBrgee, upon 594 ~~ of start ~
<br />aid ASSOCIATION, Certifiote No. [. 23,810 MGI~ do hereby grant, mavey ~ nsortgag unto the said ASSGCiATtOPI the foBorio6
<br />destaibed real state, s;ttrtued is IlaB county. Nebrarka:
<br />35, TO~iNSHIP ii NORTH, RAPlGE ?0, WEST OF THE
<br />together with cell the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belong"tag, including attar}ted Moor mverittgs, all wiadaw saecas,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air mnditio^=g, and plumbing and water equipment sad accessories thereto, prurgta,stom,
<br />refrigerators, and ocher fixtures a[M equipment now or bereafter attached to or used is connection with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the aid mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shalt and wiB pay all tarts sad assessmenu kvirA or
<br />assessed upon said premises and upon [his mortgage and the bond secured [hereby before the same shall become de!'utquent; [o furnish approved
<br />insurance upon the buildings on said premises situated in the sum of S 59 , ¢DD. DD payable to raid ASSOCIATION and to deliver to saki
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance; and not to commit or permit any waste on or about said premises;
<br />In ase of default N the perfontrance of any of the terms sad conditions of this mortgage ar the bond stnued hereby, the tnortgltgee shall,
<br />¢n demand, be entii~d to itrut>tdiate possestion of the mortv,Agtd premises and the mortgagor hereby asagns, transfers sad xts over to EIx
<br />mort~e all the rtnta, revenues and iamme to be derived from the mortv}ged praneists during such [cent as *_he rrAt2ga~ indebi--dam sfu:t{ s,"a~
<br />unpaid; and the mort~get sltaB have the power to appoint any agent or a~eots it may desirt for the purpose of repairing said premises and tenting
<br />the same and collecting We rents, [even}xs and income, and it may pay out of aid income aB expe~}sts of repairing aid premxes sled ne,xaary
<br />commiations and expenses incurred b renting and ,aan>w ,tg the same and of collecting rentals tti~refrom; the bsisna remaining, $ arty, to be
<br />applied icward the di3E3targt of said mortgage indebtedness; thtse righu of the mortgagx essay be extrdsed at any time durutg six ezsstence of stilt
<br />default, irrespectivt of any itmporsry wstver of tht same.
<br />These Prexrrts, howtm, are upset the Condition, Thai if the said Mortgagor shall repay aid ban on or before the marsrity oC said shafts by
<br />payrrtent; pay monthly to soul ASSOCLATION of Ltx user} spetifr~ in the Busd sttu€w•' htrtby as iattrrt and p,iacipai os said rrau an or before
<br />the Twentceth day of each and entry month, until said loan is fully paid; pay ail tazts and assessments levied against said premises and on this Mortgage
<br />and tht Bond secured thereby, before dclitiquercy; furnish approved insurance upon the buildings thtrmn in the sum of S 59 , ¢DO. OD payabk
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand al! money by it paid for such tarts, assessments aml insurance with inreresi at
<br />[he maximum 6ega1 rate the[mn from date of payment alt of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; permit rm wash on aid premises; leap and comply
<br />with alk the agreements and conditions of the Bond for S 59 ,¢DD . DD this day gicen by the said Mortgagor to said ASSOCUTION, and comply
<br />with a!I the requirements oC the Constitution and BY-haws of said ASSOCIATION; then these presents atul! become null and void, othenviye tlrey
<br />sitaii ,cmain ;:, fnB fe:. ` and a:.y A- fcr"*.!!~d at ~ht option of tht said ASSOCIATION aCler failure for throe awnths to make any ut said
<br />payments or be throe months in arrears in making said monthly payments, or to kcep and comply with the agcements and mndittons of said Bond;
<br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a receiver appointed Corthwith in such foreclosure proceedings.
<br />if there is any change in ownership of the real estate mortgaged hcrein, by sak or otherwist, then the entue rerrtauthtg indebtedrear hereby
<br />sectned scull, at the option of The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand 1sland,Nebraska, become immediauly d}te and payable without
<br />further notice, and the armuot remair»rtg due under aid bond, and any other hood for any additional advances made thereunder, shag, from the
<br />date of exercise of said option, bear intercat at the maximum Iegat rate, sled this mortgage stay thin be forec#osed *o satisfy tls aratmt due on zaitl
<br />bond, and any other bond for additional adraam, together with all sums paid by said The Equitable Buadiag and Loan Association of Grad Island.
<br />Nebraska t« ionnana, Iaxeaand mtmrtents, aced abstnctittg extension charges, with interest thereon, from date of payment at the maximum
<br />~ mu-
<br />As provided in the Bond secured hereby, whde this mortgage remain<_ N effect the mortgagee may hereafter advance additional soars to the
<br />makers of said Bond, their asaigrs or successors m interest, which sums shall be within the security of this mortgage the same as the ftmda originally
<br />secatrest thereby, the total-amount of principal debt not to excced at any time the a[iginal amount of this mortgage.
<br />rtes trice f' st ~y of , October A. i}., lv 80
<br />' ~' ~.~
<br />nri~• M, A hers
<br />5fA7'Ef~ NEBRASKA, ~ On this first say or October 14 $D ,before me,
<br />COUNTY OE HAI.I. ~ ~~
<br />t!-~ undersigrrtd, a Noury Public in a,id for said County. penronaliy curse
<br />Donna M. Albers, a single person
<br />who i S persornlly known to
<br />tae to be tlsc idtntical person wltuse name 7 S atfized to the a y msirutntat toorfgagor and She _ .~.
<br />achnawtedged the said imtrument to be her voluntary act sad dced. ~.~
<br />M7TNESS sty httad s~ Notarial Seal tIx due aforeaid. ~ / j ~~
<br />MY Commitsroa e es f -~~~ r,,. `~ /' ,.~ 1 ~~w
<br />~~a ~ 1 ,~t~-~ f
<br />