Laserfiche WebLink <br />8il^~~.1~J~~e~ <br /> <br />tr•«tgJS~e mttde aed osta[0d into tha .jt:1 `~` da7 of / ~` 4 U <br />14 ,byttnd hetwes'n Frank 3. Hermes D/BjA KERMES FRINTI~AND WALLPAPERING, <br />(heteinsfter referred to u mortgagor) and the Administrator of the Small Bttsiaer Atlmiaiatrataon, as ~1ey of the <br />Government of the United States of America {hereinafter referred to as mortgagee), who maintsitgs an,agtx and <br />pbsaeo[boaitaasat Empire State Building, 14th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 65102 <br />Wtttstiastrrtr, that:fer the eotttsidetadon hereinafter-stated, t+eceipt of whim u herelsy :•tbe <br />morega®ttr does hereby tisetrtgage, sell, gram, attsign, and eanvey itnRO the- at~tgages; hia seeseesass asd alai tdl <br />of the folbwing dearrbed property situated and 6einR in the Cotmty of Hall <br />Sbte of Nebraska <br />Lot Six (5) in iientish Hills subdivision Located in the South <br />Half of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest Quarter,af Bettina <br />Twenty-five (25), Township Eleven (I1}, North,-Range Ten (10) West- <br />of the Sixth {6th) P..f., in Hall County, Nebrastta.~ <br />Tugeihor with and indudissq all buildinRa, all 6xture+ inelud:na bni nut limited to ail piuutbing, hratina, Sight- <br />itsl{, vrntilating, rr€ri{{eraiing, irrineratitsaF, air .;nndltiuriint; aptmratu.+, and r3rvatur.~ (the nturi;;a~ur hrrrh} <br />dertarins that it it intended that the itrnt+ hrrrin enumerated >ha{! be deeutnd to have prrmaneoth• in- <br />.tallyd ax part a€ thr malty ),and all insprusemrests now ur hrrea€ter exi.iin:; {hereon; the hereditament„ cmd <br />al+purtenancrr and all niher riehte thereunto i+elun~in; , ur in uo}wise appertaining„ nn,l tlpe revrr~iun and r... <br />var.ions, rrmain+lrr and rrmainder-, all riYht~ of redemptims, and tlu• rent=, issue., uud I+rvtih~ of the ahu,e <br />desrrlbed property (provided, hus.rver, that the court ga;;or shall br entitled io the po:->r~.+~iou of maid pruprrt. <br />and to rolled and retain tht• renh, is,ue,, and profits anti! default hereunder). Tn hale and to hold the sainr <br />mit~x-lot: nts>_t~xns*r a--1 !_ =ii;' -s,ira iii i i°~=1 i+f tlxt ...--° :r+tcia.: in {er i.++p u: -,a+++++ihr.- r , <br />if an. , us id atatiid hett.iu. <br />The mortgagor coveaanU that Fit is lawfully aeis;d and possenaed nE and hat the right to nett and convey eaid <br />property; that [he same ie free €rJra all encuralirancre ezcept as hereinal.~nre trcited; and that !ee hereby blade <br />hitttself ant} h}s eu{gete<ora ip intereat to warrant and 'te€end the title aforesaid therm<> and esrn part thereof against <br />tha claitnp o(,~tll•kcrspgs.whomaoever, <br />Thin inatraiisent is givnn to eecure the pa}'maeni of a prorniasury note dated , <br />in the principal sum of S 7,000.00 ,signed h} Frank ,J, l{ermes lit Bi~~ fit,RiiF.S i't:liJ~Jl tit; :1::U <br />~~'~.'CNf,, <br />hlmsel,f <br />+aA rurw •+3. a3.•-~3i V::.tu.. F:.f;.:.m .r. .>n..a)..e <br />