<br />~i. moregage eaade ttaa eatmed itNO Chia ~±~ gap of .~~, ~-
<br />19 ~~:',byand btKweea J. Gary Vejvoda and Patricia M. Vejvoda, husband and wife,
<br />Ihtxeiaafter refetxed to ae tuortsagor) and the Admittutrator of the Small $nainea Adminiatntiate, an a6tmcy of 4he
<br />C.overnmtmt of the Uttsted Statea of America (hereinafter refaned .to as mnrtgaatx), tvho maineaioa tta tr6ix gad
<br />pLaettfbtttdaeasat Small Business Administration, Empire State Building, I9th and Farttam
<br />Streets; Omaha Nebraska 68302
<br />~ertter~stt; Thar for the- tbooderation hereinaftez sated,- receipt of trl»t:hu hmxby aeksa*rlad~ad,_ the
<br />taart6a~er (lass hareby -mtrrtaage, (tell, {tram. aaaiso, ttttd convey onto tha ntortga~ee, hia-.ttttoceaaora tmd- atr~aa, all
<br />d tha followin6 tlacribed property situated gad beio~ in the C.oantp of Hall
<br />State of Nebraska-
<br />A tract of lard comprising a part of Lat ci in 3oehnck`s Subdivision of
<br />the Southeast gtrarter (SEt,) cf Section 15, Township 11 North, Rattge 9
<br />.West of the 6th P.hf., more particularly described as follows: Beginning
<br />at a point on the-Southeasterly line of MacArthur Avenue in the City
<br />of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska said point being Thirty-three
<br />(33} feet Southeasterly and Three Hundred Ninety-seven (397) feet
<br />Southwesterly from r_he Northeast corner of said Lot H, Soehnck's
<br />Subdivision; thence Southeasterly parallel to the Northeasterly line
<br />of said Lot H, a distance of One Hundred Forty-one and six-tenths (141.6'
<br />feet; thence Southwesterly parallel to the :dorthwesterly line of said
<br />Lot H, a distance of Fifty-eight and fifty-six hundredths (58.56} feet
<br />to the Northeasterly line of Walker's Subdivision; thence Northwesterly
<br />along and upon said Northeasterly line of tdslker`s Subdisision, a
<br />distance o£ One Hundred Forty-one and six-tenths (141.6) feet, to the
<br />Northeast corner of Lot One (1), Walker's Subdivision; thence Northeast-
<br />erlg parallel to the dorthwesterly line of said Lot il, a distance of
<br />F-if ty-eight and ninety-three hundredths (58.93) feet to the place
<br />of beginning attd containing 0.191 Acres, more or less,
<br />Tn~,ather with and irseludina alt lraitdia#{s, xll firtturec. ineiudin{t bast nut iimilyd to all piumbinp„ heating, )iRht-
<br />inp, uentilaliaa, refritteratina, inrineratinfi, air rnnditioninp appuratu>, :(nil elevotur. (lire uutrtptagor iserrby
<br />tleriarinlq that it is intratled that thertem. herein enunrrratrd .,hall Ire deemed to have txeen prrmauerxtly in-
<br />.tal#ed as iwrt of the realty ),and all im{srovrmeat.A nuvs ur herrafier exisiink t6erewt, the hrreditamraris anti
<br />appurtensnre.,.and ai! miter ritthts thereunto itelunKina, ur in guys. ise appertainirtK, and the reversion anti rr-
<br />version~, rertutinder and wmainde n, alI rtif;hts oC redemption, and the nevi.., issue., and profits of the above
<br />de•rrtired property (provided, however, that she natri ya;tor .boll ter +mtitird io the po.+~<•.nimt u6~ .aid prtgnerty
<br />and its r-t-13er3 and retain lire marl.+, is-ue, ;;+~ {=t~ftta u,n€iF dt.Cauit hareua+lrr). Tt; have and to hrizl rite =.arnr
<br />utrta tits ntartRa;rec and tier =urcessorti in intrrrsi of the mart~apkr tare+er in ter wimple or .acts other raiaie,
<br />iC tasty. as i~ grated lterrin,
<br />3'dta mart~ador covei5apta that he is taxfully aeiaed and potismsed at sad has the nght to well sad eouvev acid
<br />properly; tics( rite saint ~ free from all eactarnbraaees exrtpt u heteinulwvr racited; gad tha! he hereby bioda
<br />himae$f teiad has succeaaa rs in interest to tvarrsnt and defead the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereat agaitut
<br />rite elaiuw a4' all penotts abrtwsoavar..
<br />,yr
<br />This inatrtrnrent is aivru to recur:: tier payment oC a ptvmisaory note ,fated - . - . , /'s I ~'
<br />itxtheprineipaTeum+±tf ~O,fiOflf3$~teigoetfhy .f. (=wry Vajvoda and Patricia `;. ~`ejuoda, hu5i~aiui
<br />~i't1'~ thettlv~--
<br />
<br />