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(~ lb. Thai the ,Lforrgagor wilt keep the bui3dittgs upon said premiss in gaud repair, and neitlter cammiT nar ptsmit wash <br />Irpon said land, nor wirer the said premises [o be used for any unlawtat pttrposc. <br />i 1. That if the premises. or any part thtreof: be totttkmntd rtndtr the power of eminent domain, or acquired for a putrtic <br />use, the damages awarded, the proceeds for the taking of. ar the corzsideration for sorb acquisition, to the extent of the full- <br />- -- "araottntof indebrtdncs upon this mortgagt and the note which it is given to secure remaining unpaid, are hereby assigned by the <br />6!i>itgagror to !fit -!niortgagce, and stfatl be paid forthwith to said Mortgagte to be applied by the taeter on actaunC of tFte ntzt <br />igt, rtraturinginstathnentsafsuchindebtedness. <br />'_ - - l3. Tht Mortgagor futther agrees that should this mortgage and the not! secured hereby not be eligible for in- <br />' - surance tmdcr tftt IJationalLiousing Act within 60 ~Y~ from the date hereof {written statement of any odtecr <br />of tht- Depattttunt of -Housing and- Urban Devclopment ar authorized" agent of the Secretary-of -Housing- and LJfian <br />f7evetopmentdated subsequent tothe- c0 days time-from thedate of-ibis mortgage. declining to inwre said <br />mote and this mortgage: bring deemed conclusive praof of such ineligibitiry), the ;Mtortgagee or holder of-the-note <br />may, at its aptiort, declare art sums scurrtd hereby immediately tiueand-payable. - - <br />l3.-That $ the Mortgagor fails to make any payments of money when the same become due, or fats to conform io and- <br />_ comply with any of the conditions or agreements contained in this mortgage. or the Hate which it secures: then the entire princi- <br />- pa! wm and accrued intcrest shad xt once become due and payable, at the election of the Mortgagte; and this mortgage-may <br />"- ttiereuponbe foretlosed immediately for the whole of said money, interest, monthly payments, costs, ground Tents, taxes and <br />- the tortofextendingtht abstract of titre fromthe data of this loan to [he time of commencing such foredawre suit, and a rea- <br />_ sortable attarttay's fee. art a( which shalt be included in the decree of foreclosure; and iht contract emtwdied in this mortgage <br />- and~the-trott-sccurtd fiereby, shall in al! rtspects t+c governed. construed and adjudged by the taws of tVebraska, wherethe- <br />- satntstnade. -: - - <br />- ~- The covcnants herein contained shall bind. and the benefits artd advantages shall insure to. the respcetive heirs, executors, <br />- - -attmitilatratara, successors and assigns of the parties"hereto. «thenev€r used, the singular number shat! include the-phtret, the <br />~plttratthe~singular; acrd the use of any gender shall be applicable to all gtnders. <br />- - - -Tt~ foregoing--conditions, aH and singular. being.performed according to they natural and legal import, this conveyance <br />shalt bexout amf said premiss released at the expenx of tht Mortgagor, otherwise fn be and remain in full force and effect. <br />iNWiT1VE5S WHEREOF. the Martgagortsl ha ve hereunttp set rhtti,~r handls) the dayand year first: <br />-above written. <br />in presence of: - <br />>ri.lard'.'R Fr`~adri,ck <br />~,} r 7 SEAL f <br />r ~ 3,-y . - {'V~ ~7.J~ c r9 +, r'd? j SEAL <br />~~Jo Lene M, Fredri ak <br />ISEALi <br />- l seAt. f <br />sTArE~~tJE9RASI~A. } <br />~;;*: <br />C:"UUttTYOF IIA2,3: <br />Ont:s ZSth day of Senteimiaer~ . A.U. iv~r~ . bcl',:bie~:rnt, <br />' ~ i a;,, ti~*3r~= ~,a.''3.i.c m and for said County., ),ay;rsoaatlye°amt <br />- - - --~~Iard-1~.-. Predt'i~clt. and Ssa r"._e t1, i=redricK. husband and- wife <br />. prnonalty rte me known <br />to be tht idetuical ptrsong wftost rwme s are af6zed to the strove and foro- <br />~ninginstrvettrttas Mnttgttgex, and they have acknowledged the said instrument and the <br />extttttian thertaf io bed +~olumary act smJ dtrd. fur the purge+ses therein expressed. <br />it <br />- In teatimgrty wttertaf, l have hcrtunty xt my hand and affixed by ray stal at Grand rs land, Neb;:aska <br />un thedaty:aral date last above written, r, <br />1 Y4 xtgit~<l'!ut RFi•SI)~s et APXi:xiA' <br />S7'ATEOFN88RAS31~A ~~~~ _ <br />fyted far rtcwd [iris dap of <br />of a cWttc <br />rtxtitFttd it 1f«wk <br />' ~. <br />~ ~i,-traJ i 6L f° <br />uatalt friltslif <br />a_P- ty <br />M., and entered in Numeri.:at (ndt.+. and <br />of MOflgngCS, un <br />Register +rt I)eCds <br /> <br />