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::, ,~, <br />UNIFORM CO'%ENkNTS. DarrOWC! and Le+tder covcnam and agree as folio-a•s: <br />1. Payment of Principal and Interest_ Barrocver shall promptly pay when due the pr'mcipai of and interest on the <br />inrk6icdncss evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided en the Noe. and the paneipal of and inten_si <br />on any Future Advances secured by this MortgagC. <br />2. Funds-tor Ta>Eez and Insurance. Subject to appiicafile taw ur to a written waiver ]ry Lcnd,,,r, Barraw¢r shalt pay <br />- - to Lender oa the day monthly inz!v;menu of principat-and intcrest arc payai+ic render the Nola, atoll the Note is paid in full, <br />a-xum {herein "Funds 'J equal ;o one-twelfth ~( the yearly razes and assessments which may auxin priority over this <br />fiinrtgage, and. ground rents on the Property, it any, plus one-iwclBh of yearly preI»ium installments. for haiard insurance, <br />plus arc-twetfth of yearly premium irstaftmcrtts for mortghge insurance. if :my, al! as reasonably estimated initially anddiom <br />ut»e to time by Lersdu on the basis o[ assessments and hips and rcasonahic exeimatcs thereof. <br />;~ 'Che Funds sisals be hcid in an institution the deposits ar actnunts ut wiJcb arc insure:f err guarantcefd by a Pcde!at or <br />C~ start agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender zita;l apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />©s insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may oat thargc for sn hMditzg :uuf applying the ponds, analyzing said account, <br />~ or verifying and compiling said assessments and hilts, unless f.cndcr pays Borrower intcrest nn the Funds and applicable taw <br />~, permits Lender to make such a charge, Bnrroacr and Lender may agree in writing at the time 'of execution of this <br />~. Mortgage that interest on the Funds shall 6c paid to borrower, and unless such agreement is .aacte or applieabta-law <br />requires such intcrest to be paid, Lcndcr shall oat be re^yuired to pa}• Borrower any intcrest or eamings.on the Funds. ,(xndu <br />'~ shall give w Borrower without charge, an annual accounting o[ the Funds showing credits and Cehits to the Funds and the <br />- purpose for which each debit to the Panda was made. "f he Funds arc picdgcJ ::a additiorai security for the sums stcured <br />,(, by this Mortgage. ~ . <br />~.- Ii the amount of the Funds held by Lcndcr, together with the future momhly inuafhnents of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, sha}I exceed the amount regpircd to pay said-taxes, <br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents ws ehcy tall due, such excess shalt be, at Borrower's -option, either <br />promp0y repaid so Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly iastallnunts of Funds. tf the amount e[ the Funds <br />hcid by Lender shall not be suffteient to paY !axes, assessments, insurance premiums anti ground rents as theyfa!B due,. <br />', Borrower shall pay !o Lcndcr any amouu: ncacssary to a»akc up the dcfiticncy ~~w•ithin 30 days (ram the'date not[cc is ~~mailed <br />'. by I,endcr to Borrower requesting payment thereof. <br />Upon payment in full of aft sums secured by this 1!artgaJ;c, l.enck^r shall promptly refund to Borrasacr any~Fttnds~. <br />' h¢Id b}•. Lender. I( under paragraph 15 hcrcof the i'roptny is sold oe :he 1"rupcny is athenvicc :regmrcd by LenJar, Lcndcr. <br />zita}I apply, no later than immedeaceiy