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~- <br />:fy-::jam-~ <br />/ l <br />_~ ~ entered into the 3 p~ day of S L¢ T ° M ° 6 r ~~ <br />(htxeiaafter referred to as taortgagor j end the Admiaiatrator of the Smal! Boeineae Adtatiaistratioto, an aaeocy of the <br />f,avernment of the United States of America (hereinafter referred to as mortgagee j, who maintains as office sad <br />pfaeeofbnuaessat Empire State Bldg., 19th & Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 68102 <br />prettesstaa'S, that, far the conaideratioa hereinafter crated, receipt of which is hereb, ,' the <br />taort~gor does herehy tttortgagq sell, praa4 aasipt, attd convey onto the moetgagee, his esazaaort; -sad at+gpq, all <br />of the followias deat:ribed property situated attd beiaR in the Coaatp of Hall <br />~~ ~ Nebraska <br />iYte Sca£:! Fifty6aix Feat {So 56') ^f the Norr_h One Hundred Sixty-eight Feet <br />{No' 368`) of-the East Half {E 1/2)Vof Block'Ten {10) itt Pleasant Hcmte <br />Subdivision of Part of the East 'Half of the Southeast Quarter {E lY2 5E1/4) taf <br />Section Twentyrone {2I) , in Township Eleven (lI); North., Range Nine {9),, <br />West'of the 6th P.M. <br />ToKether with and in!•ludirag all Luildin~, all fixtnrrs including but nut limited to ail plumbing, iteaiirt}„ littbt- <br />}etg, Fe»#ilating,_refrigeralinpt, }ncinrratin~, air conditiunin;; apps rata,, an,i a}rvator+ (i}re mort;;akur }tcrrl,y <br />derlarittg thal it is intended ,ltat the item. hrrrin elmmrrated ,bal} la• +}rrmed to leave Leer prrmanentiy in- <br />,[alleal so- par[ of the malt} ), attd all iwpru~rmeut, now ur Lereaftrr e~i,tin~ ihrrrun; the bereditatuent~ ~ ud <br />a}llrurlenanrr. and all other ri„hts thereunto brio»;_ ing,, ur in arty wise al,pertainiag, and thr rrver,inn and rr- <br />ver.ion::, remaitnler and rrmainder», aH right~+ of ra+demptiun. amt thr rear.. ir:,ur., snd prutit~ nf` the abo.e <br />dereriht;d prapeNy -(provided, however, that the murt#;a#tur -,bat! Ih• rntit}ed to thr #w~,a•„ion of maid property <br />and taro(leet anti retain the rrnta, issues, anti profits ant#) de}sort hrreunder). "Co bass :at,i to hold the >,amr <br />ante t.'ttz-martga~ee anri--tom successors in itttere~,t of ti,e mort#taK~r urrFr is, see »:mpef z,e =tir~t r,:her. i-~i~ <br />if env. as ia.raated-herein. <br />The mattgagar covegants that he ia. Ltrfaily seirmd and poueased of and has the right to sell and canvep said <br />prapetty; the! ehc_ same is free from all encurnhrattcaa except as hereinabove recited; and that he hrroby Linda <br />himeslf-and his atueeewra,io intereat,to warrant and defend the tit}o aforraaid therein and every part thereat against <br />tflnt CI#Itnf 7!f ilI! pCrap6a N~aR6atvLC. i r p~ <br />This instrunlen! in given !u ,secure the payment of a promiaao~ note dated c`r")~`Y!'.+w 9 a ~" ~'G/ f964 ~ <br />_ __.._ <br />in,tllq principal slum a[ fF15;600.00. , signed by Geneva W. 6ousack • <br />la behalf „T. her°+.elf <br />,ac r«,M yrr ia-"r! r.<+,,:w cats...... os.«+>,.. <br />