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Nq'RF_.. - - n. _!TM~+"'. -.._twv [t' Nd.°.S(rslew.:[\Y1ANf~h'a"~YLnY~<'M'~ [;~15 ! ~,yyn.:-e'Fa ~fYFl,ihN <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Lerxckr's writtcn ag, rtrtttrii or fit plicaVe,Iaw- RoffCt%tr $hall P2Y the a.rnot m Of 311 ttldrtgatt insurance premiums in the <br /> rnar;nt: } r'orA'Cd under paragraph Z hereeof. <br /> Ar:y art mints disNirscd by, itn4er, pursuant to this para.gtar lz 7, with intrust thcston. shall 'becrrr-,c additional, <br /> irttlelttedncrs of Sorro',+rrr secured by this Mortgage. Unlem Berrcfwer and Lender agree to ether terms tot rayralent, such, <br /> amounts shall be rtayable upon notice from Lender to Pi*rcyw,ee requeving piaymerit thereof, and shall hear interest from the <br /> date of dixiaur;srment at the rate payable from time to Bette on outstanding principal under the 1ti`me tamless payment of <br /> intern, ,t at such rate would be contrary to applicable laser. its *I-ieh event sttch aernourits shall hear inrerett at the highest rate <br /> permissa'bie eis<dcr applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Leader to incur any e.xpertse or take <br /> any xvion hereundry. <br /> 5. Inspection, Lender may make or cause to K- -nude reasonal ;e cn!rics upon send inspections of the Props iy. provided <br /> 01rat L ertder shall givc.Bo:-row•er . olicc prior to any such inspection KpcCifiing reaso :aFle cau-;c ;hcrefor related to T.end--r'a <br /> nte:ist in the Property, <br /> 9. C'rindem-rotor The proceeds of any award or clains for damaecs, direct or cohscqucntial, in ccimn cl;on Aitlh any <br /> condemnation or ;other taking of the Prope,rty,, or pan thereof; or for cortv:ryancc in lieu or condemnation. arc heathy astigncd <br /> and shall b paid iii Lender. <br /> in flit ctirstt of a total taking (if that Property, the prccceds shall he applied to the semi vcured by this ~M,.rlgagc, <br /> with the c,,ctSN. if any. paid to Bonmwer. In the event of a partial taking of the. Protverty, unless Borrower and Under <br /> o'hcnAisc agree in writing, IFmrc shalt tv applied to the rums !secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br /> s is egoal to 1~of nre-portion which the arnount of the sums secured by !his Morigage imricdiweev miter to the daic of <br /> takiigbcars to the fair rnarkict vaitec of the Property' immediate!} prior to the date of taking. wi;h the balantc of the pro:ct Is <br /> paid tea 130 'r0"'cr. <br /> If the Prop`rty i5 abandoned by Borrower. or if. after notice by Lender to Borrower.ihat the condemner vft'cr, to snake <br /> an atvard or twirl- a claim for darnages, Burrower fails to respozTd to i.ender wiTh;n 30 day- after the data such notice is <br /> mauled: I..entirr aoahorizcd to collect and -apply the proceeds, at l_r.nder's option. either to femora6cin or rc,;,air' of the <br /> ^rancrt% o+ to the await tcr,t;rcd by '.his Mortt,age. <br /> Unlcce i endcr and RorroAcr i~ther~rice agree in writing; any such application of procce& to principal sha41 no* evtcnd <br /> or.i~`stpnnc.thc due date of the monthly instailmcnis -tfrrred to in paragraphs I and ? hlertof or changr the ornotint of <br /> each instalttrents. <br /> 10. Borrower Not Releiased, Exler.sion of the time for pay'nient or mrdif:cation of amort,za,;on of the r,;ms cecia•ed <br /> by !his NSc+~g:gc granted by L:em!er to any su cegsc,r in interest of Borrower stall not opcraic let rclrasc. in any manner. <br /> 11tc liability of the original Borrower a-,-W $orroaer s succ~-ssors in 7nicrest. Y_ender shall not he required to cornrnencc <br /> procccding=. ; rgaiml s;rch svccc,,sor or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify, amc.rtixation of the sums <br /> secured by tl it Mortgage by reA,,on of m demand made by the original Borrc-Acr and Borrower's s!rccct.sors in intcrerst. <br /> ,1 1. Forbearance by Lender Not m XIver. Any fo-be.srancc by Lender its c,~crcising any right. or remedy .hereunder, or <br /> wherwise afforded by applicable lave, shall not. be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or rcrnc3y. <br /> The procurrn;ent of insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by L.ereder shall nut ire a waiver of I_endrr i <br /> right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness cecared by this M-Otgage <br /> 12. Remedies Cumulative. All remedies provided in this Nfortkage are distinct and cumulative to any other right or <br /> re:mcdy under thK Morigage or afforded by late or equity. and may be cxcrciccc( concurrently. independently or utcccss'wcly. <br /> 13. Successors and Assigns Bound, Joint and Severatl Liability; Captions. The covenants and agreements htrcin <br /> c.omlained shall hind. and the rights hercumler shall inurt to, the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, <br /> su,?;cct to the provisions of paragraph 17 hereof. All covenants and agreements of Borrower shall be joint and several. <br /> 'T'he captions and %cad:ngs of the paragraphs of this Nfortgake are for convenience. only and are not to be used to <br /> intcrprct or defte the provisions hereof. <br /> 14. .'notice. Except for any notice required under applicable law to be given in. another manner. (a) any notice to <br /> Borrower provided for in this M0rtgt,gc .Shaul be. giv-n by mauling with notice by. cenified mail addressed to Borrower at <br /> the Prcpe.riy Address or at such other address. as Borrower' may designate by notice to. tender as provided herein, rtnd <br /> (b) any notice to Leiaeaer shall. be givers be certified mail. return receipt recliKsted. to tender's address stated herein or t',? <br /> Such other address as Lender may desigwate by notice to. Borrower as provided herein. Any notice provided for in :his <br /> 'Mortgage sh )l .be deemed to have I+ccn liven: io Borrower or Lander when given in the manner designated herein. <br /> 15. Uniform Martgrege.; Governing L zw,, Severability. This form of mortgage combines uniform covenants for national <br /> trsc and non-uniform coverants with lirnsted •eariations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument covering <br /> real property. This Mortgage shall be govwmed by the law of the jurisdiction in which the Properly is located. In the <br /> r.vent that any provision or clause of this Mortgage or the Note coafiicts with applicable law, such conflict shall not affect <br /> other provisions of this 'ti ongage or the Note which can be given cfTect without the conflicting provision. and to this <br /> end jht prmi-dons of the Rfortgage and IN-, Note are declared to be severable. <br /> 14. Rarvower:s Copy. Borrower shall be furnished a confornrd copy of the Vote and of this Mcartlyage at the time <br /> of cxe;:.utinr, or:after recordation hereof. <br /> 17. Transfer of the Property: Assurreption. If all or any part of the Property or an interest therein is sold or transferred <br /> by Bortowcr without Lender's prior t eaten consent. excluding (s) the creation of a lien or enc,trthrahcc auScirdinase to <br /> this M?,-rtgagle• N the creation of Y. pt'rrchasc money security interest for household appliances, (c) a transfer by devise, <br /> d,."ccn, or by operation of lain upon thkr death of a joint tenant or (d).the grant of any leascho'rd interest or thrcc years or less <br /> not cok'tia ning an option to purchase. 7-ender may, at Le,ndirr's option, declare all the sums secured by this Mortgage to be <br /> xrim 4 lit"ct} and p syab!c. I r Eder %ha1i have %%aived such option to accelerate if. prior to t)fr. vale or transfer. Lender <br /> ar i tl~c s-erron to w rein the N pcrty is io be said or transferred reach writing that the crt-dit ctif such ; rsnn <br /> is s !isfaciory ;c Lender and that hr: interest payable on the sterns seckl)lcd by this MO:IEafe tha:l he at such rare wx i.cnder <br /> sift rcq.acst. If Lender has waited the option to accelerate provided in this paragraph 17, and if Fiorrowcr's r•tacc'ctsor in <br /> in `sf bas cxcct !cd a writtcit assu <br /> '4 N <br /> rnp6on agreement accepted in writing by L.cnder, ) endtr shall rrlcase R. orrow-cr from all <br /> ab era. tions ean{ler this Mortgage an. the t>;0' <br /> If I ender c crc;ses zaich option to accelerate. Lender shall mail 'Rarrower notice of acceleration in accordance with <br /> gartgraph 14 hereof. Such none:,- shall provide a ptritid of not less than 30 days from t1w da!c the noticc is mailed within <br /> ne rr wrr ma} r^a}' the tt.rr.s declared itch. If Sarno c. fails ro pay zvch t;tr±ay pritar to t:ae c•; cr is r, of •ui`t i, : %r„i. <br /> L.enc :r rndy, "ithow fr;rtl,:cr nwicc or demand on Sotrewcr, invoke any ternedies pcrrn;'ued by paragraph 18 hcrcof. <br /> tic3ti.lTw,t~a!rar ('0'6•r,t4A.%is, Born.mer and Lender fuilher covenatat and agree as follows:. <br /> 19. Acteler2lt nn; Remedies. Except ;u prosi4rd its paragraph 17 hereof, upon norrovver's breach of any covenant or <br /> A-re 'mtrat of Rofepwtr in this Mortg2ce, incineing the covenant,; to pay "hen due any, sums w. cured by this Nit.rtgage, <br /> Leader prfrw to uref1tration. shall m111 native to ItrcirnrWtt a9 pr•ovldcd Im paragraph *#4 hereof sprcif)iag: (1) the breach; <br /> (2) tbe acth)a required to curt such breach; (3) sl AMe. not !ears than 30 ,dsn_s frosa the date the notice is nutiled to M*rrat•cr. <br /> by which swh brrasch most b# , cured;, and (4) eldest failart to sure such..brmh on or before the date specified in the notice <br /> May rfterit in aceelemtlon of the surin secured by thk,**1t►tMe, fore'tlasnre by judichd prorerdieg and safe of the Prop.; rty. <br /> The notkv shall further informs; Bormwer of the right to tein*, g ittler areelenalon and the right .to.w,%ert In the fortrtesure <br /> procreding the ruin-exWence of. a de awl or fiery' Giber dcte gf $owrow" to sccrtriat;on and frarrclnture. If the brwsch <br /> is nett cure:l on or befort the date rspeelfied In tae raVt`icee,, U=41tyr aft `Unt*eg Option iizoy declare all of the ;sums wcured by <br /> t'Sts 4tutlg, tZe'to he Inintedrately due zod payole viithoat furtAer drtnand :sad nay forrcltKe tar judicial pracerding. Lender <br /> '0'all t#e rnFtfled to tatted in,srrth procr-eding aft expeitws or fevt4oftre, h-cluditrg; but not limited to, cures of documentary <br /> rl;d-crire, is :a.t.r.teis and title re pow <br /> 19, gorro.+ces Might to Reimfate. ;`.'omithstu►ding Le'nder's acceleration of the teams 1c.-Cwrd by this Morrkagr. <br /> 3 ,rte° •iiat;t }tike the XjJ;ht t<: have any prmcediap begun by L.rmlfltr to enforce 'Nil :M0r1g'i'C dircontlnucd at any time <br />