prior to nc~ sale of tht Yroperrv ur its acquisition i,y (.er}der,: any Furids.Ncld by <br />Lender ar the time of application as a credit againsr the sums sccurrd by 1h!8. hfortgagc. ', <br />3: Application of Yaynt nos. Unless applicable law, , r,n•idcs oUU nb.i,e, idl payments received by tender under the. <br />Note and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof shdli be appficd by Lcndcr first in p:nr men! nl :unwuvs payable lo'~Lcnder by Odrrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then to inmrost payable nn the Nett, !het: m t!:c pr~,cip:6 of the Nni c, and then to intcrest and <br />pn nctpal on any Future Advances. <br />4. L'hargcs; Llens. IIorrou'cr shat' nay ail !axu, a„nsmcn;s amt ,ether rhar¢es, lines and impositions attributable to <br />the Yropeny which may attain a priority over ;his Nartgagc, and icascu,hl ; :,yrn-_-'us i,r ground rents, if anv, iu the manner <br />pruviJed undtr paragraph 2 hereof or, if not paid in au:h manner, h) ionn,..,r making pavmcnt, when due, d:reetty to the <br />papce thereof. Borrower shat) promptly furnish :o Lcnd:-r a!I routes of amnu:vs due under this pne,graph, and in the event <br />ttorn,.ver shall ;rake payment d:xaly, Burrower shall ptnm pdy •:.m,h ;; Lcndcr rcsipic cvhicncing such pay!»cnts. <br />Boaower si,all promptly discharge nny ;ten whith has poorly over thn hfur!;~;t,c! pro -;dcd, that 8urrowcr shall nob be <br />required w Jtst,txge any such Gen so tang-as Harrower shall agrcc in ,u :!rug lu the pacnmu t„ the Obligation secured by <br />-u.h lien in a manner acccptabic to Lcndcr, or shah in ganJ i::iut caate+: such iron hv, nr dc. rnJ era„reemcnl cri such lien in, <br />Icgat praccedmgs which operate la prevent the enforcem:nt of 6,c hen no tot lei: arc ,+t !hc Property or any part thereof. <br />S.. Ilarard Insuroner. 6orro,vcr shad! ktep the ampro. enrcnts mn, c„s!re:e ++; i:crea4cr erretcd on the I'rm?env ensured <br />::gaiusi lass by Ciro. ha«ar3i ireloded :. Sihin the tcrnr "cxtcadc,i n,~er.rge ,;fete ether hazards as I ender r»wv reeuire <br />and m such amounts and ter salts pcnuds as i_cnilcr may r ;ukut ,, >,{r.i, d,;:t ! rn:Ir c. ,..r, re.gahs: ei. ~, ;Fc ar:rvunt f <br />suth lover age eztetd [hat amount x f cave rag: reyc:rred :n pay the soot, ,r: urcrl Fy t!ris pfongagc.. <br />ilsein - _a.4e c-arricr praviJing thr insttrancc si,,h t? ...,..!+ t -t-.: ,,,. _„ !,, n; r ,,. _ ;.-'; -viucd, <br />chat Such approval shalt not be unrcascnahlt' +~-ithhcid. :~IIi;! .,room, o". :,__ .... politics ;,hail ,bc p:±id in:; he r*±anncr <br />pl avidcd under paragraph 2 hcrcof or, tf not pool ro such manner, ht~ ilo:;,~~ccr~mak:ng payment, ',vhen due, directly to the <br />m SUra nCC tartlet. <br />Aft insurance politics and rencw'als thereof shall l+c m (ouu attcp!.:iHe !„ I <ndrr rind Sh;JI include a >!andard mortgage <br />clause m favor of and in form aceep!ahie to Lcndcr. Lcndcr ,h ::: hoc;: nit !::;hl !o hotel the pni;~irv and rrne+, :,le thereof, <br />and Burro:vet shalt promptly cur Wish to Lender a!I rent+. u! notices _:nd -:h rr,cip!s of paid ptemiunx. Li the c,~ent u( toss. <br />Borrower shall glee prompt nonce to the ussur,+nte tarrc. an,i Lends; I cndr: may :naAc pnv+! of lns t[ not mod:: I,rompfly <br />by Barrowr,. <br />t!nless LcnJer and Dorrower otherwise agree in :+ritn,g, iosuranu; p. o+~c,t. shalt he apphc;l to restot:n tun or repair M <br />the Yrepuly dantagcd, provided sorb restoration or rcp:ur a c, ononui•r lly I :,+thic and the s wruy of this `,.ortgagc ~~ <br />not t#r,ercby impatrcd. If such rc s;nraunn ar tcpair is not c~onouuc.,ii} i,.e,d,lc or it the sc~unty r:l tbrs .