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i I ~g ~ pj~ ty.,a 80® ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ zn. antlm.n eoypr Eoo.., seccoln. S~Lz. 11 <br />'~ <br />~ THIS AGREEMENT, made this 30th daY of September . s4 80 ~ brtiveen i <br />it ~~ <br />_ dFtIGHT Al. BINDER and RUTIi C. BINDER, husband and wife lurei»afesr rcferrtd W y <br />~! ' as tke sellers} acrd ~~ . <br />{~ STEVEN D. MOSEMAN and MARY AA7V MOSEMAN, husband and wife hereinafter referred to as the buyer(s), <br />WITNESSETH, that the seller(s) hereby covenant(s) and agree(sj that if the buyers} shall just make the pa}+- <br />~~ mart(s) and perform the covenants hereinafter mentioned on his, her or their part to be madt and perforntrd, tks said- <br />1~ setter(s) agree(s) to furnish baysr(sj a good and sufficient abstract of title showing a merchantablt title of record to ' <br />I~ ;the premises hereinafter described in the seller(s), and zoitl convey and assxre to the buyer(s), i„ fet sinsplq clear of a8 <br />' e~ttnes except as stated herein, by goad and svffscrrnt Warranty Deed, the folloruing lot, piece and parcel of ; <br />ii ; groand, to xvit: <br />ii <br />3 ~ Lot Three (3) of Sass Second Subdivisicr. in Section <br />i } Fourteen (14), Township F,leven (11) North, Range Nine (9) <br />West of the 6th P.M., in Ha11 County, Nebraska <br />'~ and , <br />Lot Six (6) of Sass Second Subdivision in Section <br />Fourteen (14), Township Eleven (11)' North, Range Nine (9) <br />West .of the 6th P.hf., in Hall County, Nebraska. <br />And the said Lvsyer(s) covenant(s) and agree(s) to pay to said seller(s), the sum of <br />*+ FIFTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS AND NO/100 ($55,000.00) DOLLARS, <br />C~ the masnasr folloxaing_: $9,962.18 paid on <br />r,f7oltars, cash is hand paid, the receipt uther¢of is hereby acknoudedged, and fhe balance payable: ~ <br />.. ~ ~ <br />C~ First payment to be $439.x"6 due November i ,1980 and a like amount due <br />the f;~rsb of each month therafter until November 1, 1990 at which- <br />. time the total unpaid principal balance plus accrued interest will be due in ~ <br />a balloon py~ment. If mutually agreed at the time of the balloon paymem _ <br />by both the buyer and seller, this contract can be continued and interest j <br />rate and terms negotiated at that time. It is agreed that no more than 29$ <br />can be paid during any one calendar year. The above mentioned payments are <br />to be made directly to seller at their home address or any other place so <br />designated by the sellers. The signed deed will be executed and delivered to <br />First National Bank, Grand Island to bald in escrow until this contract <br />is fulfilled. It is further agreed that there is a first mortgage an the <br />property at the,gresent time at Equitable Building and Loan Association, <br />Grand Island, Nebraska and the sellers agree to keep this loan on a current <br />basis and: to pay off completely when this contract is fulfilled. `I`he sellers <br />' further agree to deliver the abstract to the buyers upon fulfillment of this <br />contract. , <br />xerith interest at the rate of t t , 25 per cent per atmum, payable $439.36 on the whole sum remain- <br />ing from time to time unpaid, and to pay all genera! taxes, tlwt may be legally levied or imposed upon said land, sub- <br />segnent to the year and all installments of special assessmsntr or special tarts becoming due or delinquent <br />.after and keep the buildings in a rearonabde state of repair and insured <br />f~' $ SS, 000.00 If theta is a mortgage on said property, pay interest and tarts thereon up to be kept <br />current It is mutually agreed that time is ax essential clement in this co~slract. And it u furdker <br />agreed that in case of any payment, either of principal or interest, remaining unpaid far a space of 60 days <br />after the same shall become duo, a»d in case of fadtrrs of the said 6uy~errs) to make any of the aforesaid payments <br />provided for burin or tke breach of any other covenant contained herein, this contract shall at the option of the seller(s), <br />be forfeited afrd determined and the buysr(s} shall forfeit all payments made herrunder, and .nub payments shall be <br />retained by the seller(s) as liquidated damages in full satisfaction of all the damages sustained, and seller(s) shall have <br />the right to re-entry and take possession of said premises oforesaid. <br />That this agreement sfutlt not be assigned by bu;er(s) u7thosx the um~.tten consrxt of the seler(s). <br />It is mutually agreed that aft the covenants and agreements herein contained shall trtend to and be obligatory <br />upon the- heirr, exeeutars, administrators and assigns of the raspectiw parties. <br />IIY WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties of these presents bout hereunto sct their bonds and seals the day and year <br />first above uyitten, , <br />'~ ~ ' 1J <br />Signed, stand and delivered in the prssancs of ... etc. t,..~.-~:~. ...!.._.........,._..fL. S,J <br />~, , , <br />~ L S. <br />~,~ <br />rt S,i <br />' _. <br />~'~LG~:(~ X11 f,;; r~ __~.. : L..s.i <br />