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MlORTC,AGF. -" <br />e.-._._.___ 1lORTGAGE LOAN NO. L L3,$O$ <br />taso~v~-u-MENeti`THESeeR~sF~rts:"nnt Bruce A. Schiattrrann and Shirley K. Sch7attmann, each <br />in his and her Darn right, and as spouse of each other <br />Mortgtgor, whether Doe or trsme, in cvodderatioo of the te®of <br />Seventeen_Thousand Seven Hundred and No/100 ------------------------------------- ,.,...-_, <br />ioatted to aid otortgBor by The F:quiubk Building and Ltatn Anociatiou of frartd Isbrtd, Nebnsta, Mrnt6t(grr, tgwn 177 ahstp of aodt of <br />sad ASSOCIAT'[ON, Ceriifiau No. L 23 ,BOB , do hereby grant, convey and rmrtgase urto the strict ASSOCiAT[ON the fo~vrg <br />described teal etaau, situated in Hall County, Nebraska: <br />A TRACT OF LAPJD IPJ THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF <br />SECTION TWENTY-FOUP,. (24) TOWNSHIP TEN (10) <br />NORTH, RANGE ELEVEN (li) WEST OF 7HE 6TH P.M. <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: <br />COMMENCING A7 A POINT ON THE SECTION LINE 335 <br />FEET WEST OF THE NORTH pUARTER CORNER OF SAID <br />SECTION, THENCE WEST ON SECTION LINE .A DISTANCE <br />OF 166 FEET, THENCE TO THE LEFT AT AN ANGLE OF <br />90° EAST A DISTANCE OF 166 FEET, THENCE TO THE <br />LEFT iJOP,TH 263 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. <br />SAID TRACT CONTAINIPJG ONE ACP,E MORE OR LESS. <br />ttsgther with all [fre ieneraert[s, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, including attached Moor covering, ail window screer[a, <br />window shade, blinds, storm windows, awning, heating, air canditiuning, and plumbing and water equipment and accessories thettto, pumps, strop, <br />rttiigeratos, and other fixtures and equipment now or Hereafter attached [o ur used in ronnection with smd real estate. <br />Aod whereas the sail mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor :hall and will pay all taxes and as.....,.n[s levied or <br />assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and [he bond secured thertbv before the same shall become delinquent: to tarnish approved <br />insurance upon the buildings on said prem,ses situated in the sum of 3 i ] , ]OO.OO payable to said ASSIX:tATION and to deliver to said <br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said iriwrance; and not to commit or permit any waste un ur about sazd premises: <br />in wse of default io the performance of any of [he terms and candi[iuns of [tus nwrtgagr ur the band secured hereby, [he mortgagee shall, <br />on dtsnartd, he entitled [o imm-diate ,>-session of the :*mrtgaged premises and the :nortgat€ur E:er:br assrgUS, transfers and srts air to the <br />muttgages al! the rrnts, rtvenstp end mrxmee to be derived from the rrwrtgaged prernists during turJa 4me as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain <br />tinpaid: and the rnortgagce stall have [Ht power to appoint any agent ur agrn[s a nsa,y deure for the purpuu of repatritig said premises tittd renting <br />the sarrte arrd mBeuing the rents, revenues and income, and tt nay Day out at sand inmsnc ald sapcnses of ropairing sari prernisea sad rt~y~-*; <br />cntnntissiona and zxpKns-.s r*uurtsd in renting arrd managing the sutx and ;~t arite~ctirrg rzntals tttereirom; the balance remaining, if any, to be <br />applied tawsrd tt~ dtscha:gt o€ said ;ttortgage indeistreirass; ttrt~ rights or the nwrzgsl:et rosy tat txenased at any time dttriug the ex~tsase of att~i <br />dtlaitii, itrespcctsz ut any temporary waiver of iite same. <br />Thtf t'retenis, !x.~eex:, a:c •,.,;,,r.:ha C:,,.ditxsr,. Tilt tr the sand Mortgas~,r ~aaii repay Baru ipy un os bt(ott *.He .