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~~~~ ! f <br /> <br />MQT~TGAGE <br />.;~ <br />~ht mane and etatered ;~ this 1 ~, ar ;~ .~ r <br />19 `7f~ , by and between ~~~ L, I~DLCZYK AND ADELINE A. HOLCZYR, httabattd and wife <br />Ihereiaafter referred to as raortga6or} and the Administrator of the Small $tuinas Adasiaiatretieo, as sgtsoey of the <br />fovernmeut of the United States of America thereinafter referred to as saort6agee), echo ttaaiotaiis m oii'tciee and <br />phrasofhertiavsat Empire State Bldg, 19th fi Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska &8102 <br />ptrnitmera, thu-for the conaideratim hcseitufter sated, r«aPt of which is herby admmrlad;ed, tLe <br />mrt~o< ibn hereby mortga6q cell, ttraot, aasi6n, amd convey unto the mottaasnx, ha sueeraw~ atttd ~r.all <br />of [he folbwins dzserihed p:aperty situated and fn the C.oanty of HaII <br />Sate ~ Nebraska <br />A Part of the Southeast Quarter (SE lJ4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE lJ4) <br />of Section 21, Township 11 North, Range 9 West of the 6th P.M., described <br />as cottffiencing at the East One S3.xteenth (iJib) Corner (an Sross Pige) <br />common to Section 21 and 28; thence Easterly on the Sectionline Four Hutxdred <br />Sixty-two (4b2) feet to the actual point of beginning; thence Northerly <br />One--Hundred Seventy-seven (177) feet; thence Easterly Eighty (80) feet; <br />thence Southerly One Hundred Seventy-six and Six Tenths (176.6) feet; <br />thence Westerly on the Section Line Eighty (80) feet to the point of <br />beginning, in Hall County, Nebraska <br />Together wsth and incloding all buildings, alt fixtures including bat not limiter! to alt plumbing, heating, light- <br />ing„ rentilaiing, refrigerating, incinerating, air conditioning apparatu., and elevatars {the mnrt„aRor hereby <br />declaring that it is intended that the items herein emm~erate~l hall }sr deeenrd to have facer permanently in- <br />sta!!ed a. part of the reahy), and all improvemeni» now or hereafter existing thereon; the hereditamrnts and <br />appurtenances and al! other rights thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining„ and the reversion and rr- <br />version», remaindetand remainders, all right. of redemption, and the rents, issues, and profits of the <br />drsceabed- groperty (provided, however, chat the more gattor ;hall far entitled 'to the poeee»ion of paid property <br />and to collect and retain the rents, issues, and profits until default hereunder). To have and to hall the same <br />unto the mortgagee and the snecessors in interest of the mortgagee forever in fee simple ur such other estate, <br />if any, u ~ stated herein, <br />The tawstgagar eatteannta-that ha is IawEttlly aeizesl sad possessed of sad hoe the right to sell and convey said <br />property+.-tai t~ same is free tram all encstmbrantxs ezmpt as hereinalgve recited; and that he hereby. binds <br />himself and his stsccassors in interest to warrant and defend the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof asai~t <br />the glsf~rst3f dfpt~saawhomeoever. <br />Tleir inrirumcnt is given to secure the payment of d pra_nsieeory note dated ~ ~ Y , <br />is tha principal. was of ~ rys900,00 -'stgnrd ~ Raytaattd L. and Adeline A. i~olcz)'k <br />sr brhn#f of themselves <br />+se s,,.,, u: ta-tat r.,w.. a+:u,,..,. u~»~.,, <br />