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<br /> TOGETHER WffH all the improvenxnts now or hercaftcr crcit�:d un tl�pr�Ry,and:►ll c�ccs�untc. ap�:u:t�nar'�:ra, '
<br /> An�1 fi�tures tx�w or herca2tcr�pyt of the prc�{�eny. All Rpixements;uwl a�klitiw��shall a1w bc cu«re+l by tF.i� Scv:urit� _
<br /> [pswrtxnt• All c+f thc foregoing is referred to in�his Securiry Inst►urae�t as the"Property•"
<br /> BORROWET COVENANZ'S that 8ormv��er is lawfuily seiced of the es��te hereby conve}•ed atut ha.th.�righc tc+gr��t
<br /> uui ca���ey the Property and that the Pro(�eny is uneoeumberod.ezcept for eneumbauues of cxorJ. Born�w�er w;►rra�t.v vnc!
<br /> will defciui generally the wtlr ta th:.PropereY a�ainst all claims attd detttands.subject to w�y encwubi'i.-k�s u�=:+:cucl.
<br /> '['�IiS SECURI�Y 1NSTitUAlEIVT canbine: unit�un� wve+uu�c. f.x n•rcionai w:. �sc! nen-+ssu�cKSn co��ena�xs wi�R _
<br /> Gcuiwci vari�tlons by jurisdictic�n to c�nstitut�a uaifwm securiry insuua�ent covering reat pmperty.
<br /> UNiFa�h.COVEhF.Iv'TS, ftc�rmu•er�r.:�Lender covenant and agtre a�followc:
<br /> 1. P�yment ot Priacipal swd taurese: PrePa9meat�oud I.site Cbarges. Bocrov�•er shall pramptly pay whep due tt�:
<br /> princi�l uf:uid inten:st on the debi evitt�nted by th:.Naee as�d an}pcepayrttrnt und late charges due under tlx:Ncue.
<br /> 2, FLpds for'Ibxes ywd Incuraace. Subject to applicable law or to a wriuen waiver by Lender,Bort'c�wer shull pay tc�
<br /> Lender on the day monthly payments suc due under the Note,until the Note is paid in full,•r sum("Fl�nds"�r�= t�a y��tiy
<br /> taxes and assessments which may attain priority o�er this Securiry Insuucnent as a lien on the Property;lQ)ye�rly ieasehald
<br /> paymenu or ground rents on the Pmperty, if any; (c)yearly hazard or property insurance premiums: (dl yesuly flood
<br /> insurance premiums, if any; (e) yearly nwrtgage insurance prcmiums,if any: and (� any sums payable by Bcxmwer to -
<br /> Lender, in acwrdance with the provisions of paragraph 8.in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurarice premiums. These
<br /> items are called"Escrow Items." Lender may,at aay time,coUect and ho1�t Fi�nds in an a�nount not to exeeed tGe rnuimum
<br /> amount a lendcr for a fadcrally related mortgage loan may require for Borrowerx e.semw account under the fedeml Real
<br /> Estuto Settlemcnt Proceclutes A^.t of 1974 as ameaded from time to time,l2 U.S.C.§2601 et seq.("RFSPA").�nless wwt?►er
<br /> law that applies to the 11�ndc sets a lesser amaunt. If so.Lender may,at u��y time,co]lact and hold Ft�nds in an omoant not to -
<br /> excead the lesscr nmaunt. Lender may eseimate the am�uat of Funds due on ehe basis of current data ana reasonabta
<br /> estiutiates of ex�tures of future Escrow Items nr otherwise in accordartce whth�pplieable taw.
<br /> The Fuc� •a�al1 be tieW in an instituaon whose deposits u��e insw�ed by a fcderal agency, iaswmentality, or endt�,
<br /> (ir�;[uding I.ecKi.�r,if Lender is such an institution)or in�ny I�e�teraf Home Loan Bank. Lender sh�l!apply the flutids tu pay
<br /> cIx Es�nw Ite:su. I.ender a�ay not charge Bortower for T.;��,4iic�g and applying ihe FLnds, anuually analyzing t1w:tscrow
<br /> account. or�eztlig:ng the Escrow Items, uuleas I-ender�a�s Sorrower interest on the FLnds and upplicubf�law pecmits
<br /> Lender to makc vxts a charge. However,E�rader may require Borrnwer to pay a one-time ch�rge for un independertt iral
<br /> est�u tax repor.:•�;service used by Let►der���onnecaon with chic la�r�utlless applicable law pmvidcs otherwise. Uniess an
<br /> ascamoat is made or applic;d,�ie law requires interest to be paid,Lender sis:ill not 6e requind to pay S�crower any intetrst or
<br /> eamings on thc F�mds. Bomv�.�and I.ender may ag�ee in wridng,howe�er.that intsr.st shalt be paid on thE:Wnds• L.ender
<br /> shall give to Borrower,withc•ix c�harge,an annual accoanting of t}�f�nds.showing cc+edits and debits to ttus Fluids and the
<br /> purpose far which exh deoit to the Au�ds was mac3e. Tts�.Funds stre plc��ed as addidoual security fot all suws secuned b}t
<br /> this Secwity Insr�m�ent.