^.etwiiy c: ,;Farts by <br />payment: pay momhlY to sazd ASSOCIATIUN of the sun speciried in the I3oru1 secured hereby as interest and primapai on said loan, un or befatt <br />rite rwtntkih day of tacH artd wry aronth, unto said loan rs rvi7y oaiti: pay ate taxes and assesvncnts levied against said premises and on this Mortgage <br />and tFe Bond secuad thereby, before debnquency; turnrsh apprured imuranu ulwn [hc buildings thereon in [he sum of 3 1 ] , ]Op , QO payable <br />l4 said ASSOCIATION; repay to said A.SSOClAT10N upon demand all money by a pasd fur such taxes, assessments and insurance with interest at <br />the ntazimum legal rate thereon from date of pay mein a8 of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; permit nu waste un sard premrses;keep and wmply <br />with all tht agrttrntnts and usmiuions of the Bond far 3 1 ] , ] OO. DO iiris day given by the card Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, and comply <br />with aB the requirements of the Constitution and By-Law-s of said ,~SSOCL4T'IUN: then these yresents shall becorrrt nu0 artd void, otherwix [hey <br />_`_" _-_- ,^ °•„ r„-^_n ,,,,! n,_y ~ Fntecinstd at the oouun of the sod ASSU(:IAi'ION after tadure for three months to rrtake any of said <br />paytitents of ix Three aasnths_ilg atrcazs:n tnaitirtg stud rtwnthly payustn[s, or to keep and wmpiy with the agreements and conditions of said nuud, <br />crud Mortgagor agrees to have a receiver appointed fosthwuh to such forechrsure proceedhtgs. <br />If there is any change inpwnership of the reed estate nwrtgaged heroin, by safe oc otherwise, then the entire rcrnartti[tg rridebiedness Hereby <br />tectsttd shall, at leer;-option of The [equitable &tdding and Loan Assa:iatiun of Crand Island, Nebraska, ttewme imnted~tNy due and payable without <br />further notice, and the amuuat remautiog due ruukr said bond, and any uthxr bv:.d f r ary additonai adrutus.-a-vie tfttreuraier, shalt, from fire <br />rl~ of txertise of aid optad, bear inurest at the nmximum legal rate, and this rrwrtgagc nwy then be forecktxd to atisfy the amount due un said <br />bttgd,and soy other bond for additional advances, together with all sums paid by said The Equitable Building xul L,uan Astociation of Grarxl lsiattd, <br />tilhraska for insuranae, texts and asse~tttents, and abstracting eztenxion chazges, with interest thereon, from date ui nayrnem at the nwxunum <br />rats. <br />~' As provided is the Bond-soured Hereby, white .his mortgage remains rn effect the mortgagee may hereafter advance addttiunal stems to the <br />tt~ers of said Borsd; their assigns or successors in interest, which sums siudl be within the security of this mortgage the same as the funds originally <br />S:fJ+red tlceseby, the .total attWint of prinupal deb[ nut [o extxed a[ any time the ortgirsal crinoline of this rrrortgage. <br />~t oatedti,;s 30th ~' deyaf Sept~nber ~.t>-, .e SO <br />-~--a.~' ~ g,~at f,~lrtrn <br />e A~, 5c~....:~~ -- --- <br />Shirley Schlattmann <br />sTA77: of< NEllkiiSlGA, ~ ~, cxt iF,ta 30th day t>r S <br />COUNTY Oi' liA41, ei) ieii^.ber C9 BO .before rm, <br />tlx. underagrted, a Notary t'obiic m and tot said County, persarnal;y cnnte <br />Bruce A. Schlattnat.n anti Shirley K, ::SC.t~lattmann, each in his and her Oren right, and as <br />spouse of each other wH" are perannatly knawn to <br />roe to be the ukuxxai ptrsnrt S nfimr< nar,ga $' are ail5xed to the about mrtrnnte-m as niE)rtgagJr 5 and ' 11 E? Y severalty <br />ukrwwkd~W ttic saW tnatrtursent .o bt vEIQ~f ~ vuiuntarv act ansi doui <br />MJaAf pF <br />W17'Nt'SS mq tgnd and N.rtiriia#Seat.tHe daft aFncsaicf, <br />hey t;nstun,ssern txputs r, ~ ... f, jt <br />t <br />it=~ -£~t-y~~.Z -t~/~~_ <br />,rta3y t uo`he <br />