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~~ ~ ~) ~ t~ ~' s'? CONTRACT OF CdZiDITIONAL <br />SALE OF REAL ES°fATE <br />THIS AGREEMENT' made and entered into by and hetween DWIGHT W. SINGER <br />and RUTH C. SINGER, husband and wife, herein called Sellers, and STEVEN D. <br />MOSEMAN and MARY ANN MOSEMAN, husband and wife, herein called Buyers. <br />WI1'NESSI:TH THAT: <br />Sellers hereby agree to sell and convey to Buyers, and Buyers hereby <br />agree to gurehase from Sellers, the following described real estate in <br />Hall County, Nebraska, herein called the real estate, to-wit: <br />tat Three {3) of Sass Second Subdivision in Section Fourteen {14), <br />Township Eleven {11} North, Range Nine (9) We>t of the 6th P.M., <br />in Hall Covnty, Nebraska <br />and <br />Lot Six {6) of Sass Second Subdivision in Section Fourteen (14), <br />Township Eleven (ii) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., <br />in Hall County, Nebraska, <br />together with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto . <br />belonging, ugon the following terms and conditions: <br />I. <br />1. THE PURCHASE PRICE. As the purchase price for the real estate, <br />Buyers agree to pay to Sellers, and Sellers agree to accent from Buyers, <br />the sum of FIFTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS --- ($Ss,000.00) --- . <br />THE'~.A'•iNER 4F PAY:'B:.*"f. The purchase price shall be paid in the <br />following manner: <br />a.} The sum of $9,962.18 to be tendered to DALE R. SALLAi~IS to satisfy <br />and :•e~ve his intcrest in the real estate. Said amount shai2 be credited <br />on the rnirrhace pz<ce on the date o£ the closing of this contract. <br />b.} There will remain on the contract the cutstanding balance of $45,03?.SZ <br />plus accrued interest on the prepayment. The Buyers agree to pay said sum <br />together with interest on the ungaid balance at a rate of 11.25$ per annum <br />on a ten-year amortization schedule, with payments being made in accordance <br />with said amortization schedule for a period of ten (10) years, and that at the <br />end of ten (30} years, the entire balance including interest, will become <br />~»@ and nvinae• A ropy of the a~+grr;yation schedule is attached hexeto,marked <br />T:xhibit "A" and made a part hereof by referents. <br />c.) Buyers shall have the privilege of paving, at any time, any sum or <br />sums in addition to the monthly and yearly payments herein required in incze- <br />mants of at least $100.00 without penalty, except that if Buyers prepayment of <br />the balance due under Lhis contract causes Seller to incur a prepayment <br />penalty on any mortgage that may exist on the real estate at the time of said <br />prepayment, then Buyers agree to pay, in addition to the ungaid balance due <br />under this contract, a sum equal to Seller's prepayment penalty on said mort- <br />gage. <br />d.) Should Buyers fail to pay any installment due under this contract <br />at its maturity, then the ungaid pxincipal balance shall bear interest at <br />tha ma+±*e~ legal rate during the period of delinquency. <br />e.} All payments due hereunder shalt be made at such place as Sellers <br />~y designate. <br />II. <br />i. TAXES. The Sallans agree to pay the general :eat estate taxes an <br />the tool es;ate far the year of 1800 prorated to date of closing. <br /> <br />