$~-- t;~~42b MQRTGAGE
<br />THf9 IIYDI:N747k~, mode this 24th day or_ S ~resahgr__, IS _$0, bY_end-~betweea
<br />JoAnn M. Worthen, a single person,
<br />of Half County, Nebraska, as mortgagor ____ , and Greed Island Trust Company- of Grand Ialertd, a corporation
<br />organirzd sad eziatfng under the laws of Nebraska with ire prmdpsl office and glue of 6nsiness at Graml Island, Nevreslta, as mortgagee;
<br />WITNF.SSETA: TItaL said mortgagor-. ,for and is comidastion o[ the sum of _ -
<br />Six Thousand Four hundred Thirty Seven and 001100 ********** BolLea~fE°~ 6',43Z_06 1,
<br />the receipt of whteh is hereby aefcnowi®dged. do __ by these presents mortgage end warrant unto said~moift~ag _ - sad asalga;e,
<br />µ~....
<br />forever, all the following deeaihed real estaW, situated in the County of _--_ Hall - -"~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ •-.F
<br />sad 3tnW of Nebraska, to•wit: - -
<br />Lot Five (5) in Bockmann First Subdivision described as
<br />a tract of land comprising a part of the Southwest
<br />Quarter of the Southwest Qrtarter (SWf-~SW'~) of Section
<br />Eleven (11), Township Eleven (11), Range Ten (IO) West
<br />of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Together with all henLivg, air corrditioniag, lighting, and plumbing equipment and fixtures, including screens, awnings, storm windows sad
<br />doors, and window shades or bli¢ds, used on or N connection with said prt petty, whether the same are now located on said property or hereafter
<br />platsd thereon.
<br />TO HAVE ANP T(1 fIGI.!? THE SAME, tngsther with all and singuhrr the [nnements. hmeditamenta a¢d nppurtenaneea [hereunW be-
<br />lo¢gitrg, or in ertywise appertnintng, forever, and warrant the title W the sa¢re. Stdr; morgegor ._.... hereby covenant ___. -with said
<br />mortgagee that ___.. _.§he._-_ 39 ____._. , at the delivery hereti, the.Iawful owner of the premises above conveyed and described,
<br />and ~_._~9-__,_ soizetd of a good and indefeaaibka estate of inharitanes therein, free and c:ear of all encumbrances. and tha[.__She___ will
<br />warrant and defend the title ChereW forever against the claims and demands of al] persona whomsoever.
<br /><PRAVIDED ALWAYS, and this inetru¢wat is executed and delivered W secure the payment of the sum of `.
<br />_ 5$x Thousand FQ~-~_ttuadtssl_Tbirty-~€~!en a~cL 49142_----._- Daunts ls._ 6,4.~Z~Q_ .. _ . __.. __--_i.
<br />wftltifntereaL thereon, together, with such charges and edvmma es may be due sad payable w said mortgagee under the terms and conditions
<br />of the promissory now of even data herewith and secured hereby, eaecuted by said mortgagor _,._.. _ W said mortgagee, payable as expressed
<br />in said mte, a~ W ascots the parformeace of sli the tmvre end conditions contained therein- The [error of said now are hereby incorporated
<br />berate by this reference. -
<br />IC is lire intention a~ ngraermnt of iha parties hereto that this mortgage shall also eacarre say future edvancva made w said mortgagor.- _
<br />by said arortgsgea, and my and ail indeblydcusa is additwn w the amount abvve stated whit}, said mortgagors, or any of them, may owe w
<br />said mortgagee, however uvulenoal, whether by note, book account nr otherwise. Phis vwrtgage shall remain in fall force and etfsct between
<br />the parties hereW and rhea heire, parsanal representatives, successors and assigns, until all amounts secured hereunder, including fuLUn•
<br />advances, ern paid in tuL' with incen+st.
<br />The mortgagor...__.___ hereby assign S. w raid mortgagee sfl ronw and inwme arising et nqy and all times from said property and
<br />hereby authorize said moKgagee ar its agent, at its alriitv+, apse default, to take charges of said property errd collect all reuu and innrure
<br />therettwa end apply the sane W the peymant o1 fine:aat, principal, inanraarre premiums, tazrre, essemmenta, repairs ar impruvenwnta
<br />nseesaary W keep said Proper'tY ~ taaantable caoditian, or w uLher chargor or paymmta provided for heroin or in the note hereby strand. This
<br />rent aeeignnasrrt ahail trontirrua in tome until the u¢pafd balance of anid nW.e ig tally paid. Thv caking ut passvssion hsreumfer akrult in nu manner
<br />pravaat or retard aeirl moK•b'a8or N the roUectioa a{ said earns by furedoaun w utberwwa.
<br />The failure of the mortgagee w assert say of its rights hereunder at any time shall ¢ot V,e construed a, a waiver of its right to esscn the
<br />sancta at say later limn, and W insist ulna and enforce sLritt compliance with all the u!nna and provisions of said now anti of Lhu nwrlgage.
<br />It said mortgagor shalt cause w ba paid w seal mortgagor the entire amount due it harnunder, anti under the terms asuf pr!rviaions
<br />of said mte hereby anCtt[ed, including fuWre etLvaaces, end any extausions or reaawals theroof in a«~ordence with the leans and provisimrs
<br />thereof, and i[ aefd mortgagor ______ shalt wmpty with ail the Provisions of said note sad of Chia monb'egn, than these presents shall be void;
<br />otherwise W Pernaitt is fall farce and attest, and said mor[gagae ehe116e entitled w the possession of all at said propony, end nary, at its option,
<br />tlar]ara the whole of acid cote a¢d sll 'vtdabte~aes repreeented thereby w be itrrrtrodiewiy due amt pixyable, end may fonxlase this nwngage
<br />or take aqv other iegsl actvyn W penWCE iG right. Appraisemem waived.
<br />This mortgage shall be binding upo¢ end shell enure w the bane&t of the hairs, ex t-uturs, administrawrs, successors and assign ul Jte
<br />reepactive parties heteW.
<br />tN WITNESS WHEEECiF, saki Mortgagor _. - ha _ s . hereunw set _. heT hand -. __ the day and year first abo„=
<br />wriGte¢.
<br />..
<br />_io~itrr 'i. Worthen
<br />T
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