<br /> If the Fu�held by Leade�'exceed the amonnu pemutted w be held by applicable law, l.ender shall a�xwmt to
<br /> Sonower for thc ezcess Faa'a in accord3nce with the reqr�ments of applicable law. If the amaunt qf t}w Poads beld by
<br /> [,e,aier at any tune is not s:c£f.�:;eat to pay the Fserow�I�when due,I.ender may so notify Borcower in writing,and,in
<br /> sv�h c�e Borrower shalS psx:�Lender the amount neoe.-..�ry to malce up the defieieacy. Bosrower shs�ll malco up the
<br /> deficien�y in nv xnae tbact t�s�:Ive monthly p:.uments,st F.eradzr's sole discretion.
<br /> Upon p�yr�aeat in full of all sums securi°d by this Se�::riry Insuun�ea�Lender shall pmmpdy �efund to Borrower auy
<br /> i�nds heW by Y.icodu. If.uader paragraph 21.Lender s1:321 xquire or sell the PropeRy.Leader,prirar to the xquisidoa or
<br /> r,sde�f�he Prcxsertv. shall�oolv anv Fvads htild bY LCaci�er at the time of acquisitioa w sale as a�aiit a�aiast tbe sums
<br /> sr.cur�d by this Se�iuity L^sire_'*ctnt- - - - . . . _
<br /> 3. Applicatbn ot Pm.FmeAts. Unless applicabk l:�w provides otl�erwise.a1t p�yments rxeived by I.tnder under
<br /> Pu'�P� 1�r3 2 st�ll be applied:first,to anY Pt'�PaYment charges due under the Nou:second.to amounts payabk aader
<br /> parq�raph 2;tl�,to i�terest due:fouRh,W principal�ue;wd 13ct,to any late charges due under the Note. .
<br /> 4 �; I.ieaz. Bom�wer shall p�y alltues. assessments, charfies.fines aud impositionv awibutab7c�to the
<br /> Prapaty wi�.ieh rnay attain priarity over this Security Iruwment,aod leasehold paymeatg or�rouud rents,if any. Bonnw�ec
<br /> sfs:,ll gsy dtese obligatians in the matuser providod in paragrapt�2,or if not paid in tint m�atr�er.Borrowa sball p.z 1 sts�m�a�,
<br /> n��u:nectly to the persan owed payment. Borrower st►alt prompcly fumish to Lender aI�nad�.es of amounts to b��aid undar
<br /> this pangrap�. If Borrower makes these�ymeats directly,Bomawec shall promptly fumish to Lender�ts e�+ideaeing
<br /> tt�PaYmerss-
<br /> • �iarowec:-" 1 prompdX diccharge:�ny E�a which h�s priority over this Security Insuumer.��as 0orinwer:(a)aSrees
<br /> in writing w the pzyment of ffie ob:igation secund by tHe t�en in a mu►ne�r accoptable to Leader.(b)coausts in good faith the
<br /> lien by,or defends againsi w.°oroemeat of the lien in,k�proceedings which in the 'Leader's opinion operate W p�+eveat the
<br /> enforcemeat of the lisn:or(c)secum from the holder of the liea an�greement satisf�ccvty to I.eoder subord�oating the lien
<br /> to tIns Security Instrua�ent If Leader determincs U�at�ny part of the Propaty is subject to a lim which may atuun priority
<br /> over this Security Insuument,i.ender may give Borrowu a notice idcntifying tbe liea. Barowa shall satisfy the liea or take
<br /> one or ma+e of the actioas sot fatth above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> �' S. Ha7ard or ProQerty Incuraaoa Barower s,�2�31cxp the impnovements now exisbng or ha+eafur ancted ou the
<br /> I'�P�'KY�TM4u�d�Baiau loss by fire.hazuds�incic +u�i wzrl�in the term"extcnded coverage"and any other hazards.inclading
<br /> _ fTaa�s or flooding,for�which Lender requires insura�;e. 11us uuurance shall be maintained in the amoonts and for the
<br /> Fio�342i � (P4Ci 2 ol6Do1�+1
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