`.tongaga ,wutil <br />tce impaired, the insurance proceeds shall be appLed to ;ht sums occur e,i ;q !ten Slongak;c. ~.,,th the cscc ss, :' any, prod <br />to f{orrawer. IC the Property is abandai;cd by Hnrroucr, or J Horres~rr : :... rid to 1 cn,lcr wrci;::: its day, trvm tin <br />Jatc notice is mailed by Lender to Borrower then thc• msur,:ncc c rncr r,l!cn ,., ,eulr ., ~~..m f„i ~nsu ra ncc i:cncGr., 1_auicr <br />n authorized to collect anJ appip the insurance procecJz .n Lcndcrt up!:,a, r:th,:r !n rgtn;,d r..m o: rnpa:r at the 1'r,psn <br />or tv :hc sums secured 6y this Pter:gage. <br />tJufcss Lcndcr and Borrowv o. hcru-uc agrcc in ,+uring, any rich appiae.;.,n of pn,rtcd, :n p:ux,n.d .h.i!! no: e~_tcnd <br />cr pustpauc the due dart of the nwnth:y instaltmei:u icict red m In p.r: ,rgioph, 1 :u„! 2 i,crcol .,r .barge ;hc a^,ount of <br />such insia if nla ntt. it under paragraph IS hcrcof the Propo.p a acytur.J he Lcndcr, ail r,ght, ;qlc :;zed .r .u er., of Borrower <br />m and to nny insurance poiiCits and in anJ to the pnxocds thcrc:>G resullmy (n,m damage m the Propcny pr:. rr ,:, Ire s:Jc <br />_! acquisiuan that! pass ro Lcadc. ,n thr esi,~r,t of the su?,, sec-u rsi L, !h~, .t .. a ,_ - ..... .4 ~r <br />acquiirtion. <br />- 6. Ptxsrnatian and !vSainienanic uF Yropeny; Lraachnids; l-ondranwiun:,; I'I:uu,cd th,it Ihaclupuirut>, Sorm„cr <br />shalt kccp the Yropcriy in goad rcpnir and sha'.l not comn;e ti, astc ,,r ;,rr au: ::oh,,rrmcnt or dctu iorauon art t!tc Pr„pa9y <br />- a::J shalt eo:npty svrrh the pravis-ors of. an, !rase rf th 1 s - . .u. i(_!g~,yc is ..., a <br />eondu:niuiam or a planned unit dcacEoprocnt, Hnt rower shall rent R+nn ..t1 ., ,..u,,sr. ,,,g",unnc c.,,Jcr :,,_ „_,.: <br />tic covenants acaung or governing rho tCmdom.r.ium or ?IanneJ m;n ar, J+};,mcnt, chc hy-{aw-:. :,nJ r•,: (:.::u!;,`„~, of !hc <br />tandaminivm ur pinned 4niz dcvciopment, and c~rtiurc tit danm,c:r. •: ii .: nJ,nnu n[: nt ., :Hord .~r.. ., _!opn;cnt <br />- --- ode[ is executed ny -Borrower and recorded together -ante Ihn ktone,+„c. :he•, , sam:nts ::+. cl egrccrr.r:us :. ~, ., r.,itr <br />steal be irtcutporaied into and shall amend and supple mcnt tht co+u:a,ns a;..; -;glc Cnanis of t:i,~_ Stongat;. ;,; ti the nJcr <br />were a par[ hcrcof. <br />r, Yro±ea ti~on of Lcadar's Security, If Borrv+ser faits io ;c: inr.» ;.:, , .:rd; ,.n_t : ;crna:ta ,-.~r,l:u n+:d :.: !i:,=. <br />Mortgag„ or if any action ur proceeding s eommenceJ which n:n!c r;a ii,~ w(~ect; : _ndcr ...: ,,,, n: tSc t'rc+per^,. <br />including, but oat limited to, amincat damair., ininive aty. code cnhxccenen! nr :u r;f s;gcmcm ~:,, •,>r,:.,tdin;s ::.~n•ing a <br />rankrugt er dcccdeott, ;hen Le?dpr at t.eudcr's apron, upc+n r"ora a: Horr,~•+cr, :. .•:ckc >„_. " ,~._ s_ ,!~.,t,rtra_ such <br />suuii xad take such ae txrp as is nGecssary to prr;:tee-! feadtr'i im~•rost, _; rg, ,.,: n.,! :..;r.cJ t . -..l ,,; `- _ <br />fexannahiC. altgrt}eY~i rtes dMf entry ap as tite tuipCf:y to e±take re},ae o-.. i. ndcr :a;::::.. .. rno, :+; ay;e :. ,....,:.,, dY ~~, <br />..xi:,,i wi .. .:.t;:rig t..~ . s i~..W,.v -:.`}' 3 i+i O:ipah.-, .,ruin,. 5: .. ,nc ~-rCit~ gin. + , ...: i, :„_-., <br />Snt'v`.3nta t,i C{tCt:t URS?I ', uE I1 ::LSte _, ::tc r ;tnr.mC ¢L .v. a.l~,, n ...t. _l .. ,r ~-„ ,.., __ Ir,~.> _, -. ~ . <br />