80- ~ d ~ 418 MORTGAGE
<br />THIS MQRTGAGE is made this ...............24th ~ ~ dayy~of .. Septasber
<br />SII NI_ICHAEL L. ARMSTROh1G ~t11d©~i'A~CA J. ARMS'I`f20t~, titisliand.etid'
<br />If3.... , betweea tiffi Mortgagor, .
<br />.....
<br />,wife ..............................therein "Bormwer"!, a~ the Mortgagee, Iitrme Federal
<br />3aviaga sad Loan Association, a corporation organized and etdsting under the laws of The United Ststea of
<br />America, whose address is 221 Sauth I.octtst Street, Grand Island. Nebraska (hereia "I.endei 'l-
<br />Wtt$ae,ts, Borrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of, F! FTY TWO THOUSAND AND N01100
<br />. ... ..........
<br />~_ ..--Se temtier ~ 24 ~1~98t]~-------------~-dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's note
<br />dated.... P.......... r ........... (herein "Note"}, providing for montlily installments of princi al d interest,
<br />December I , pZ00~
<br />with the balance of the•indebtedrtess, if not sooner paid, dtre and payable on ............... . ............. .
<br />'fo Ssctrat> to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the
<br />payment of alt other sams, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protece the security of this
<br />Mort~ge, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and (b) the repayment
<br />t i arty furvrz advances, -..ith interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 27 hereof (het~zin
<br />"Frstttre Advances"), Bortower does herebyH~rtgage, grant and convey to Lender the following described property
<br />Eocated in the Caunty of ........................................... State of Nebraska:
<br />which has the addrtass of ............... . 3536 Schroeder .Aver;~e_ . „r ....... Grind ! s I and
<br />................
<br />[streeet tctrl
<br />Nebraska 68801 {herein "Property Address"};
<br />tst~w a,w zta cnamt. .
<br />Toaerxax with elf the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all casements, rights,
<br />apgurtenattces, renit, royalties, mineral, ail and gas rights and prafic;, water, water rights, noel :velar st~;k, attd ail
<br />fixtures new or hereafter attached to the property, alt of which, including replacements and additions thereto, shall be
<br />deemed to be and remain a pan of the property covett~d by this Mortgage; and ail of the toregoiag, together with ;aid
<br />property (or the lesseholdestat~ if this Moxtgagz fs on a leasehaldl aer here-in referred to as the "Property".
<br />Hormwer rstvenants-. tlutt $turower is !awfully seised of the estate bt:reby ctutvcyc,d and bas ehc right to mortgage.
<br />grant and convey the izoporty, tlEat the Prupertp is uncttcomitered, and that Borrower wilt warrant anti deicnd
<br />generally the title Eo tlae ~raperty against ail Maims and demands. subject to xny deciaratiotts, :°asetnettts ur restrictions
<br />listed-in a t'i~dttl=: of ~-a=~ In ~=v~ragc ict any =.~~ irzttea~e ~,ls;, inat;ri ,0 1,xne.=_t's :..,~rc-3z In the ~ a,~v.-r':t.
<br />--) ta4t'anuy-$r?5-~ftNUlFfgM: Wf~9tiM SMBTiYMEkt
<br />